God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2409 Two dragons gather together

Chapter 2409 Two dragons gather together

"How could I be willing? But the current situation is that our Sea Demon Palace has no other choice!" The Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace also had a stern look on his face and muttered in a low voice: "If I had known this, it would be better not to think about monopolizing the Sea God's ruins in the first place. "

In fact, when they obtained the inscription of God, the two masters of the Siren Palace also had a debate. The ancient demon Kun wanted to report this to the Flower of Evil in advance.

However, the Nine-Headed Insect of Tian Ming did not agree to do this and insisted on taking over the Poseidon Relics. Unexpectedly, it would now put them in an embarrassing situation where they were riding a tiger.

"Are you blaming me?"

The Lord of Tianming Palace glared coldly at the Lord of Heavenly Demon Palace next to him, with a hint of resentment in his words.

"Madam, don't be angry, that's not what I meant, but if we insist on not sharing the Poseidon relics now, then our Siren Palace will really become the public enemy of the East China Sea." The Lord of the Demon Palace shook his head and said solemnly.

"What are you afraid of? The worst case scenario is a fight. I want to see what they can do to our Siren Demon Palace?" the master of Tianming Palace frowned and said through gritted teeth.

The reason why the Nine-Headed Insect of Heaven and Ming has such a strong confidence is precisely because the power of Siren Palace in the East China Sea is extremely huge, even if it faces the Dragon Palace and Tide Kingdom joining forces, it is completely justified.

"The Dragon Palace and the Tide Kingdom can't do anything to our Siren Palace, but don't forget that we have offended the Flower of Evil. You also know that the methods of the Fox Lord are not what we can afford." The master of the Heavenly Demon Palace Ning vocal channel.

Hearing this, the Heavenly Ming Nine-Headed Insect, who had been quite tough just now, was speechless and couldn't think of any words to refute for a long time.

As one of the giants of the East China Sea, the Master of Tianming Palace is fearless, but he is extremely afraid of the Nine Sins Fox Lord.

That was a big figure who dominated the world during the Wilderness period. At that time, she was just a weak and precarious monster, and could only survive in the middle of the battle between the big bosses from all sides.

If it weren't for the Nine Sins Fox Lord's discerning eyes, there's no telling whether the Master of Tianming Hall would have survived to this day. So it can be said that her fear of the Nine Sins Fox Lord was an instinct that went deep into her bones.

So when they heard that the Nine Sins Fox Lord wanted to recruit the Siren Palace, they agreed without the slightest hesitation, and even willingly donated a large amount of precious resources.

Just when there was deathly silence in the Siren Palace, a deafening sound of dragon roar completely broke the peace.

Judging from the scale of the sound, this is most likely an army of demonic dragons, and the number is also extremely large.

"Go! See what's going on"

Although the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace felt a little surprised, he was not too panicked. He just ordered people to go and find out the situation.

Soon after, the person responsible for investigating the situation rushed in in a hurry, and without saying anything, the Erhu fell to his knees.

"Tell the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace that the incoming army is an army of demonic dragons. It's hard to see clearly due to the overwhelming crowd. It is conservatively estimated that there are at least half a million people!"

"Is the Dragon King personally leading the army?" The master of Tianming Palace suddenly stood up and asked loudly.

"That's right. I can see it clearly. The two dragon kings are all here." The scouting demon lowered his head and responded.

"It seems that Ao You is getting serious," the Lord of the Demon Palace raised his brows slightly and muttered to himself.

The little reconnaissance demon hesitated for a moment, and then whispered: "I seem to have seen the Tide King in the army, but they don't seem to have led troops, but only brought a few close followers."

"What? That guy Xigu actually dares to come and join in the fun, it's just too much of a deception!"

The master of Tianming Hall couldn't help but flew into a rage, and the violent pressure exploded instantly, shattering the jade floor under his feet.

Normally, the Sea Monster Palace never takes King Xigu seriously. If it were not for the fact that the Tide Clan suppresses an unparalleled demon, the Sea Monster Army would have already laid waste to the Tide Palace.

On the other hand, the performance of the Lord of the Demon Palace was indeed extremely calm, and he just whispered: "Now that the Third Prince Long is detained in the Tide Kingdom, the two dragon kings should be forced to cooperate with the Tide King. Now things are getting more and more troublesome."

"Why are they being forced to cooperate? I think they just want to take advantage of the situation. I really think that our Siren Palace is afraid of them. The worst is possible!"

"Assemble all the Kraken legions, I want to see what they can do to me!"

The master of Tianming Palace stood up angrily and rushed out of the hall without looking back.

"As you command!"

Several Siren clan generals took orders one after another, each went to summon his soldiers and rushed to the front line as quickly as possible.


Although the Lord of the Demon Palace does not want to start a dispute, he does not know how to deal with this situation. He can only keep up with his wife.

For a time, almost all the sea monsters in the vast territory of the Sea Demon Palace began to mobilize.

Waves of sea beasts like dark clouds from all directions continued to pour into the central area, and the number was so large that it made people's scalp numb.

Tens of millions of sea monsters set off hurricane-like waves, a permeating wild aura permeating every corner, and the entire sea area seemed to be trembling violently.

Even Feng Yixiu couldn't help but feel shocked after seeing such a big scene. If such an overwhelming tide of beasts attacked at the same time, even he might not be able to bear it.

As the most powerful organization in the East China Sea, the Siren Palace is indeed well-deserved, and is even more terrifying than rumored!

However, more is more, and without a leader, these sea monsters are more like a ragtag group. Even if their number is hundreds of times that of the dragon army, they are still useless.

If you dare to act rashly, you will only besiege everyone.

Directly in front of the demon dragon army, two dragons, one black and one white, remained unmoved in the face of the intimidation of the beast tide. The astonishing power of the dragons alone made all the sea monsters dare not approach easily.

The black dragon is the Dragon King of the Nine Netherworlds. It is an astonishing two hundred meters long. Its shiny black scales are as hard as steel. Its sharp dragon claws exude a terrifying cold light. A majestic and domineering aura bursts out from its eyes without concealment. out.

As a true dragon monster at the pinnacle level of the Dominator level, there is no doubt about his strength, and it is definitely not comparable to ordinary true dragons.

The other white dragon is the Nine-Colored Jade Rainbow Dragon. Its size is slightly smaller than that of the black dragon, but it also reaches an astonishing 150 meters. Unlike the Nine Netherworld Dragon King who is completely black, her appearance is much more gorgeous.

The nine-color jade rainbow dragon has crystal clear pure white dragon scales all over its body, and is embellished with nine nine-color jade of different colors on both sides, exuding a nine-color glow.

These nine jade gems are not useless decorations, but the most powerful means of Nine Color Jade Rainbow Dragon. She can switch her own attributes with these nine jade gems of different elements.

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