God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2860 push the boat

Chapter 2860 Push the boat with the current

"It's a man, if that's the case, then get out!" Feng Yixiu threw his sleeves angrily and said coldly.


Lei Yun turned and left without turning his head, and the rest of the Thunder Hunting Group also followed.

However, before everyone could go far, Feng Yixiu summoned the Queen of Thorns and instructed: "Little demon, I am worried that the Heavenly Fierce Legion will not let them go easily, and please escort them to the underground shelter safely."

"it is good!"

The Queen of Thorns nodded lightly, and a thorn flower bloomed slowly under her feet. After swallowing it, it completely submerged into the ground.

However, in order not to let Lei Yun and others find out, the Queen of Thorns can only protect from a distance, showing up from time to time to drive away the evil beasts with bad intentions.

"Third brother, these guys slander you so much, why are you still protecting them secretly?" Han Xiao was full of fire in his heart, and said angrily.

"If I disregard the Chinese people because of this, then it is the trap of Emperor Molong, not to mention that Lei Yun is only temporarily blinded, they can stand up when China is in danger, it is worth all Human respect." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, whispering.

"I understand the truth, but these guys are too irritating. No matter what your background is, you are considered to have made great contributions to China. You just rushed back to China to support you when you have time. It's okay if they don't appreciate it. , to even speak ill of you, it's really damn!" Han Xiao scolded fiercely.

"Okay, I'm not angry, why are you so angry?" Feng Yixiu patted Han Xiao's shoulder with a smile, as if he didn't care about what happened just now.

"Didn't I feel worthless for you!" Han Xiao sighed.

"Nothing is worth it, I don't do anything to be appreciated by others, nor to be a hero in their mouths, it doesn't matter what they think of me, I just want to make a living for the land where I raised me A bit of strength." Feng Yixiu's eyes lit up, and then he continued: "It's just that I might be scolded by both of you, I'm really sorry."

"What are you talking about! We're brothers, let alone being scolded with you, even if it's being stabbed, eldest brother won't frown!" Han Xiao punched Feng Yixiu heavily in the chest and frowned.

"That's right, even if you become the rat crossing the street that thousands of people refer to, we will always be on your side!" Dongfang Xia Mo also said seriously.

"Thank you for your trust. In fact, I should have told you about this in detail long ago, but I haven't found a suitable opportunity. I just took advantage of this matter, and I will explain it to you clearly." Feng Yixiu himself He felt warm in his heart, and his heart was not made of stone. It was naturally chilling to be suspected for no reason, but after seeing the reactions of Han Xiao, Dongfang Xiamo and others, his heart felt much better.

"It's a long story, I'm afraid it has to start from three hundred years ago." Feng Yixiu's eyes were dim, and there seemed to be a lot of long-term memory fragments in his eyes, explaining the ins and outs of the whole thing.

This is the first time Feng Yixiu has officially explained his life experience to the three of them. He has not concealed anything, and has told the truth about his biological parents and Emperor Molong.

Everyone also listened with their ears pricked up, and their expressions were quite complicated, with both sympathy for Feng Yixiu's difficult life experience, and anger for Emperor Molong's evil deeds.

"That's what happened. I'm afraid Emperor Molong has already announced to the public that I am an extremely demon child. It is also expected that the Chinese people who don't know the truth are blinded by just a few words. In addition, China suffered a great disaster. When I arrived, I really couldn't get back to Huaxia for support, and it's justifiable for them to have resentment against me," Feng Yixiu explained with a smile.

The story is finished, but Dongfang Xia Mo and Han Xiao have not recovered for a long time. This incident is far beyond their imagination, and it will be difficult to digest for a while.

Although Shen Ruyu hadn't completely heard Feng Yixiu describe her life experience, she already knew about most of the things in advance, so she wasn't too surprised.

When Feng Yixiu knew the truth of the matter, his reaction was not much better than theirs, and he naturally understood that they needed time to absorb, so he just waited quietly.

But it didn't take long for Feng Yixiu to hear a slight sob, and Dongfang Xia Mo began to cry softly.

"Sister Xia Mo, this is so good, why are you crying?" Feng Yixiu was also a little overwhelmed and asked cautiously.

"Third brother, it's been really hard for you to come this far. Those guys still slander you, it's really hateful," Dongfang Xia moaned softly while crying.

"It doesn't matter. When I was enchanted, the grievances I received were no less than this. The worst time has passed. To be honest, I don't care at all what they think of me, as long as you believe me." Feng Yixiu smiled. Shaking his head, he comforted softly.

"Well, we will always be on your side!" Dongfang Xia Mo touched the tears in the corners of his eyes and nodded again and again.

"If you guess correctly, Emperor Molong's move is just to make me feel completely disappointed in Huaxia, but such a small trick is trying to shake my heart, which is too small for me." Feng Yixiu's mouth rose slightly. , then continued: "Since Feng Qianjue is not benevolent, then you can't blame me for being unrighteous."

"Brother Feng, what are you doing?" Shen Ruyu asked faintly worried.

"Didn't Emperor Molong want to force me to leave Huaxia and join their Heavenly Fierce Congregation instead? Then I will push the boat along the way and let me

They pay for their actions! "Feng Yixiu said coldly with his eyes dim.

"Third brother, are you planning to infiltrate the Heavenly Fierce Congregation again?" Han Xiao seemed to understand what Feng Yixiu meant and asked back.

Feng Yixiu smiled and nodded, and said solemnly: "Yes, but this matter still needs your cooperation."

"No! Absolutely not!"

Before Han Xiao and Dongfang Xia Mo could speak, Shen Ruyu, who was on the side, vetoed and said anxiously, "I promised Sister Jiu'er that I would never let you take risks. If you are discovered, wouldn't you be dead? ."

"Yu'er, I know you are worried, but in the current situation in Huaxia, ordinary methods can't work anymore, we can only take a risk." Feng Yixiu stroked Shen Ruyu's back and comforted her softly: " Don't worry, I know in my heart, since Feng Qianjue used such a sinister means, he naturally did not intend to take my life, and this trip will definitely not be in danger."

(End of this chapter)

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