God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2406 Killing two birds with one stone

Chapter 2406 Killing Two Birds with One Stone

"If we take the initiative to spread this news, it will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble and even suffer revenge from the Flower of Evil." Feng Yixiu explained.

When the ruins of God appear, the Siren Palace will naturally use all its strength to open it and invest a large amount of spiritual stone resources into it, thereby cutting off the main source of the Flower of Evil's spiritual stones.

At that time, the Flower of Evil will most likely vent its anger on the Tide Kingdom, which spreads the news, and may even send the Ghost King to exterminate it at any cost.

Moreover, Feng Yixiu does not intend to publish all the information about the God's Tablet. He still understands the principle that a man is not guilty and harbors his own crime. In order to obtain the complete God's Tablet, everyone will most likely unite to attack the Tide Kingdom.

This is not what Feng Yixiu wants to see, and if the other party can find it out by themselves, trouble can be avoided to the greatest extent.

"So that's it, but I thought it was too simple." Chongyun scratched his neck and said with a smile.

"This is just the first step. We need to make a time difference. When the God's Relic is about to be opened, you can then throw the God's Inscription fragments directly to all parts of the East China Sea!" Feng Yixiu said lightly with a smile.

"It's a good move to divert disaster to the east, and it can also kill two birds with one stone. How wonderful!"

Chongyun also clapped his hands and looked at Feng Yixiu with admiration.

Once the Dragon Palace and the Flower of Evil know the existence of the Poseidon ruins, their huge interests will definitely not take into account their past friendship and force the Siren Palace to disclose the Poseidon ruins.

This time difference has put the Siren Palace into trouble. They have to provide all the spiritual stone resources themselves, but due to pressure, they can only share the results.

Not only that, Feng Yixiu also silently alienated the relationship between the three parties, completely disrupting the Nine Sins Fox Lord's perfect plan to seize the body.

"Stop flattering, this matter must leave no trace!" Feng Yixiu said seriously.

"Don't worry when I do the work, I will complete the task!" Chongyun patted his chest and promised loudly.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you. Chao Ge and I will be waiting for your good news at home." Feng Yixiu took out the fragments of the God's inscription that he had prepared and said calmly.

No one has ever really seen the inscription on this god's inscription. Feng Yixiu only needs to translate its content into ancient Chinese and seal it on an ancient stone tablet using an old-fashioned technique.

However, there is very little content on it. It almost simply records the address and how to open the Poseidon ruins. As for the deeper content, it stops abruptly.


After Chongyun took the fragments of the inscription, it turned into a black mist and disappeared.

It might be a little difficult for him to sneak into the Dragon Palace quietly. After all, the aura of a real dragon is not so easy to imitate.

However, there are many members in the Siren Palace, and there are countless sea monsters of various races coming in and out every day, so this difficulty is naturally much less difficult.

Chongyun transformed into an inconspicuous sea monster and successfully sneaked into the sphere of influence of the Siren Palace, and successfully entered the Eye of the Siren on the pretext of practicing. Then he threw down the fragments of the God's inscription that he had prepared. It was too obvious and he stepped on it a few times.

I have to say that Chongyun's acting skills have become much better since he followed Feng Yixiu, and he starred in a wonderful drama.

He first pretended to be knocked down by the fragments of the inscription buried in the ground, and then was startled and surprised by the strange words on it, which even attracted the attention of many sea monsters practicing nearby.

"Bring it to you!"

I saw a strong humanoid sea monster walking slowly and snatching the fragment of the inscription from Chongyun's hand.

"Then that one is mine," Chongyun suppressed the excitement in his heart and murmured in a low voice, pretending to be cautious.

"What's yours and mine? Everything found in the Eye of the Siren belongs to the Lord of the Palace. Do you have any objections?"

Seeing that Chongyun was just an inconspicuous little monster, the human-shaped sea monster didn't take him seriously at all, and threw him away with a wave of his big hand.

"Aren't you bullying others?"

Chongyun got up aggrievedly and cursed angrily with an unwilling look on his face.

"Why did I just bully you? Don't let me see you in the Siren Palace from now on, otherwise I won't be able to see the sun tomorrow." The humanoid monster sneered and threatened.

Hearing this, Chongyun also pretended to be a coward, and left silently in disgrace amidst the laughter of everyone.

But this was exactly what he wanted. Originally, he was thinking about how to get away perfectly, but this stupid guy was really a god assist.

After Chongyun left the sphere of influence of the Siren Palace, everything began to develop as Feng Yixiu expected.

The sea monster who snatched the inscription of God immediately reported it to the two palace masters, but in order to take the credit, he deliberately concealed the process of obtaining the inscription.

After obtaining the God's inscription, the two palace masters immediately decided to block the news and personally went to the Eye of the Ocean to find the location of the Poseidon ruins.

Sure enough, they did find the mysterious altar covered with seaweed and moss at the place recorded in the inscription on the God's Tablet, and felt a strange aura based on the opening method on the inscription.

The oceanic breath of this breath made them feel like they were in the spring breeze. It was a sacred breath that they had never felt before. This breath alone allowed them to conclude the existence of the Poseidon ruins.

After the two palace masters confirmed the news, they were ready to open the Poseidon ruins at all costs, but they did not intend to announce the news.

Even the Flower of Evil did not take the initiative to tell them the news. On the surface, they were attached to the Flower of Evil, but secretly they were not too loyal. Most of them

However, he still succumbed to the powerful deterrence of the Nine Sins Fox Lord.

The sudden appearance of the Poseidon ruins gave the two demon kings the possibility to go further, and even no longer need to be attached to the Flower of Evil in the future. Naturally, they would not be stupid enough to share this news with the Flower of Evil.

However, opening the Poseidon ruins requires a large amount of resource investment, of which spiritual stone resources account for the vast majority. Even the resource-rich Siren's Palace is stretched thin and can only unilaterally cut off the spiritual stone trade with the Flower of Evil.

The Flower of Evil was also furious after learning the news, but he did not dare to offend the Siren Palace easily for a while. After all, the other party only said that he could not pay the spirit stones for the time being, and did not say that he would leave the banner of the Flower of Evil.

The Nine Sin Fox Lord naturally had all kinds of doubts in his heart. He sent people to the Siren Palace to negotiate more than once, but the two palace masters refused to agree and just found various excuses to evade.

But when the Siren Palace was almost ready, Feng Yixiu asked Chongyun to launch the next round of actions, and fragments of the God's inscription began to appear in various places in the East China Sea.

Not only did fragments of God's inscriptions appear near the Dragon Palace, even in the Tide Kingdom, the contents on them were exactly the same as those in the Siren Palace.

The Flower of Evil has been investigating the reason for the unilateral breach of contract by the Siren Palace during this period, and naturally obtained the fragments of the God's Tablet.

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