God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2686 Psychological Tactics

Hearing this, Dongfang Xiamo also noticed something was wrong. Feng Yixiu had the Suzaku mark to protect his body. As long as his spiritual power was not completely exhausted, he could be reborn in Nirvana.

But now that handful of scorched earth has dissipated invisible with the undercurrent, but there is no sign of the Suzaku Holy Fire burning.

Feng Yixiu was still alive and well just now, so his spiritual power could not be exhausted, so there was only one possibility. What Shen Ruyu hit was just an incarnation of Feng Yixiu.

While Dongfang Xia was stroking her forehead in deep thought, an earth dragon quietly appeared behind her, and standing on top of the dragon's head was naturally the unharmed Feng Yixiu.

"Sister Xia Mo, is it necessary to continue?"

Feng Yixiu's eyes were dark, and the Tianyuan Pluto Sword exuding terrifying soul fluctuations was placed on Dongfang Xiamo's neck. The cold sword light made people's hearts tremble.

"Okay, okay...why don't I admit defeat?" Dongfang Xiamo frowned slightly, but when he saw Shen Ruyu's pale face, he lowered his head and glanced at the strange magic sword on his neck, and finally put it down. Weapon.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Shen Ruyu had already consumed almost all of her spiritual energy in order to release the arrow that could penetrate everything, and she was brought close by Feng Yixiu. There was no chance of a comeback anyway.

When Shen Ruyu saw Dongfang Xia Mo taking the initiative to admit defeat, she also smiled and shook her head, gently waved her hand to disperse the Liuyu Burning Silence Bow, and walked slowly towards this side.

Feng Yixiu also dispersed the magic soldiers and magic armor, and summoned the Queen of Thorns by condensing the spirit summoning circle with one hand. He looked at Han Xiao who was in a slight coma behind him, and said softly: "Little demon, I'm sorry to trouble you."

The Queen of Thorns nodded silently, and then rushed to Han Xiao's side as quickly as possible to treat his injuries.

Feng Yixiu's attack was still very measured. He didn't really hurt Brother Han Xiao's vitals, but it only reached the point where he lost his fighting ability.

However, physical injuries can be healed quickly, but injuries on the soul level are relatively slow, and there may not be much progress in a short period of time.

"Brother Feng, I thought that after a year of hard work, the three of us would not be able to catch up with you, at least we would not be completely thrown away. It seems that we are too naive." Shen Ruyu's smile was very complicated, There is both joy at Feng Yixiu's great progress and pain at being completely widened.

"Yu'er, don't underestimate yourself. You performed very well in the battle just now. At least it far exceeded my expectations..." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head. These were not words of comfort, but His true words.

If he hadn't borrowed the Millennium Ring, he wouldn't have been able to do anything about the situation just now. If the one who was hit was not his external incarnation but his true body, I'm afraid the outcome wouldn't be much better.

Once the power of Suzaku Nirvana is used, it may not be completely defeated, but at most it will only result in a draw.

Don't forget that Shen Ruyu also holds the Suzaku Seal. He can use his own original power to suppress Feng Yixiu's Nirvana Rebirth, and conversely Feng Yixiu can also do the same.

Dongfang Xiamo on the side said nothing, looking at Feng Yixiu with a sad face, as if he was a little dissatisfied with his performance just now.

"Sister Xia Mo, you are proud enough to be able to push me to this point. Don't be so sad!" Feng Yixiu touched his nose in embarrassment and comforted softly.

"I'm a little confused, when exactly did you condense your external incarnation?" Dongfang Xiamo muttered in a low voice with his cheeks bulging.

Feng Yixiu slowly leaned over, picked up a golden ring at his feet, and explained with a smile: "Nature is condensed underground. When I just used the thousand-year ring to move in space, I took the opportunity to sneak into the underground, and then I replaced the thousand-year ring with my external incarnation, and you all know what happened after that!"

"Oh... no wonder your teleportation this time is slower than before. So that's it!" Dongfang Xia Mo nodded heavily, and the doubts in his heart were finally solved. Then he seemed to remember something and frowned: "So It seems that you had expected that I would ambush you?"

"You can say that!" Feng Yixiu curled his lips and nodded.

"You...you are too irritating! It doesn't matter if you can crush us with hard power, but you can't beat you with psychological tactics. As expected, the mentality of an emperor is dirty!" Dongfang Xia Mo complained viciously.

"I don't like hearing what you are saying. This is obviously wisdom, right?" Feng Yixiu crossed his arms and said with a smile.

"Hmph...you are obviously so strong, yet you still use a thousand-year sacred object to plot against me. Aren't you bullying me?" Dongfang Xiamo pouted and muttered.

"But I remember that you were the first to use the eight-tatami mirror, the sacred object of the sun and moon, right? You just want the state officials to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light the lamps..." Feng Yixiu raised his eyebrows slightly and retorted.

Dongfang Xiamo also knew that he was in the wrong, and his little face couldn't help but feel a little hot, but he still yelled: "Then I don't care, you are bullying people anyway, sister Yu'er, you have to make the decision for your sister, take good care of you Future husband!"

"Okay, okay...I'll teach him a lesson when I get back!" Shen Ruyu smiled, nodded, and said softly.

While the three of them were chatting, Han Xiao finally woke up from a mild coma with the help of the Queen of Thorns. However, it seemed that the injuries on the soul level had not fully recovered, and his face was still a little pale.

"What are you talking about? You are so happy..." Han Xiao limped towards the three of them, his voice still very weak.

Seeing things in the east in late summer

Feeling very distressed, he rushed to Han Xiao's side in a blink of an eye and carefully helped him over.

"Brother Han Xiao, is your injury okay?" Feng Yixiu stepped forward and asked with concern on his face.

"It's not a big problem, just practice it for a while..." Han Xiao smiled bitterly and shook his head, then couldn't help but ask: "By the way, who won in the end?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, we still lost. The captain is as strong as a monster..." Dongfang Xiamo lowered his head and responded softly.

"As expected..." After Han Xiao fell down, he no longer had high hopes, but after hearing the final result, a trace of disappointment still flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared instantly, and patted Feng Yixiu with a smile. Looking over his shoulder, he said loudly: "As expected of our captain, the three of us have not relaxed at all over the years. We never thought that we would still be no match in a three-on-one situation."

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