God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2448 Nine Sins Oracle

Chapter 2448 The Nine Sins Oracle

It was almost getting dark now, and the Hundred Ghost Legion's combat effectiveness was much stronger at night than during the day. By then, Feng Yixiu had fallen into a passive position.

"By the way, just sneak in secretly underground!" Feng Yixiu's eyes lit up, and he jumped down from the towering treetops without thinking.

Before it hit the ground, a huge magic flower of thorns popped out of the ground, just in time to catch Feng Yixiu, who was falling vertically.


Feng Yixiu seemed to have fallen into the mountain on the water, disappearing into the blood swamp together with the thorns and magic flowers.

The Thorn Demon Flower can move freely on hard ground, let alone in this soft swamp, and its speed is much faster.

Quietly, Feng Yixiu had already sneaked into the hinterland of the Flower of Evil. The first place he went to was the core ghost king's camp.

Diving into the ground caused Feng Yixiu to lose his vision, but with his lightning eyes, he could easily detect every move above him.

Since Feng Yixiu became a telepathic warrior, the detection range of his lightning mind eye has also increased extremely exaggeratedly.

In order to prevent any clues from being discovered, Feng Yixiu dived hundreds of meters underground, and even he could barely sense the breath from above.

In a state of mental arithmetic but no intention, even if the Shutun Ghost King was present, he would never be able to discover Feng Yixiu's existence.

Inside the Ghost King's tent, there were four figures of different shapes.

Fortunately for Feng Yixiu, the Shutun Ghost King was not among them, and the leader was still Hua Laiao, the commander of the hundred ghosts.

The remaining three are also at the level of the leader of the Hundred Demons. They and Oni Lingmaru are both capable generals of the commander Hua Laiao at a glance.

After confirming that the Shutun Ghost King was not around, Feng Yixiu felt less pressure for a long time. However, he did not rush to take action, but chose to eavesdrop silently.

These guys were sitting around a conference table, preparing to hold a meeting, but Commander Hua Piao didn't start, as if waiting for someone to return.

"What happened to Ghost Pill and why hasn't it come back yet?"

One of the charming women seemed to be a little impatient with the waiting, she frowned and muttered.

This person is an evil flower ghost and one of the leaders of hundreds of ghosts. Since he and Kireimaru are usually in a competitive relationship, he is also hostile to Kireimaru.

This time the Flower of Evil dispatched a total of eight hundred ghost leaders, and they were divided into two waves under the arrangement of Commander Hua Piao.

The eight leaders of the Hundred Ghosts also have a clear division of labor. They take turns leading the team to collect the Brahma-blood Demonic Fruit, and they have a minimum collection amount every day.

After the daily collection tasks are over, they will come to report the situation to the commander Hua Piao, and then they will change shifts with the four leaders of the Hundred Ghosts guarding the base camp.

It is not uncommon to be late on weekdays, but now half an hour has passed since the stipulated time. It stands to reason that Kireimaru should be back no matter how slow he is.

What's more, Oni Lingwan is always very efficient on weekdays, and he is usually the first one to return to the camp, but today he has not returned yet.

"Isn't this guy a traitor to the Flower of Evil?"

Another man with twin ghost horns on his head was also watching the excitement and said it was not a big deal.

The speaker was none other than the Minotaur, one of the leaders of the hundred ghosts. His exaggerated size and scars all over his body made him look extremely untouchable.

This guy ranks right behind Kireimaru among the leaders of the Hundred Demons, so he often goes back to challenge Kireimaru, but the relationship is not much better.

"Kireimaru can never betray Your Majesty. Maybe she encountered some danger."

The leader of the Hundred Ghosts who was closest to Commander Hua Piao glanced at the Minotaur Ghost. What was strange was that he had a scarlet ghost eye on his forehead.

This scarlet ghost eye seems to have a soul-stirring magic power, making people feel as if they are possessed by just one glance.

The Minotaur Ghost seemed to be a little afraid of this three-eyed ghost king, and immediately turned away and stopped talking.

"Aime Doji, are you saying that Kireimaru might have encountered an accident?"

Commander Hua Laiao, who had been keeping his eyes closed for a long time, slowly opened his eyes. Apparently, the words of the three-eyed ghost king next to him caught his attention.

Commander Hua Laiao had no doubts about Kilingmaru's loyalty, but he couldn't figure out what happened to her that made her seem to disappear from the world.

"I just said that there is a possibility," the Aimu boy shook his head and said softly.

Ever since the Hundred Ghost Legion entered the Brahma Blood Bone Forest, there has never been any accident, and everything has been extremely smooth.

They secretly sneaked into the Brahma Blood Bone Forest. Neither the Siren Palace nor the Dragon Palace knew anything about it. Logically speaking, no outside forces would break into the Brahma Blood Bone Forest.

There are few monsters in this Brahma Blood Bone Forest, and even if they appear, they will not cause a head-on conflict with the Hundred Ghost Legion.

"Forget it, there's no need to wait. You should replace the other four ghost kings first. If nothing else happens, this should be the last wave of collecting Brahma Blood Demonic Fruits. The fruits here have almost been collected." Hua Laoda The commander's eyes were deep and he said loudly.

"But in this case, wouldn't there be one less person to guard the camp?" Evil Flower Ghost asked in confusion.

"I will take up the position of Guilingwan first, and we must not delay your Majesty's plan!" Commander Hua Laiao said solemnly.

"As you command!"

The three ghost king leaders stood up quickly and echoed in unison.

Immediately afterwards, they left the Ghost King's camp and prepared to fight with him.

The other four ghost kings completed the succession process.

In the empty Ghost King's camp, Commander Hua Laiao took out the Holy Oracle that Lord Fox had given him. He immediately picked up the brush on the table and made a mark on one of the lines. Then he said to himself with satisfaction: "Honored Lord. Two of the tasks assigned to me have been completed, and it went much more smoothly than I expected."

Feng Yixiu, who was hiding below, wanted to use his lightning eyes to peek at the contents of the Nine Sins Oracle, but he couldn't see it clearly at all.

This oracle must have been tampered with by the Nine-Sin Fox Lord, and Feng Yixiu's current level of mental power alone makes it impossible to detect it.

But even if he couldn't see the specific content of the oracle, Feng Yixiu could guess what the two completed tasks that Commander Hua Laiao mentioned were.

One of them should be to kill himself, and according to the idea of ​​Commander Hua Laiao, Xi Ning has already died in Kunpeng Demon Cave.

If the other guess is correct, it should be to collect the Brahma Blood Demon Fruit. Commander Hua Lao is also extremely efficient, picking almost all the ripe fruits in the entire Brahma Blood Bone Forest.

After slowly closing the Nine Sins Holy Oracle, Commander Hua Lao did not stay here for long, but walked towards the huge tent not far away that was used to store the Brahma Blood Demonic Fruit. Due to Kireimaru's absence, he had no choice but to fill the hole himself.

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