God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2923 Good Fortune Futon

Feng Yixiu didn't tell everyone the truth. This didn't mean that Feng Yixiu didn't trust them, but he didn't know much about the situation of the various gods' realms, so he couldn't easily reveal his true identity.

After all, the Supreme God King in God's Domain has the means to penetrate the sky and the earth. Once everyone knows that Feng Yixiu is the son of the void, there is no risk that the Supreme God King will be aware of it.


Gu Yuan didn't ask more, just nodded slightly.

Everyone felt a little inexplicable about Feng Yixiu's instructions. According to normal thinking, it is the most ideal choice for everyone to go to the same God's Domain together.

After all, the Eternal God Realm is very unfamiliar to them. If they ascend to the same God Realm in the future, they can take care of each other.

However, out of absolute trust in Feng Yixiu, they still chose to trust Feng Yixiu's judgment.

"In the future, no matter which God's Domain you go to, I hope you will not forget your old friendship. Maybe one day in the future, we will have a reunion day." Feng Yixiu showed a gratified smile and said immediately. A meaningful sentence.

Hearing this, everyone was still confused, but the unease in their hearts was relieved a lot.

Based on their understanding of Feng Yixiu, it is absolutely impossible to aimlessly. Since Feng Yixiu has said that there is a chance to meet again in the future, there is nothing to worry about.

"Since everything is ready, let's go!"

While speaking, Feng Yixiu sat cross-legged on the spot, the divine light between his eyebrows reappeared, and an invitation letter revealing a divine aura appeared in the palm of his hand.

Seeing this, the rest of the people also sat cross-legged in silence, then slowly closed their eyes and condensed their respective invitations.

Feng Yixiu put the pure spiritual power into the invitation letter of the Black and White Shrine, and saw a holy light that shot into the sky suddenly blooming.

The sacred beam of light that went straight to the sky seemed to have no end, and then Feng Yixiu's body began to gradually lift into the sky.


I saw Feng Yixiu's figure disappearing in mid-air first, and the sacred beam of light rising into the sky also disappeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the crowd began to disappear one after another, and the Sequence Square Zero, which was quite lively just now, became deserted again.

It seems that hundreds of years have passed, and it seems that it is only a moment. When Feng Yixiu opened his eyes, he has come to a strange place.

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge circular high platform. The shape of this high platform is quite simple. I don’t know what material it is made of. breath.

However, Feng Yixiu is not in the mood to explore the mysteries of this sacred platform now, but subconsciously looks to his side. When he sees Hu Jiuer and Shen Ruyu on the left and right sides, the anxiety in his heart eases a lot. .

After confirming that the two of them had successfully arrived at the Black and White Shrine, Feng Yixiu turned his gaze to the surroundings and looked around at everything around him.

I saw that Marshal Gu, Tantai Boyun and others were also sent over one after another. They were sitting cross-legged on the futon emitting golden light. After they regained their consciousness, they looked around like Feng Yixiu. .

There is no doubt that they have now entered the interior of the Black and White Shrine, because looking up they can only see the splendid dome, but not the dazzling starry sky.

The internal structure of the entire Black and White Shrine is also quite simple. The center is the high platform that exudes a strong sacred atmosphere, and ninety-nine good-fortune futons are placed around the sacred high platform.

At this moment, the ninety-nine good-fortune futons have all been filled, and most of them are familiar faces to Feng Yixiu. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the Huaxia and Shura Empires, as well as the Beiyuan Empire and the Sun Moon Empire. et al.

As the emperor of the Beiyuan Empire, Emperor Beiwu naturally received an invitation letter from the Black and White Shrine without any accident. From the dazzling golden light emanating from the futon under his seat, it can be judged that his fortune is indeed not small.

At the same time, he is also the only one among the four major empires who has not only become the Supreme Holy Spirit King, but also received the blessing of massive faith.

Because the Beiyuan Empire was a monarchy, Emperor Beiwu, as the only emperor, was naturally trusted by hundreds of millions of people.

However, this also caused a problem. Due to the concentration of beliefs, except for the Great Emperor Beiwu, only three of the entire Dragon Knight Legion received invitations to the Black and White Shrine.

In this case, the huge Beiyuan Empire only occupied four places for good fortune futons, which is indeed a bit shabby compared to the Huaxia and Shura Empires.

Sure enough, when Emperor Beiwu saw Feng Yixiu's side, his eyes were so frightened that he was about to fall, because there were too many people from Huaxia and Shura Empire who got good fortune futons.

Feng Yixiu naturally noticed the sour look in Emperor Beiwu's eyes, he couldn't help showing a smile, and sighed inwardly, "It's still my father who has foresight..."

If it wasn't for the first generation of Holy Spirit King to set up the seven headquarters system, and the seven marshals and the four city masters to manage Huaxia respectively, I am afraid that they would not be able to get so many opportunities now.

The Shura Empire occupies a lot of good fortune futons. Don’t forget that the entire East China Sea Alliance is a subsidiary country of the Shura Empire, so the Queen of Chaoge and the Nine-colored Dragon King are naturally under the name of the Shura Empire.

"Damn...how did this kid do it?" The Great Emperor Beiwu was silent on the surface, but he cursed inwardly.

However, when Emperor Beiwu saw the direction of the Sun and Moon Empire, where the situation was even more bleak, he was indignant and finally found some solace.

Because the Sun and Moon Empire only occupied the pitiful three good-fortune futons, they were Tianyu Emperor Yuan Shenyu, and Shen Wuyue and Prison Temple Zeren were two great priests.

There are two reasons for this situation, one is that the Sun Moon Empire itself has a small population base, and the other is that the appearance of Feng Yixiu has robbed a lot of the power of belief.

In fact, Feng Yixiu had no idea of ​​seizing the opportunity of the Sun and Moon Empire. It was just that his actions of crusade against the Flower of Evil unintentionally saved hundreds of millions of the citizens of the Sun and Moon Empire. Naturally, he gained a lot of unexpected power of belief.

The situation of the Holy See of War and the Holy See of Equilibrium is similar. The bishop in black and the first judge, with the help of the Beiyuan Empire, also successfully stepped into the Holy Spirit King Realm, naturally occupying two futons of good fortune.

In addition to the four major empires and the two Holy Sees, many kings of medium-sized countries also received invitations, but most of them were alone and did not have any followers under their command.

In general, the number of good fortune futons occupied by the four major empires and the two Holy Sees is basically the same as that of the large number of medium-sized countries, and the two together account for roughly half of the good fortune futons.

Feng Yixiu was not surprised by this, but focused his attention on evil spirit organizations such as the Heavenly Fierce Crowd and the Seven Deadly Sins.

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