God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2925 God's Trial

With the passage of time, the curiosity and excitement in everyone's heart gradually began to dissipate, and they were shrouded in tension.

The interior of the entire Black and White Shrine suddenly became extremely quiet, and everyone's eyes were subconsciously looking in the same direction.

I saw a black-and-white futon that exudes an astonishing sacred atmosphere in the due east of the Black and White Shrine quietly floating in the air.

There is no doubt that this futon belongs to the Pope, but now the futon is empty.

After another ten minutes, the divine light suddenly appeared on the black and white futon, and His Holiness the Pope appeared in everyone's sight as if it appeared out of thin air.

I saw that the Pope was wearing a simple black and white robe, and his appearance was not handsome, but his every move had a mysterious rhythm, which made people couldn't help but feel awe.

This is also the first time that everyone has seen the true face of the Pope, even the bishops in white and black have never seen his true body.

"Welcome to all of you, the Black and White Shrine has not been so lively for a long time. The overall quality of this trial is very good, and I am very pleased..."

His Majesty the Pope was condescending and looked around before speaking indifferently.

Immediately, the sound waves like twilight drums and bells hit from all directions, shaking people's eardrums.

The people present did not speak casually, but slightly bowed their hands to show their respect, and then chose to continue listening.

"The high platform in front of you is called Fengshentai. This is a god-level magic weapon that can connect all the gods. You will use it to carry out your next god trials." The Pope waved his hand gently, originally bleak An astonishing divine light suddenly erupted from the Conferred God Platform of Light, "However, I would like to remind you that participating in the God's Trial is life-threatening, so don't be brave!"

"Dare to ask the Pope, what exactly is the so-called trial of God?" Someone dared to stand up and ask the question first.

"Don't worry, this seat will explain to you one by one..." His Majesty the Pope was still expressionless, and said lightly: "The so-called trial of God is a trial jointly formulated by the Eternal God Realm. Refined talents have the opportunity to enter the temples of all parties, you can understand this as a kind of assessment for you."

"Does that mean that as long as I pass the trial of God, I can enter the Eternal God Realm?" Another king couldn't help but asked immediately.

His Majesty the Pope shook his head gently, and said lightly: "It's not as simple as you think, this seat can only tell you that passing the test of God's Trial is the only way to the realm of God, and the results of your test are It will directly affect your future future."

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but look at each other in dismay. Most of them thought that as long as they passed the so-called trial of the gods, they would be able to go to the Eternal God Realm, but this was not the case.

Feng Yixiu didn't appear too surprised, because he knew a lot about the Eternal God Realm in advance compared to others.

Judging from the information obtained from the Sea God Ruins, this opportunity to go to the Eternal God Realm needs to be contested, and passing the God's Trial is just a qualification to compete for the divine position.

"This seat advises you not to be too ambitious. It's not too late to ask questions after you have passed the trial of God."

After saying that, I saw an astonishing holy light burst out from the Conferred God Stage below, and black and white Divine Marks of the Two Instruments gradually appeared on the stage.

A terrifying divine might spread out silently, and the amazing sense of oppression made everyone present feel enormous pressure.

"Good dismounting power..." Feng Yixiu frantically used his spiritual power to resist the terrifying coercion that struck like a tsunami.

"The Conferred God Stage has been opened, who would like to be the first to accept the trial of God?" His Majesty the Pope asked in a low voice with a faint gaze.

As soon as the words fell, everyone fell into silence. Now they don't know the difficulty of the so-called God's trial, and no one dares to be the first person to eat crabs.

Feng Yixiu and the others did not act rashly either, not because they were timid, but in order to better observe the situation and prepare themselves for the subsequent trial of God.

"Anyway, I didn't expect to be able to step into the realm of the gods. Since everyone doesn't want to be a standout, let me come first!"

After a long silence, someone finally took the initiative to stand up. This person is the monarch of a medium-sized country.

His strength has already reached the pinnacle of the War Spirit Sovereign. As a king of a medium-sized country with poor resources, this level is enough to be proud of, but in the black and white shrine where the strong are like forests and the heroes are fighting for hegemony, it is obviously not enough. Look.

Therefore, he never thought of stepping into the Eternal God Realm at all, but only hoped that this move would be favored by the four major empires, and he might be able to obtain protection in the future.

As the first person stood up, he saw that the good-fortune futon he was sitting on also floated up, slowly following behind him.

I saw that under the baptism of everyone's eyes, he stepped onto the Conferred God Stage with heavy steps, and then stopped at the most central position, and the Fortune futon behind him slowly fell.

"Sit down with your legs crossed and hold your breath!" His Majesty the Pope said indifferently, guiding him softly.

"it is good……"

The man looked back at the Fortune futon not far away, and immediately bent down and sat down.

This good-fortune futon is not an ordinary thing like Fengshentai, it can make people calm down quickly and enter the mysterious meditation


"Silva, this seat is reminding you that the trial of God is life-threatening, remember not to force it..." Perhaps admiring the courage of the people below, the always indifferent Pope reminded.


"are you ready?"


I saw Silva took a deep breath, and then nodded heavily.

Anyway, extending the head is also a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife, it is better to be more straightforward, as long as there is life danger, give up the trial of God in time.

His Holiness the Pope raised his hand slightly, and a faint white divine light enveloped Silva, and an irresistible force made him close his eyes suddenly.

Almost as soon as he closed his eyes, a large amount of information poured into his mind like a tide, and he also instantly understood the specific content of the trial of God.

The so-called trial of the gods is to enter a god’s illusion created by the gods, and every once in a while, powerful ancient beasts will attack.

There are two ways to pass the trial, one is to persist for ten minutes, and the other is to kill all the ancient beasts.

The realm of ancient monsters will be matched according to the realm of the person participating in the trial, so there will be no situation where people with high realm have an advantage. Eternal God's Domain pays more attention to a person's future potential, not the current realm.

There are also different levels of this God's trial. The God's trial that Silva is currently experiencing is the most basic God's illusion. The external performance is white holy light, while the more advanced trials are different colors. Holy light shrouded.

However, Rao is the most basic fantasy realm of God, and its difficulty is also extremely amazing. Silva needs to face the crazy siege of the ancient monsters in the two peak domination realm.

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