God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2900 Origin World Tree

At this moment, the surrounding area of ​​Shura Tongtian Pagoda is crowded with people, and even the sky is blocked. Everyone's attention is on the World Tree emitting a dazzling golden light, and it seems that they do not notice Feng Yixiu's approach.

Everyone looked at the Shura Tongtian Tower, which was plated with a layer of dazzling golden light, with excited smiles on their faces, greedily absorbing the pure spiritual energy that filled the air.

"What a terrifying fluctuation of spiritual energy, what a pure spiritual energy, even standing on the periphery can benefit a lot."

"God bless the Shura Empire, it was a success after all!"

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze..."

Feng Yixiu tried hard to squeeze out the crowd to find out, but he found that he couldn't squeeze in for a long time, but he was disliked by the people watching the fun.

Qiangwei, who accompanied Feng Yixiu to the side, frowned slightly, and was about to speak a few words of reprimand, but was stopped by Feng Yixiu, who just said softly: "Since you are so interested, why don't you go in and have a look?"

"The Asura Tongtian Pagoda has not yet officially opened. Who dares to enter at this time, who do you think you are! Is it the Great Emperor Shura?" I saw Feng Yixiu and the few people in front of them didn't turn their heads, and waved their hands casually.

"Bold, how dare you be rude to Your Majesty!" Qiangwei suddenly burst out with an astonishing spiritual pressure and scolded angrily.

Hearing this, the onlookers noticed the appearance of the person behind him. Although Feng Yixiu was still smiling, he exuded an aura of indifference.

"See Your Majesty!"

Everyone present was stunned for a long time before they reacted, and fell to the ground like a wave, and the sound waves of the sky filled the air.

"Let's be flat, everyone! I heard that the Origin World Tree project has eyes and eyes, so I came to visit. Since everyone is very interested, it is better to enter the Shura Tongtian Tower with me." Feng Yixiu still has a harmonious smile on his face. Intentionally, the dense crowd took the initiative to make way.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Everyone also got up one after another, but the person who accidentally offended Sheng Yan just didn't dare to raise his head.

He was just here to watch the fun. He didn't think that he was so unlucky that he happened to meet Feng Yixiu, who had not returned for a long time. He wanted to find a hole to dig into.

"Xiu...Emperor Shura, Caomin didn't know it was you who drove here, please forgive me!"

"Those who don't know are innocent, get up!" Feng Yixiu raised his hand slightly, his powerful thoughts turned into a huge palm, and helped the kneeling person up, then gently flapped his wings and flew towards the entrance of the Shura Tongtian Pagoda. go.


Before Feng Yixiu approached, the door of Shura Tongtian Pagoda opened actively, and a beautiful figure rushed into his arms.

After Feng Yixiu, everyone took the initiative to look away when they saw this scene, but their expressions seemed a little stiff, as if they were trying hard to hold back their smiles.

"Don't make trouble, there are so many people here! Pay attention to the influence..." Feng Yixiu whispered, but his eyes were filled with endless doting.

"But people can't control themselves as soon as they see you, what do you say?" Hu Jiuer stuck out his tongue playfully and muttered softly.

"I really lost to you, as you like..." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, then he took Hu Jiu'er's waist and walked towards the interior of the Shura Tongtian Tower, and said softly: "Jiu'er, Your face is much more rosy, it seems that you have cultivated well these days."

"That's natural. The remnant soul of the Nine Sins Husun ​​is almost refined. I wonder if the evolution materials you promised are ready?" Hu Jiu'er raised his eyebrows slightly and asked.

"It's still a little short, but it will definitely be collected before you can completely refine it." Feng Yixiu touched his nose a little embarrassedly, changed the subject, and continued: "By the way, I seem to have heard Old Jin's voice just now. Has the Origin Tree Project been a success?"

"The technical bottleneck of the Origin Spirit Liquid has been broken through. After dozens of failed attempts, the World Tree has finally become the Origin World Tree." Hu Jiu'er nodded gently and said softly.

"That's good, then our Shura Empire will have more confidence!" Feng Yixiu murmured.

"A Feng, you are a very busy person. You came back suddenly, shouldn't it be just for this?" Hu Jiu'er frowned and asked suspiciously.

"Didn't I miss you!" Feng Yixiu said seriously.

"Disgusting, slick tongue..." Hu Jiu'er gave Feng Yixiu a white look, but there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

While speaking, the two had already entered the core area of ​​the Shura Tongtian Tower. Although this place was only the lowest level, the concentration of aura emanating was still incomparably astonishing.

Elder Chu and Elder Jin stood around the World Tree, and seemed to be discussing something. When the two saw Feng Yixiu approaching, they immediately bowed and saluted, "Join Your Majesty!"

"There are no outsiders here, so the two of you don't need to be polite!" Feng Yixiu raised his hand slightly and helped the two up with his own hands, and then looked at the Origin World Tree with a strange aura around him, and couldn't help sighing: " It's just that the first floor has such a strong concentration of spiritual energy, this is really a miracle..."

"Your Majesty, the concentration of spiritual energy emitted by this Origin World Tree is far higher than that of ordinary World Trees. The first floor alone can speed up the practice ten times, and it will double with each floor." said excitedly.

"So, doesn't the highest level have a hundred times the cultivation speed bonus?" Feng Yixiu's eyes lit up and said loudly.

"Theoretically speaking, this is indeed the case, but..." Elder Chu seemed much calmer than Elder Jin, and it seemed that there was something unspeakable.

"Old Chu, is there something wrong?" Feng Yixiu asked nervously.

"There is not much of a problem at the technical level, but the cost of supporting the Origin World Tree is staggering. The amount of divine source crystals that need to be consumed every day is huge. I'm afraid it won't last for too long." Chu said truthfully.

"Then, according to your speculation, Mr. Chu, how long can the Shenyuan crystals obtained from the Seagod Ruins last?" Feng Yixiu's expression also became solemn, and he immediately asked.

"It can only last for more than three months at most..." Old Chu replied softly.

"So many Jinyuan crystals can only last for three months. This is really beyond my expectations." Feng Yixiu touched his chin, and seemed to be lost in thought.

The Divine Origin Crystal obtained from the Seagod Ruins can be measured in 10,000 tons. He thought that such a huge amount should not have to worry about it in a short time.

If you don't irrigate the Origin World Tree, you don't need to worry about it for at least three years with the Divine Origin Crystal obtained by Feng Yixiu in the Seagod Ruins.

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