God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2316 Confusing the real with the fake

"Brother Wang, did he encounter an accident?" Princess Chao Ge asked in a low voice, feeling confused.

After a moment of silence, Xigu nodded and said softly: "I'm sorry, you brothers and sisters have traveled two thousand miles to return to your hometown, and my uncle failed to protect you."

Hearing this, Princess Chaoge, Xiyun and others were all petrified on the spot. They thought it was just a matter of speculation, but Xigu came to the door in person to admit it.

This completely wiped out the last hope in everyone's hearts. The huge blow in a short period of time left no one able to react at all.

"The deceased has passed away. Please express your condolences and accept the change..." Xigu looked solemn and continued: "I originally wanted to make Xi Ning's nephew the future crown prince, but now there is no chance. Princess Chaoge, you are his sister. , I hope you will take over his responsibilities."

"My brother Wang is gone, what's the point of talking about this now!"

Princess Chao Ge, who had always been as gentle as water, was rarely really angry. She completely ignored etiquette and dignity and couldn't help shouting.

The extreme anger and huge blow made Princess Chao Ge's mind go blank, her whole body was shaking, and she was about to faint.

Xiyun supported Princess Chaoge who was about to fall, and immediately glared at King Xigu angrily, roaring: "Who cares about such a useless prince? If you don't give a satisfactory explanation today, don't blame me. Kill your Tidal Kingdom!"

High Priest Xuanshui was still calm, but he had already condensed the battle spirit and spiritual armor without any sound, and was obviously preparing to make a big fuss.

Even though he knew very well that just a few of them couldn't make a big splash, and they might even lose their lives for it, he still didn't hesitate at all.

King Xigu was also shocked by the fierce reaction of everyone. Even though he was mentally prepared, he never expected that the always gentle Princess Chaoge could be so excited!

These three people seemed eager to eat them alive, which showed how much they valued Prince Xining, to the extent that they were willing to pay the price with their lives to seek justice.

Especially the commander of Xiyun's personal guard who Xi Ning specially ordered. This person usually looks harmless to humans and animals, and would not attract anyone's attention in a crowd of people.

However, in his furious state, he looked fierce and ferocious, which even made him feel a little stressed. He now understood why Xi Ning had specifically asked him to only tell him the truth.

Otherwise, I am afraid that Xiyun will really make a big fuss in the Tidal Kingdom regardless of everything, which will probably cause a huge commotion.

"Xianning Xining, you really made my uncle miserable..." King Xigu frowned slightly, thinking secretly in his heart.

"Chief Guards Xiyun, I have something to say to you alone!"

King Xigu tried his best to hide his emotions and said expressionlessly.

"If you have something you can't say face to face, why do you have to hide it?" Xiyun said fiercely before his anger dissipated.

"You'd better come here, otherwise I'm sure you will regret it..."

While speaking, King Xigu ignored Xiyun's reaction and walked towards an empty space without anyone.

The Great Imperial Master stayed where he was and guarded the gate of Dongyuan Palace to prevent Chao Ge, High Priest Xuanshui and others from taking the opportunity to rush out, and also to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to break into Dongyuan Palace.

Xiyun looked at King Xigu's back and seemed to have noticed something, so he followed him without much hesitation.

This matter was really too strange. With his understanding of Feng Yixiu, he definitely wouldn't die so easily.

"Your Highness Xining is not dead at all, is he?" Xiyun walked slowly behind King Xigu and said before the other party turned around.

King Xigu slowly turned around and said calmly: "I finally understand why nephew Xining asked me to only tell you the truth. You are a smart person..."

"Sorry, I was rude just now. I apologize to Your Majesty!"

"It doesn't matter... you are a loyal person. What I admire most in my life are people like you. Xining's nephew is lucky to have a personal guard like you. If you are indifferent to Xining's death, If so, I really have to consider whether to tell you the truth." King Xigu shook his head and said lightly.

"Then can I ask in detail what happened?" Xiyun asked after completely regaining his composure.

"That's natural..."

