God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2902 Origin Fruit

Hu Jiu'er nodded silently, then sat cross-legged beside Feng Yixiu, closed her eyes gently, and quickly entered a state of meditation.

The top floor of the Shura Tongtian Pagoda not only has an amazingly fast cultivation speed, but also accelerates the speed at which Hu Jiu'er refines the source of his soul. The few sinful fox remnants left in his body are being absorbed little by little.

As expected by Feng Yixiu, Shen Ruyu, Dongfang Xiamo and others rushed to the top floor of the Shura Tongtian Tower on the second day.

However, under the urging of Feng Yixiu, everyone immediately entered the state of cultivation. After all, this kind of opportunity for a hundred times the efficiency of cultivation is not always available.

The extremely pure aura formed a brilliant golden lotus under the seats of everyone, and a golden eye of the storm descended from the abyss of knowledge, turning into a storm of aura surrounding the spirit star, and it was gradually growing. grow……

Before the relics of the gods appeared on Earth Star, the War Spirit Emperor could only rely on ordinary spiritual stones, and the speed of cultivation was extremely slow.

The lifespan of the War Spirit Emperor is only slightly longer than that of ordinary people, so almost no one can reach the fascinating sacred realm in their lifetime.

Even if it is the Holy See of Balance and the Holy See of War with the World Tree, the two bishops can only reach the semi-holy realm, and they cannot complete the breakthrough due to the lack of high-level demon cards and warcraft crystal cores.

However, with the opening of the relics of the gods, all the problems seem to be solved, and the realm of war spirit masters will inevitably take a new step.

Ten days later, the top floor of Shura Tongtian Tower.

"Dong dong dong..."

A burst of hurried footsteps suddenly approached, Qiangwei and Sivir rushed in together, looking a little nervous.

Before the two of them came to the front, Feng Yixiu opened his eyes and said softly, "No need to salute, is there any news from Huaxia?"

Shen Ruyu, Dongfang Xiamo and others would also be awakened by the movement of the dialogue, and immediately quit the state of meditation and spiritual practice, looking at the two not far away with concern.

Qiangwei nodded lightly and said, "Yes, there is news from Huaxia that the gate of the mountain and sea ruins is about to open, and now a space crack has appeared, and it will probably be completely opened before sunset."

Feng Yixiu nodded thoughtfully, then stood up slowly, and said lightly, "Got it..."

"Then don't disturb Your Majesty's cleanliness, and Wei Chen will retire first." Qiangwei and Sivir immediately exited the top floor of the Shura Tongtian Tower after bringing the news.

"It's finally turned on, it's a bit later than I expected..." Feng Yixiu touched his nose, then turned his eyes to the few people beside him, and said with a smile, "Don't be stunned, let's go for a walk together. Come on!"

"It's really comfortable to stay here, and I'm really reluctant to leave suddenly." Han Xiao stood up after a carp hit and said with a smile.

"One hundred times the speed of cultivation, how can you be uncomfortable!" Dongfang Xia Mo gave Han Xiao a white look and whispered: "In just ten days, I broke through the realm of the ninth and fourth-order War Spirit Emperor, and now I think about it. It's like a dream..."

It's not just that Dongfang Xia's realm has improved, but Feng Yixiu, Shen Ruyu and others have also gained a lot, and almost all of them have improved their realm by a small amount.

Now Feng Yixiu has reached the ninth and fifth-order Battle Spirit Emperor Realm, and the other three have also reached the ninth and fourth-order Battle Spirit Emperor Realm. The speed of breakthrough is not astonishing.

However, the primordial aura required for the Battle Spirit Emperor to break through each stage increases exponentially. Even if they have a hundred times the speed of cultivation, it may take at least a few months for them to break through the Battle Spirit Emperor realm.

This is still when everyone has been staying at the top of the Asura Tower, otherwise the efficiency will be greatly reduced...

"I just sighed a few words. Although this practice is important, it is still important to take Huaxia's safety as the most important thing. Let's go quickly!" Han Xiao pushed Dongfang Xia Mo's back towards the door.

"That's natural. After all, the primary goal of our cultivation is to protect China's hundreds of millions of people, otherwise what's the point..." Dongfang Xia shrugged and whispered.

However, Feng Yixiu did not leave immediately, but looked at the Origin World Tree not far away, as if observing something.

"A Feng, are you trying to pick the Origin World Fruit?" Hu Jiu'er walked to the side and muttered.

"Mmmm... Many of the Origin World Fruits are already mature, and they should be able to provide for the cultivation of a few of us, so that we don't have to be constrained by the location."

Feng Yixiu smiled and nodded, and the world fruit swayed gently as far as his eyes could see, as if a pair of invisible hands were picking the fruit.

But in the blink of an eye, hundreds of Origin World Fruits exuding golden light were piled up beside Feng Yixiu, and a strange fruity fragrance wafted out.


Han Xiao's nose twitched slightly, and he turned around following the tempting smell, "How could we forget such an important thing, it's been a year since the last time we picked the fruit, and this fruit should be ripe too. It's gone!"

"So many fruits are enough for us to use for a while!" Shen Ruyu was also full of joy.

"This Origin World Tree fruit is worth a day of ascetic cultivation on the top floor of the Shura Tongtian Tower. If we each have one a day, we should be able to support them for a while." Feng Yixiu smiled and nodded. The Origin World Fruit is divided into five equal parts.

"If I eat two pills a day, will my cultivation speed be faster?" Han Xiao's eyes lit up.

"If you don't want to explode and die, you'd better not do it..." Feng Yixiu shook his head helplessly and said lightly.

"Hehe... I'm not a fool, but I'm just kidding, third brother, don't be so serious!" Han Xiao smiled awkwardly, and put away his own share of the origin world fruit.

"It's not too late, let's go!"

In order to save time, Feng Yixiu did not take the stairs, slowly unfolded Peng's wings, and suddenly jumped down from the window.

Seeing this, everyone did not hesitate at all, and they used their means to keep up with Feng Yixiu's pace, and flew towards the teleportation formation at a very fast speed.

Central China base half an hour later.

Above the empty sky, the space seems to be being distorted, as if a huge vortex appeared on the calm water.

And at the other end of the whirlpool is the endless darkness, and the creepy beast roar can be heard faintly from the darkness.

Hundreds of thousands of Chinese warriors waited nervously under the vortex of space, quietly waiting for the moment when the gate of the mountain and sea relics opened again.

"My neck is almost stiff. When will the gate of this mountain and sea ruins open!" Han Xiao gently shook his already stiff neck, and a crackling sound broke out.

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