God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2918 Six Paths of Reincarnation

There are very few people in this world who can have good fortune and step into the sacred realm. One in ten thousand miles is not enough to describe them. It can really be called one in billions.

As a country with the largest population base in China, only a dozen people have the opportunity to step into the Black and White Shrine, and most of the war spirits have no chance.

This is just the qualification of the Black and White Divine Palace. Whether it can pass the test and go to the Eternal Divine Realm is still unknown...

"Sister, have you considered which God's Domain you are planning to go to?" Shen Ruyu looked at Hu Jiu'er and asked curiously.

"I haven't seriously considered this..." Hu Jiu'er also shook his head with a wry smile, and then smiled: "But it doesn't seem to need to think about it. Anyway, I will go wherever Ah Feng goes."

"Hmm... I think so too." Shen Ruyu nodded with a smile, and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, this pressure is on your side!"

"Yeah, yeah... It looks like we're going to go to the Black and White Shrine soon, third brother, you should make up your mind!" Han Xiao also urged with a serious look on his face.

Feeling the fiery eyes of everyone, Feng Yixiu's expression was unprecedentedly serious. After thinking for a long time, he said: "If I have to choose one, I still hope to go to Hongmeng God Realm, but..."

"Just what... Could it be that third brother, do you still have any concerns?" Dongfang Xia Mo frowned and asked.

"To tell you the truth, I do have some concerns. I once said something inexplicable before the death of Nine Sins Fox, which made me feel a little uneasy." Feng Yixiu's eyes were faint, as if he was talking to himself.

"What did she say?" Hu Jiu'er was also quite curious and asked.

"The Nine Sins Fox said that I am the son of the void, and also said that the son of the void is not the first time he has appeared. Many ancient gods in the Eternal God Realm seem to want to deal with me..." Feng Yixiu did not hide anything, and repeated the truth. once again.

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but look at each other in dismay, and they obviously didn't understand the true meaning of Nine Sins Fox Lord's words.

Feng Yixiu is just a young man in his twenties, no matter how he thinks, he should not have any connection with the Eternal God Realm.

But when one thinks that Feng Yixiu does possess incredible abilities, but it is inextricably related to the mysterious power of the void, one cannot help but imagine.

"You also believe what that guy from Nine Sins Husun ​​said? That guy's mouth is full of lies, maybe just to save his life. Why should we take it seriously." Han Xiao waved his hand, as if he didn't quite believe the words of Nine Sins Husun.

"It's hard to say! The Nine Sins Fox Venerable knew about the Eternal God Realm very early, so it can be seen that her identity is not so simple..." Dongfang Xia Mo shook his head with a serious expression and retorted softly.

"Sister Xia Mo is right. Brother Feng has never shown the power of the Void in front of the Nine Sins Fox, but she insists that Brother Feng is the son of the Void. It doesn't seem like a coincidence." Shen Ruyu frowned slightly. Wrinkled, softly echoed.


Han Xiao, who was still very disbelieving just now, began to waver in his position.

This matter is really too strange. Unless the Nine Sins Fox has the ability to predict, she has no reason to know so many secrets.

"It's useless for us to guess, anyway, the remnant of Nine Sins Hu Zun has not dissipated, why don't we ask face to face?" Just when everyone fell silent, Hu Jiu'er stood up in time and proposed.

"That's right... Let's guess what we're doing here, the Nine Sins Fox Venerable hasn't completely dissipated, let's ask her directly!" Dongfang Xia Mo's eyes lit up and excitedly said.

While speaking, everyone's eyes turned to Feng Yixiu at the same time, as if urging him to release the remnant soul of the Nine Sins Fox.

Feng Yixiu sighed with a wry smile, and said lightly: "I'm afraid this matter is not so simple. If she wanted to say something, I'm afraid she would have said it long ago, and she will not wait until now."

"Now and then, if you don't try, how will you know?" Shen Ruyu comforted softly.

"Okay...let's give it a try then!"

Feng Yixiu nodded lightly, raised his hand slightly to call out Kunpeng Shengyu, and gently flicked out a strange soul fire.

The strength of this group of soul fire has become extremely weak compared to the past, like a candle in the wind, and it may completely dissipate at any time.

I saw that the lavender soul fire began to sway gently, and after a while, it turned into an illusory ghost, which could vaguely be seen as the outline of the Nine Sins Fox.

Before Feng Yixiu could open his mouth to ask questions, Nine Sins Fox Lord took the initiative to communicate with everyone in the way of spiritual thoughts, "Feng Yixiu, if you agree to one condition, I can tell you everything I know."

Feng Yixiu was stunned for a while, and then said with a serious face: "Do you think you are still qualified to negotiate with us now?"

"You can choose not to agree. The big deal is that I will be lost. Anyway, life is not as good as death. It is better to die."

"it is good……"

After weighing the pros and cons, Feng Yixiu nodded helplessly and said, "As long as it's something we can do, you can mention it!"

"My condition is almost impossible for others, but it's not difficult for you now..." Nine Sins Husun ​​slowly looked in the direction of Hu Jiu'er and muttered. road.

Feng Yixiu subconsciously dragged Hu Jiu'er behind him, and said with a vigilant look, "You are here again.

What bad idea? "

"Don't be nervous, I'm just a remnant of the soul now, even if I have the intention to harm, what can I do to you?" Jiu Sin Hu Zun shook his head with a smile, and then continued: "Jiu'er, you Do you know the magic of the six reincarnation mirrors behind you?"

"The Mirror of Six Paths of Reincarnation is my holy weapon, so naturally I know..." Hu Jiu'er said lightly.

"Now that you know it, it's easy to do. I just need you to use the Six Paths of Samsara Mirror to wash away my sins, completely get rid of the curse of the Eternal God Realm, and let me re-enter the Six Paths of Samsara." Nine Sins Fox Lord said solemnly. .

"It's not difficult to wash away sins and re-enter reincarnation, but I don't quite understand what you mean by the curse brand." Hu Jiu'er frowned and asked.

"This matter involves the Eternal God's Domain. I have just said that as long as you agree to this condition, I will tell you everything I know." Nine Sins Fox did not answer directly, but emphasized again. again.

Feng Yixiu was perplexed the whole time. Worried in his heart, he pulled Hu Jiu'er aside and asked in a low voice, "Jiu'er, this guy is very cunning. You have to think carefully and don't be impulsive."

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