God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2421 The Devouring Touch

Chapter 2421 The Devouring Touch


The nine-headed demon Kun was furious and waved his powerful tail wildly, sweeping up waves of waves.

This kind of powerful physical strength is extremely astonishing. The violent sea currents are like ferocious beasts, swallowing up everything in sight.

Facing such a violent offensive, Feng Yixiu remained unmoved. Although the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape was not big, it was like an airtight wall. The Sea-Suppressing Qiankun Stick in his hand danced with great power, absorbing all attacks. Give interception outside.

If Feng Yixiu hadn't had an order not to allow the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape to go on a killing spree, the army of hundreds of thousands of sea monsters wouldn't have been able to resist him.

Since Feng Yixiu did not bring anyone into the Poseidon ruins, if he wanted to plunder as many divine source crystals as possible, he would inevitably need a group of coolies to transport the crystals.

Although the Nine-Headed Demon Kun is not as big as her father, he still reaches a length of nearly 500 meters, and his strength is extremely rare, even if he is carrying mountains on his back, it is no problem.

After being unable to attack for a long time, the Nine-Headed Heavenly Demon Kun was also furious, his scarlet eyes burst into monstrous rage, and a dark aura as black as ink began to fill the air inadvertently.

"Nine-headed Demon Claws!"

I saw the nine-headed demon Kun opening nine bloody mouths at the same time. The rich dark aura erupted with a strange sound, and the chain lingering in the dark aura turned into a stream of light and suddenly sprang out.

The head of the black chain was shrouded in black mist, making it impossible to see clearly, but it could be vaguely seen as a bone claw.

This is the bloodline skill that the Heavenly Demon Kun clan is proud of, and it is also the natal demon weapon of the Nine-Headed Heavenly Demon Kun.

Not only can these Nine-Headed Heavenly Demon Claws forcibly track and restrain enemies, they are also filled with soul-killing poison, and anyone who comes in contact with them will have their spiritual power absorbed.

When those watching the battle from a distance saw this scene, they also knew that the Nine-headed Princess had become really angry, and at the same time they were surprised by her potential.

It didn't take long for the Nine-Headed Heavenly Demon Kun to break through to the Dominator level and master the natal demon weapons to such an extent. Moreover, it also integrated the advantages of his parents. His potential in the future is really limitless.

It's a pity that he met Feng Yixiu today. The terrifying soul-killing poison was nothing in front of him. The White Tiger Seal he possessed could perfectly restrain it.

"Dang Dang Dang"

Under the control of the eldest princess, the Nine Heavenly Devil's Claws were extremely flexible, and the angles were quite cunning and sinister, attacking Feng Yixiu from different directions.

The Sky-Slaying Demon Ape frowned slightly, and the huge Xuanwu Holy Soldier suddenly shrank to the length of his hand, causing the sea to overturn with a sudden stir.

The most terrifying thing about Zhenhai Qiankun Stick is not only its terrifying weight, but also its extremely powerful ability to control water!

"Swish, swish, swish!"

A huge vortex formed in front of the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape, and the terrifying attraction attracted all the Heavenly Demon Claws in front of it.

The Xuanwu Saint Weapon is clearly a fierce and domineering Saint Weapon, but in the hands of the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape, it is as flexible as a dragon out of the sea, and in the blink of an eye it can tightly entangle the chains it attracts.


The Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape suddenly pulled back, and the terrifying force instantly caused the black chain to fall straight to the ground.

Even the nine-headed demon Kun, who was as huge as a mountain, was staggered and almost flew backwards.

At this moment, Xiao Kongkong has already been heavily armed. Even if he faces the father of the Nine-headed Heavenly Demon Kun, his strength will not cause him to lose instantly. The Nine-headed Princess who has just broken through to the realm of domination is not yet his in terms of strength. opponent

"Soul-eating touch!"

After reacting, the magic patterns all over the body of the Nine-Headed Heavenly Demon Kun burst out with strange light. The Heavenly Demon's bone claws seemed to come to life, and a scarlet blood light appeared in his empty eyes.

In an instant, the terrifying soul-devouring demonic energy began to spread along the Zhenhai Qiankun Stick, and in the blink of an eye it completely swallowed up the Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape.

A large amount of spiritual power began to be absorbed along the Heavenly Demon Bone Chain, and fed back to the Nine-Headed Heavenly Demon Kun at the other end. Her size was still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Sky-Slaying Demon Ape, who had been as steady as a mountain just now, began to find it difficult to stabilize his body. Facing the full force of the Nine-Headed Demon Kun, his whole body was constantly being forcibly dragged over, leaving a deep ravine on the ground.

"Humph, it's not over yet!"

The Nine-Headed Heavenly Demon Kun was overjoyed, and then he controlled the remaining four Heavenly Demon Bone Claws, cleverly bypassing the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape in front, and attacked directly towards Feng Yixiu behind him.

"Swish, swish, swish"

Countless deep-sea tentacles broke out of the ground with Feng Yixiu as the center, forming an airtight cage in a moment, protecting it tightly within it.

"Innocent, do you think you can stop me like this?"

The Nine-Headed Heavenly Demon Kun burst out with a sinister sneer, and the Heavenly Demon Bone Claw began to spin crazily. With its extremely fast speed and super penetrating power, it instantly tore the tough thorn cage into pieces.

Without the protection of the thorn cage, Feng Yixiu was exposed to everyone again, but at this moment he seemed to be a different person.

I saw that Feng Yixiu's whole body was covered with a layer of gorgeous light of disillusionment, and the explosive spiritual power was like a volcano erupting, making people feel terrified even if they were hundreds of meters away.

It turns out that the purpose of the thorn cage is not for defense at all, but just to attract people's attention. Feng Yixiu took this opportunity to swallow twelve magic lotuses of disillusionment and entered a powerful disillusionment mode.

In the disillusionment mode, Feng Yixiu's strength has greatly increased, with a qualitative leap in both speed and strength.

There is a faint evil aura twining around his eyes, like a ghostly demon.

The ghost claws became extremely slow in his eyes.

"Dang Dang Dang"

The sword light of disillusionment flashed around Feng Yixiu like a violent storm. Because he was so fast, everyone could only see the flickering shadow of the sword and could not see Feng Yixiu's movements of swinging the sword at all.

This is the terrifying power of using the blast style in the disillusionment mode, as if there is a ubiquitous army-breaking sword dragon wrapping Feng Yixiu in it.

In just a few breaths, the two sides had engaged in at least hundreds of fierce confrontations.

The sword light and bone claws collided crazily in mid-air, causing countless flames to fill the sky, and the sound of dense metal and stone like rain hitting banana trees.

This fierce fight attracted more and more spectators, but everyone maintained an amazing tacit understanding, and no one dared to pick up the slack at this time.

"This is too exaggerated. Princess Nine Heads is the future crown prince of the Siren Palace, and she has reached the master level. She also has hundreds of thousands of siren troops to help her fight, but she can't do anything to Xi Ning!"

"I never thought that such a person would appear in the Kingdom of Tides. I thought the previous rumors were false. Now it seems that they are not false at all. On the contrary, they underestimated the strength of Prince Xining."

"No wonder the Flower of Evil will offer a bounty of hundreds of millions. Let's not pay attention to this devil. I'm afraid this bounty of hundreds of millions will not be with us."

The onlookers were also dumbfounded. Most of them saw Prince Xi Ning take action for the first time. The single-handedly defeating hundreds of thousands of sea monsters brought too much shock to them.

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