God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2876 Ten Thousand Prison Sword Formation

"Is there any way to break through this guy's defense?"

Feng Yixiu took out the fruit of the world tree and the spiritual crystal of the divine source, and the powerful thought power controlled the spiritual stone to volley to form a six-pointed spiritual gathering array. While meditating and spiritual practice, he was thinking about how to completely Kill the king of equality.

Devouring the world fruit and meditating spiritually are Feng Yixiu's daily homework, but with the twin spirit stars, he has a greater advantage than the ordinary war spirit emperor, and the efficiency of absorbing spirit energy is also faster. It only takes about an hour to complete.

During the one-hour practice process, Feng Yixiu had simulated countless plans in his mind, but none of them could complete a one-hit kill, even if he used the sword-wielding style and the steel-cutting style at the same time.

"Three days later, it should be able to break through the ninth and fourth-order Battle Spirit Emperor Realm, and the strength should be able to go to another level, but the improvement of the realm is still not enough..."

The strength of King Ping Ping is terrifying not only because of his current strong defense, but also because his abilities in all aspects are relatively balanced, and there are no obvious shortcomings.

After thinking hard to no avail, Feng Yixiu took out the "Extreme Ghost Swordsmanship" again. When he saw the seventh-style sword move, his frowning brows also raised slightly.

The seventh form of this extreme ghost swordsmanship is called "Wanjian Form, Sword Prison", which is different from the previous sword moves, it turned out to be an extremely complex large-scale sword formation.

The advantages of the Sword Formation are naturally undoubted, and once it is used, it can burst into unparalleled combat power, but the shortcomings are also obvious.

Such complex sword formations take a long time to arrange, and are only suitable for positional warfare, not for encounter battles.

Theoretically speaking, the longer the preparation time, the more powerful the sword formation will be, and a maximum of 10,000 prison swords can be arranged.

At this time, there is no problem with Yixiu. After all, he has completely won the trust of King Equality, and three days is enough.

It's just that the problem now is that the training threshold for this "Wanjian Style, Sword Prison" is too high. You must reach the seventh-order psychic power system before you can use it freely. Otherwise, even if you have worked hard to set up a sword array, I am afraid it will not be possible. manipulation.

The Ten Thousand Prisons is an extension of the Imperial Swordsmanship. It not only needs to comprehend the intricate sword formation runes to form the formation, prepare a large number of Prison Demon Swords in advance, but also need to be able to control the entire ten thousand Ten Thousand Prisons with powerful mind power. Magic sword.

It is not difficult for Feng Yixiu to comprehend the sword formation. If the spiritual power is not enough, he can create a large number of prison swords in batches, but the problem of insufficient mental power is difficult to solve.

After all, with Feng Yixiu's current strength of thought power, it is already the limit to control a thousand magic swords of thought at one time, and it is absolutely impossible to control a whole 10,000 magic swords of prison at one time.

This means that even if he spends his energy to set up the strongest Ten Thousand Prison Sword Formation, he can only exert less than one-tenth of his power at most.

"How can this be good..." Feng Yixiu also fell into contemplation. It is impossible for this seventh-order source martial artist to break through in a short period of time, and he must find another way.

The normal way to drive the Demon Sword of Prison is naturally to rely on the power of thought, but this is obviously not the only way.

The so-called Demon Sword of Prison is an advanced version of the Demon Sword of Mind. It is the basic unit of the Ten Thousand Prison Sword Array. In essence, it is also composed of spiritual power and mind power, but it needs to add special elemental runes. Fusion of the power of different elements.

"It doesn't matter... Let's see if you can condense the magic sword out of prison first!" Feng Yixiu shook his head vigorously, and then began to try to condense the first sword with reference to the sword art and runes on the extreme ghost swordsmanship. Magic sword.

After several failed attempts, Feng Yixiu finally succeeded in condensing the first Demon Sword of Prison. Its shape was similar to that of the Tianyuan Hades Sword, but it was wrapped in a crimson flame sword pattern.

This was because Feng Yixiu mixed in the Suzaku Sacred Flame when condensing the Demon Sword of Prison. After all, this sword formation was set up to deal with the metallic equal king, and the fire attribute was naturally the best choice as a restraint element.

"call out!"

Feng Yixiu's thoughts moved, and the Demon Sword of Prison that had just been condensed shot out like an arrow from the string, and the sound of the sword sound was as sweet as the phoenix.

"No, this Demon Sword of Prison is more difficult to control than the Demon Sword of Mind. I thought I could control a thousand swords, but now it seems that I can control hundreds of them..." After one attempt, Feng Yixiu His expression became more solemn, and the situation was much worse than he expected.

The Demon Sword of Prison has the blessing of the Ten Thousand Prison Sword Pattern, and its power is much stronger than the Demon Sword of Mind, so it naturally requires more mind power to control it.

"How can this be good." Feng Yixiu sighed helplessly, staring blankly at the red magic sword floating in front of him, and said to himself: "If this magic sword of hell can match my Heavenly Pluto King Just like a sword, it’s good to have self-awareness…”

All awakened demon soldiers have the demon master of the soldier. Once they accidentally let go, they can automatically return to the master's hands, and even automatically protect the master in an emergency.

"Self-consciousness..." Feng Yixiu seemed to remember something, stroking his chin and murmured: "By the way, I seem to be able to make the Demon Sword of Prison have self-consciousness, as long as the sword soul is not injected!"

Don't forget that Feng Yixiu obtained tens of thousands of ancient sword souls in the sea god ruins, and these thousands of sword souls are the source of the power of Tianshang.

As long as Feng Yixiu temporarily abandons the power of Tianshang and injects the sword soul into the Demon Sword of Ten Thousand Hells, then these Demon Swords can be driven without the need for thought power.

"Try it!"

Feng Yixiu immediately condensed the Tianyuan Pluto Sword, closed his eyes slightly and entered the Demon Bing Kong.

In the meantime, after a while, a golden soul fire escaped from the sword body.

At the same time, the vast soul fluctuation of Tianyuan Hades Sword also dropped a little, but this only affects its soul offensive, and does not affect the strength of the sword itself.

The power of Tianshang is naturally no problem to deal with the monsters of the same rank, or the monsters with weaker soul strength are no problem, but the ability of King Equality in all aspects is very balanced, and the power of Tianshang alone cannot achieve a one-hit kill.

The flame of the golden sword soul that just wafted out was the wife of the Golden Dragon King. After she learned of Feng Yixiu's intentions, she also strongly supported it, and she took the lead in trying it without much hesitation.


I saw the golden soul fire circled twice around the red sword of hell, and then slammed into it.

Immediately, the scarlet Demon Sword of Prison was wrapped with a layer of faint golden light, and the body of the sword was completely transformed from translucent to solid, and a strong ancient dragon breath spread out.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Feng Yixiu was clearly not using his mind to control the Demon Sword of Prison, but it was still revolving around Feng Yixiu, and its speed was even a little faster than he could control it himself.

"Great, it works!" Feng Yixiu was also excited when he saw this, and could not help but exhale softly.

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