God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2401 The rising sun

Chapter 2401 The rising sun

"As you command!"

A dozen tidal warriors put shackles on Prince Long San and escorted him to the tidal prison unceremoniously.

"Let go of this prince, I will leave on my own!"

Although Prince Long was unwilling to do so, he had to bow his head under the eaves. He was really afraid that Prince Xining would really kill him, so he could only be escorted to the dungeon obediently.

I thought that this battle was a great opportunity for me to make contributions, but I never thought that I would end up being captured. Even if I were released and returned to my country in the future, I would probably be laughed at behind my back.

"My dear nephew, how should we deal with that guy Long Fei?"

After Prince Long San was escorted away, King Xigu immediately asked.

"It doesn't make much sense to kill him. He is much more useful alive than dead. I am going to return him to the Dragon Palace." Feng Yixiu said calmly.

For a moment, King Xigu was puzzled, but after thinking about it carefully, he understood the other party's intention.

Long Fei had witnessed with his own eyes the betrayal of the Third Prince Long by Commander Hua Laiao. Without them having to waste words, they would probably convey the actions of the Flower of Evil to the Dragon Palace.

Although this alone is not enough to completely break up the Dragon Palace and the Flower of Evil, it can at least create a gap between the two parties, which is a great good thing for the Tide Kingdom.

"Nephew Xining is very thoughtful. We also need someone to convey the news to the Dragon Palace. Long Fei is naturally the best candidate." King Xigu nodded and said solemnly.

"The two dragon kings love this third prince so much. If they were asked to cut off the trade of spiritual stones with the Flower of Evil, do you think he would agree?"

Feng Yixiu didn't know much about Dragon Palace matters, so he still wanted to get King Xigu's opinion.

After all, as one of the overlords of the East China Sea, King Xigu naturally knows much more about the two dragon kings than he does.

"Based on my uncle's understanding of the Dragon Palace, there shouldn't be much of a problem. But if you do this, the Flower of Evil will probably target the Tide Kingdom. If the Nine Sins Fox Lord is angered, what will happen if she comes in person? I am afraid"

King Xigu hesitated to speak, which showed that he was also very afraid of the Nine Sins Fox Lord.

"Uncle, don't worry about this. The Nine Sin Fox Lord will definitely not leave Dajiangshan easily now. What's more, even if we don't do this, do you think the Flower of Evil will let go of the Tide Kingdom?" Feng Yixiu shook his head solemnly. He shook his head, knowing that all the thoughts of the Nine Sin Fox Lord were on seizing the body, and it was impossible for him to have time to come to the East China Sea in person.

"What my nephew said makes sense. We have already become enemies with the Flower of Evil, and there seems to be no room for relaxation. But why are you so sure that Lord Fox will not come in person?" King Xigu asked with some confusion.

Feng Yixiu smiled, touched his nose, and said softly: "I also guessed, but if she had time, I'm afraid she wouldn't have sent Commander Hua Lao."

"That's right, let's not talk about it for now." King Xigu didn't ask in detail, but then changed the topic, patted Feng Yixiu heavily on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "My nephew, you are now a great hero of our clan. , not only completely solved the hidden danger of the great demon that has plagued our clan for hundreds of years, but also single-handedly defeated the menacing demon dragon army, but I let out a bad breath!"

"Your Majesty is right. If Your Majesty had not arrived in time today, the consequences would have been unimaginable!"

The great national master on the side also came up with a smile and spoke words of praise without hesitation.

"It's just good luck. Besides, defeating the great demon Huihai is not my fault alone. If it weren't for the help of Chaoge and Xiyun, I probably wouldn't have been able to come back alive." Feng Yixiu shook his head with a smile. said humbly.

"I just repaired the Tide Decree, but I only helped a little bit. It's mainly due to Brother Wang."

Princess Chao Ge walked forward in three steps and quickly explained to everyone.

Chongyun was also quite excited and said: "Yes, yes, you don't know how terrifying this sea-turning demon is. He almost thought I was eaten!"

"You are the only one who talks a lot!"

Feng Yixiu glanced at Chongyun, who was so frightened that he immediately closed his lips and retreated obediently.

As the saying goes, talking too much leads to mistakes. Chongyun also realized that he had indeed talked too much, so he wisely stopped talking.

However, in the eyes of everyone, this behavior was a sign of being humble and not greedy for merit, and for a while, he was admired by everyone.

"This sea-shaking demon has been our clan's nightmare for hundreds of years, and today we are finally completely liberated. Your Highness Xining doesn't care about such incredible achievements, which really makes us admire him greatly!"

"We, the Tide Clan, are often bullied by the Dragon Palace. We are proud of today's battle. Let's see who dares to underestimate our Tide Kingdom in the future!"

"That's right, what a bullshit Commander of the Hundred Ghosts, I thought he was so powerful! Wasn't he beaten to the point of being defeated by His Highness Xi Ning?"

Regardless of the pain on their bodies, everyone in the Tide Royal Family came closer to where Feng Yixiu was, looking extremely excited.

It is no exaggeration to say that after this battle, Prince Xining's reputation in the Tide Kingdom has been at its peak, and he is probably second only to King Xigu.

"Thanks to everyone's love, if you hadn't worked together and persisted until now, the juniors would have had no chance to turn the tide." Feng Yixiu clasped his fists slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "Everyone is also injured, and the juniors will come first to heal everyone's injuries."

As soon as she finished speaking, the Queen of Thorns also launched a large-scale Senluo illusion to heal everyone's injuries, and the azure natural aura floated out like stars in the sky.

I saw that everyone's injuries were constantly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. This shocking recovery power shocked everyone.

"It's embarrassing to say that when Prince Xining and Princess Chaoge first returned to their hometown, I had some complaints behind my back. Now that I think about it, I feel really ashamed." A respected old man from Chaozhou lowered his head and muttered.

"Let the past be bygones. We are all members of the same clan, so why say such uninformed words." Feng Yixiu smiled faintly, and then said in a serious voice: "Having said that, the cause of today's battle is still my fault. If It’s not that I insist on not agreeing to participate in the ocean disaster plan, maybe the Tide Kingdom will not suffer.”

"Your Highness, what are you talking about? The ambition of the Flower of Evil is obvious. They have abandoned even their allies without hesitation. If we follow them, we are seeking death. Besides, we have a great hero like you leading our Tide Clan. , I have nothing to be afraid of, everyone, please tell me!"

The old man Tide raised his arms and shouted, and thousands of tide warriors behind him also shouted in unison.

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