God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2450 Ghost Eyes and Broken Soul

Chapter 2450 Ghost Eyes and Broken Soul

"Since you are eager to seek death, then I will help you!"

I saw the sea-suppressing Qiankun stick in the hands of the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape suddenly swelled, and in the blink of an eye it changed from a black iron stick that was only two meters long to a behemoth more than two hundred meters tall.

After the Minotaur's blood energy exploded, its body had reached a height of more than ten meters, and its strong muscles like a horned dragon exuded a metallic sheen.

But this was not enough for the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape. Looking at the oncoming behemoth, the Minotaur suddenly stopped and left two dark marks on the ground, but it still could not be changed. The fate of being knocked away.


The Minotaur was shot away like an arrow from a string, and its huge body directly tore a huge gap in the airtight encirclement.

At this moment, the Minotaur Ghost felt like the world was spinning, stars were shining in his eyes, and the whole body seemed to be about to fall apart.

"Master Niu Gui, are you okay?"

Everyone around helped the leader of the hundred ghosts who was covered in blood.

"Get away!"

Anger surged in the Minotaur's heart, and he stamped hard, sending everyone around him flying.

One of the two horns of the majestic bull head was directly broken, and the other one also showed an extremely weird bending angle.

"Damn Water Monkey, why does it have such terrifying power?" The Minotaur stared fiercely at the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape in the distance and muttered to himself.

However, this Minotaur was rough-skinned and thick-bodied. After being struck by the Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape, he did not die immediately, but was still able to fight.

The Sky-Slaying Demon Ape seemed a little surprised that the other party was still alive. He immediately came back to his senses and glanced at Feng Yixiu behind him, as if seeking his opinion.

"I'll leave that stupid cow to you, and don't let go of the five thousand ghosts, no one will be spared!" Feng Yixiu ordered using the method of telepathy.

This is a rare opportunity to reduce the overall strength of the Flower of Evil, and Feng Yixiu will naturally not let it go easily.

If you can kill one Hundred Ghost leader, you will barely make a loss; if you can kill two Hundred Ghost leader, it will be a huge profit!


The Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape disappeared in an instant. At this moment, Xiao Kongkong was like a tiger breaking into the sheepfold, and there was no way he could stop him from going berserk.

Some people kept flying out from among the dense crowd of ghosts, and the ear-piercing screams were endless.

The Minotaur was even driven away by Xiao Kongkong. Sometimes, without the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape taking the initiative, the violent and out-of-control Minotaur would push all the surrounding ghosts away.

Commander Hua Piao and the other two leaders of the Hundred Ghosts had no intention of stopping them, because they were afraid of the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape holding a holy weapon.

If the final victory can be obtained at the expense of the weakest Minotaur, that is not unacceptable.

"Do it!"

Seeing that things were heading towards the worst, Commander-in-Chief Hua Piao immediately no longer hesitated and took the initiative to issue the order to attack.

At the same time, Hua Laiao, who was in the form of the Sumeru Ghost King, also launched a fierce frontal attack on Feng Yixiu. The huge Sumeru Ghost Sword cut through the sky, as if to cut off the entire sky.

Feng Yixiu was not afraid at all, he raised the giant sword of chaos entwined with the Wrath of Heaven sword pattern in his hand to block it head on.


Two extremely powerful auras were colliding crazily, and the electric light and stone fire looked particularly dazzling at dusk.

This was not the first time the two of them had fought each other, so they knew their opponent's methods well. They had already fought dozens of times in just one breath.

Before Feng Yixiu broke through, he was already not afraid of the Sumeru Ghost King form. What's more, now that he has broken through again, his spiritual power has been greatly improved compared to before.

"The commander-in-chief really fell behind"

The evil flower ghosts on the side were frightened from ear to ear when they saw that Commander Hua Laiao was at a disadvantage.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, the Evil Flower Ghost Spirit would never believe that a mere war spirit master could suppress the Commander-in-Chief of Hundred Ghosts!

"What are you two guys still standing around doing? Get started!"

Commander Hua Laiao was knocked away by Feng Yixiu again, panting heavily and roaring.

The sad-eyed boy and the evil flower ghost looked at each other and nodded silently. As the leaders of hundreds of ghosts, they naturally have an amazing understanding of each other.

Without much communication at all, Evil Flower Ghost Spirit took the lead in launching the offensive, and a bloody sword appeared in her palm.

This bloody sword has a lifelike blood cherry pattern on it. The bloody sword started to decompose from the tip of the sword, and in a moment it turned into countless beautiful blood cherry blossoms.

But Feng Yixiu knew that the gorgeous blood cherry blossoms were just an appearance. Every piece of blood cherry blossoms was a sharp sword edge that could kill someone inadvertently.

"Blood Sakura Wings!"

The evil flower ghosts seemed to be dancing among the flowers, and countless cherry blossom blades swarmed out like a blood tide.

Countless bloody cherry blossoms formed a pair of gorgeous flower wings, and evil flower ghosts were seen floating in the air waving their wings.

"Spirit-swallowing ghost fire!"

This wasn't the end yet, the third eye of the mournful boy burst out with a bloody will-o'-the-wisp, but it did not attack Feng Yixiu directly, but used the will-o'-the-wisp to ignite the flower wings behind the evil flower ghost.

As the name of the spirit-swallowing will-o'-the-wisp suggests, anyone who is burned will have their spiritual energy quickly devoured.

However, the power of this move is amazing, but the speed

The speed is actually extremely slow, making it difficult for Aimu Boyzi to hit the enemy.

However, enchanting the soul-swallowing will-o'-the-wisp with the Sakura Wings perfectly avoided this weakness, and its power also increased exponentially!

"Blood Sakura Dance!"

I saw the evil flower ghost began to flap its wings crazily, and the overwhelming blood cherry blossoms rushed towards Feng Yixiu along the wind.

This violent attack was really like a river bursting its banks, and it actually gave Feng Yixiu a sense of inevitability.

However, there was no fear in Feng Yixiu's eyes. If he had not obtained the Wings of Peng, he would have taken the initiative to avoid such a difficult attack.

But now there is no need for this at all. He also saw that the evil flower ghost spirit is not an evil spirit with wind attributes, and can be easily cracked by the Nine Heavens Gang Wind.

However, Feng Yixiu did not use Peng's Wings immediately. Instead, he pretended to show fear.

"Good opportunity, ghost eyes and broken souls!"

The Aimu boy was observing Feng Yixiu's condition from beginning to end. When he noticed that the other party's condition was a little panicked, he launched a surprise attack without hesitation.

Ghost Eyes Shattering Soul is a mental control technique that Aimu Boyzi is proud of. It can instantly amplify the fear in the opponent's heart a thousand times!

Anyone who falls victim to this trick may fall into fear and be unable to escape within a short period of time, or fall into a state of severe panic and be shrouded in the shadow of fear for the rest of their lives.

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