Xigu told the whole story in detail, and in the end he did not forget to say: "In order not to affect future plans, I hope you can try to appease the emotions of Chao Ge, Xi Feng and others."

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Since His Highness Xi Ning trusts his subordinates so much, I will never betray his trust." Xi Yun clasped his fists slightly and said in a deep voice.

Fortunately, he wasn't too impulsive just now. If his identity was exposed, or if Feng Yixiu's power of transformation was released, the consequences would be irreversible.

"In order to avoid arousing suspicion, I will not stay here for a long time. The reception banquet will still be held in a few days. At that time, I will take the opportunity to mention the establishment of the crown prince. I hope you can persuade Princess Chaoge to work hard to win the position of crown prince." King Xigu After giving an explanation, he quickly left Dongyuan Palace in order not to cause unnecessary trouble.

However, after leaving Dongyuan Palace, a large number of tide elites were specially sent to guard the surrounding area. On the surface, they were to prevent Princess Chaoge and others from causing trouble, but in fact they were protecting Princess Chaoge.

"Xiyun, what did His Majesty tell you?" High Priest Xuanshui asked hurriedly when he saw Xiyun coming back.

"Your Majesty told me what happened. Elder Hong, who killed His Highness Xining, has been brought to justice. His Highness Jiuquanxia can rest in peace..."

Xiyun also knew the seriousness of the matter but did not tell the truth.

Hearing this, Princess Chaoge, who originally had a glimmer of hope, collapsed instantly, and her extreme anger made it impossible for him to remain calm.

"What are you talking about? Elder Hong is obviously just a scapegoat. I want to seek justice for Brother Wang!"

As she spoke, Princess Chaoge was about to rush out of Dongyuan Palace, but Xiyun hugged her tightly.

"Let me go. You are still good brothers. I really misjudged you!" Princess Chaoge struggled desperately, but her strength was far from Xiyun's opponent. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

"No matter what you think of me, I won't let you die. You are no match for Chaoyin." Xiyun refused to let go and said in a deep voice.

"Even if it means going to die, I will go!"

Seeing that she couldn't break free, Princess Chaoge bit down on Xiyun's shoulder in desperation, the force was so strong that it drew blood.

"If I can make you feel better if you die, just try your best, I can hold on!" Xiyun frowned, but did not stop the out-of-control Chao Ge, and immediately continued: "Death is a cowardly act, don't Forget that there are millions of Tide people who still rely on you, and His Highness also carries an important mission for China. If you leave, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

"sorry Sorry……"

After saying these words, Xiyu clearly felt that the pain on his shoulder gradually eased, and the out-of-control Princess Chaoge also slowly calmed down.

Looking at the crying Princess Chaoge, Xiyun felt heartbroken. She wanted to tell him the truth several times, but for the sake of the overall situation, she held back.

"Although His Highness is gone, I am still here. As long as I am still alive, I will never let you face all this alone..." Xiyun gently stroked Princess Chao Ge's back and comforted her softly.

"Master Yun, what should I do?" Chaoge choked with sobs.

"As things stand now, you can only fight for the crown prince position as much as possible. Only in this way can you prevent the Tide Kingdom from joining the ocean disaster. At the same time, your millions of Tide people can also be protected by you and not be bullied by others." Xiyun gently wiped the tears on Chaoge's face with his sleeves and said softly.

"But I'm afraid I can't do it..." Princess Chao Ge trilled.

"Your Majesty is a trustworthy person, and he will definitely support you with all his strength. We just need to do our best to have a clear conscience." Xiyun comforted softly.

"Mr. Yun, fortunately I still have you. If you also left with Brother Wang, I really can't imagine..." Princess Chaoge lowered her head and muttered to herself.

"I will always be by your side, as long as you don't mind me being annoying." Xiyun smiled slightly and said softly: "Don't be too sad these days, and you must take care of yourself. His Majesty only said that His Highness is missing. If a miracle happens, if you see that I haven’t taken good care of you, you will definitely kill me.”

"Okay... I will take care of myself, even if it is just to fulfill Brother Wang's last wish." Princess Chaoge nodded softly and said softly.

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