God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2355 Star Sea Mother King

"As expected of a possessor of the Poseidon bloodline, he can use the Tide Law as easily as his own spiritual weapon. It is simply unbelievable..."

The great elder stroked his beard and nodded with satisfaction.

"Sea Barrier!"

Princess Chao Ge slowly opened her arms, and the illusion of the Queen behind her also unfolded simultaneously.

In an instant, with Princess Chaoge as the center, layers of violent ocean currents were rushing out, like indestructible ocean barriers.

The Poison Cross Slash that came from all directions was instantly defeated in front of the turbulent waves. Also repelled was Xi Mo, who was about to approach.

Ximo felt as if he was fighting against the entire ocean current. He was ruthlessly knocked out of the space where there was no resistance, and hit hard on a giant coral. The little advantage he had just established was instantly wiped out.

"Damn it...it turns out that the Tide Law is so powerful." Xi Mo got up in embarrassment and muttered in a low voice.

Only when he truly experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit's will could Xi Mo realize what a terrifying shock Prince Xi Ning had just experienced.

The most terrifying thing is that Prince Xining used his own power to forcibly destroy the will of the Holy Spirit. You must know that Princess Chaoyin's spiritual power is far superior to Chaoge, which means that the baptism that the other party has experienced will only be stronger than what she has experienced!

"It seems that the blitzkrieg is not feasible, so the only option is to fight a war of attrition..."

Ximo looked coldly at Princess Chao Ge in the center and murmured to himself.

This tactic is obviously very correct. The Tidal Decree requires a large amount of spiritual power to support it. It is expected that Princess Chaoge will not be able to support it for too long.

Since Princess Chaoge's spiritual power is at an absolute disadvantage, she cannot control the tidal decree to cover a large area of ​​attack. As long as the opponent's spiritual power is exhausted, that is the best time for him to fight back.

After formulating a battle plan in his mind, Ximo no longer launched a reckless fast attack, but summoned his ultimate fighting spirit, the Abyss Devil Ray!

The size of this abyssal devil ray is not huge among the ultimate fighting spirits. Its wings are only about forty meters in size when spread out. Its whole body has a dark purple luster, like a black bat sneaking under the sea, with a flat and streamlined shape. Its body shape allows it to swim extremely fast.

Not only that, the wings of the Abyss Devil Ray also have jagged bone spurs as sharp as knives, which can also secrete extremely toxic nerve venom, which will instantly paralyze the opponent once hit.

While Ximo was summoning the war spirit, Princess Chaoyin also immediately summoned her ultimate war spirit, the Star Sea Mother King.

The size of the star jellyfish king is not very huge, it is just larger than the abyss manta ray, with an overall diameter of more than sixty meters.

The whole body is translucent, and azure starlight can be faintly seen flashing inside the body, and the tentacles are slowly swaying and floating in the air.

This was also the first time that Feng Yixiu saw the evolution of the Ultimate Body with his own eyes, so he subconsciously began to scan the specific data:

[War Spirit Name]: Star Sea Mother King

[War spirit attributes]: water, poison

[War Spirit Level]: Ultimate Body

[War Spirit Level]: Level 8, Level 3

[War Spirit Quality]: King Level (Super Limit)

[War Spirit Skills]: Ten thousand stars in the sea, like bubbles in a dream, jellyfish storm, mother of the ocean

[Requirements for promotion to Holy Spirit Body]:...

"It turned out to be even better than I expected. It seems there is no problem..." Feng Yixiu nodded with satisfaction and murmured in a low voice.

Compared with the complete body, the Star Sea Queen has basically maintained its original combat style, and its attributes and skills in all aspects have made a qualitative leap, the most critical of which is the last combat spiritual skill.

The "Mother of the Ocean" combat spiritual skill is the main reason why Feng Yixiu firmly evolves in this direction. This combat spiritual skill can perfectly cooperate with Princess Chaoge's Bihailuo Xiao.

Although the game is not over yet, since Ximo made preparations for a protracted war, Feng Yixiu could already foresee that he would lose miserably!

"The sea of ​​stars is heavy!"

Princess Chao Ge opened her red lips lightly and saw that the Star Sea Marine Queen began to split at a high speed, but in the blink of an eye, she transformed into countless Star Sea Marines.

Compared with the perfect body period, the number and quality of the jellyfish split by the Star Sea Jelly King at this time have been significantly improved, and all the clones are entities, not phantom clones.

It looks extremely spectacular from a distance. Even in the daytime, it still emits dazzling starlight, as if you can look up at the sky and see the sky full of stars.

However, Xinghai Wanzhong can only split a large number of jellyfish clones. Their size is much smaller than the mother body. The position of the mother body can still be seen with the naked eye. However, in the second battle, the spiritual skill Ru Meng Bu Bu will completely solve it. this problem.

"Puff puff……"

All the starry sky jellyfish began to spit out huge colorful bubbles, and the number almost occupied more than half of the bloody coral sea.

As long as most of the starry sky jellyfish are hidden in the phantom bubbles, their specific location cannot be determined from their appearance.

Princess Chaoge drove the Xinghai Queen into one of the bubbles. Ximo was already staring at the other party with all his concentration, but still disappeared from his sight like magic.

"Damn...this is really troublesome."

When Ximo saw countless phantom bubbles around him, he felt his scalp numb. Unknowingly, the opponent had already taken the initiative on the field.

Fortunately, as a poison source warrior, he has extremely strong poison resistance. The opponent's most powerful attack method has no great damage effect on him, and at most it can only have some limiting effect.

Just as Ximo was considering the next step, the tidal sound of the phantom sea suddenly sounded with endless sadness.

This melodious conch flute song can be called the sound of nature, but to Ximo's ears it sounded like a life-threatening charm!

Fortunately, the previous fierce fighting caused most of the sea monsters to retreat, so no sea monsters entered the scene in a short period of time. However, judging from the responses from the sea monsters coming from all directions, it was only a matter of time before the wave of sea monsters gathered.

"This little girl actually has the blood of the Sea Emperor..."

When Prince Long San heard this heavenly sound, his eyes gradually became darker.

As the third prince of Dragon Palace, the overlord of the East China Sea, he had naturally heard the legend of the bloodline of the Sea Emperor, which also caused a subtle change in the way she looked at Princess Chao Ge.

"We can't just sit back and wait for death, we have to give it a try!"

Listening to the low roars of the sea monsters around him getting closer and closer, Ximo also knew that he could not delay it any longer, so all the monster cards were enchanted with weapons.

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