God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2871 mutual testing

Chapter 2871 Test each other

"This White Dragon King gave birth to you, but the one who raised you was Emperor Molong. Lord Emperor and you have the grace of raising you, as the so-called parenting grace is greater than heaven. Besides, in terms of blood relationship, you have to call Lord Emperor. Uncle!" King Pingping said very seriously.

"Haha, this guy is only good at picking things up. You don't even mention the revenge of killing your father and mother!" Feng Yixiu sneered and said contemptuously.

"Hey, in fact, this matter has always been a knot in the heart of the emperor, and he often brings it up in front of us, and also says that he is sorry for his sister and brother-in-law." King Pingping's acting skills are also extremely superb, so that tears are already in his eyes. Spinning, "But this matter is not without room for manoeuvre. Your parents' souls have not dissipated, and there is still a chance of resurrection. Lord Emperor also has this plan!"

"Is this true?" Feng Yixiu raised his brows slightly and asked dubiously.

For the sake of this, Feng Yixiu also accepted it as soon as he saw it. Since the other party has worked so hard, he has naturally dispelled his doubts, so he walked down the steps.

Besides, if Feng Yixiu wanted to infiltrate the Heavenly Fierce Congregation smoothly, he still needed a suitable opportunity. I'm afraid there is no better reason than resurrecting his parents.

"That's natural. How can you say that the White Dragon King is also Lord Emperor's younger sister. They still have a blood and kinship that they can't give up. Lord Emperor Emperor's desire to revive his sister is not much less than yours!" King Pingyuan's attitude began to loosen when he saw Feng Yixiu, and he immediately changed. Got more excited.

"Does Feng Qianjue really think so?" Feng Yixiu caressed his chin lightly and asked suspiciously.

"You still dare to lie to the young master. If you don't believe it, when the time comes when the emperor returns from the mountain and sea ruins, let him explain it to you in person!" King Pingping wished he could swear to the sky and said loudly.

"Then I'll just trust you once, but I don't know when will my uncle come back?" Feng Yixiu nodded thoughtfully and asked softly.

When Feng Yixiu said these unintentional words, he felt disgusted in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it for the sake of the overall situation.

After all, he needs to stay in the Palace of Equality for a period of time, and he still has to make a good relationship as much as possible so that he can learn more key information.

King Ping Ping was stunned for a while, and seemed to be thinking secretly in his heart. After a while, he said: "The mountain and sea ruins have just opened, and there are not too many rules to follow, but the last opening cycle was about a month. It is expected that this time even if There are some discrepancies, it shouldn't be too much, and it will probably be back in less than a month."

"It's more than a month, that's not too long." Feng Yixiu nodded thoughtfully, and then said lightly: 'That's it! I will go back to the Shura Empire first, and I will not be late until the emperor returns. "

After saying that, Feng Yixiu was about to turn around and leave, but King Pingping grabbed the hem of his clothes and wouldn't let him go.

King Pingping exhausted his words to talk about Feng Yixiu, how could he be willing to let him leave so easily, and it would not be fun if Feng Yixiu changed his mind again.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to be tough?" Feng Yixiu threw his sleeves angrily and said with disgust.

"I don't dare, I just want to invite you to visit the palace of King Ping Ping." King Ping Ping's thoughts turned, and then he whispered: "Don't you miss your Grandpa Zhou?"

"You arrested Grandpa Zhou?" Feng Yixiu's rather indifferent expression suddenly became cold and severe, and the indifferent killing intent seemed to eat people.

"No, how can this be considered arrest! I'm just afraid that Huaxia will neglect your elders, so I want to take care of it myself, and I have absolutely no other thoughts."

While speaking, the hand of King Pingping behind his back was frantically signaling, signaling his men to go to the palace of King Pingping immediately and release Zhou Kangming, who was imprisoned in the dungeon.

Those little followers naturally understood, and immediately rushed towards the Ping Ping Palace. They had to release Zhou Kangming before Feng Yixiu went to the Ping Ping Palace.

Not only to release it, but also to take good care of it, otherwise, once Feng Yixiu sees Grandpa Zhou's unkempt appearance, he will probably be furious again.

This scene was naturally noticed by Feng Yixiu, but he also pretended not to see it. They were able to do this at least to prove that Grandpa Zhou was not worried about his life.

"Grandpa Zhou also has the grace of raising me, you better tell the truth, otherwise don't blame me for not giving you face!" Feng Yixiu put his hands behind his back and said sharply.

"Naturally, naturally" King Equal seemed a little nervous, raised his head and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Since Grandpa Zhou is in your palace of equality, then it's okay for me to go there. I've been too busy these years, and I've neglected to visit his old man." Feng Yixiu nodded lightly and reluctantly agreed to the other party. request.

"Okay, young master, please come with me!"

Seeing Feng Yixiu, King Pingping finally agreed, he was so excited that he was about to cry, and he was ready to lead the way without saying a word.

But after walking for a long time, I realized that Feng Yixiu hadn't followed. After helpless, I could only turn around and asked in a low voice, "Young Master, didn't you say you were going to the Palace of Equality? Why didn't you move?"

"Hey, I was injured a little while I was in the Central China Underground Sanctuary. It hurts a bit when the wings move!" Feng Yixiu bared his teeth and grinned.

"It doesn't matter, I will let my subordinates carry you back!" King Pingping responded very quickly, and immediately patted his palm lightly, only to see a huge spider monster break out of the ground, and said coldly: "You are in charge of the general. The Lord will send it to the Palace of Equality!"

"As ordered!"

The large spider beast seemed to be a little reluctant, but it didn't dare to disobey the order of King Equality in public, and could only nod in agreement.

However, Feng Yixiu didn't know that this big spider monster was the deputy hall master of the Palace of Equality, and its economy had reached the realm of half a legendary monster.

"Master Young Master, please!" The big spider resisted the anger in his heart and pretended to be calm.

Feng Yixiu just squinted at the big spider beside him, then shook his head in disgust, and said lightly: "No, this guy is too ugly, I can't accept it."

Big spider:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

If it weren't for the concern that King Ping Ping was here, I am afraid that the deputy hall master would not be able to help but follow the trend and work hard, which is too insulting to the spider.

Feng Yixiu's playful eyes lingered on King Ping Ping's body, and he saw the other party was sweating coldly, and then said with a smile: "I look at the real World of Warcraft you just now is quite majestic, don't you mind taking me for a ride?"

(End of this chapter)

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