God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 833 You're done

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"You're done, let's withdraw." Feng Yixiu waved his hand, and all the magic cards flew into the magic book on the side.

Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Xia Mo returned along the same road, but when they walked to the exit of Lingfu, they saw a figure.

The figure seemed to be integrated with the entire night. If Feng Yixiu had not been using his thunder and lightning eyes to find his way, he would have happened to meet him.

Vaguely Zhongfeng Yixiu could see that this was the figure of a woman. She was not wearing the school uniform of Qinglin Academy, but a dark purple tights.

The slender figure and beautiful proportions are perfectly displayed, and the bright moonlight creates a perfect outline on her flawless face.

Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Xia Mo quickly hid behind a boulder, but the other party suddenly stopped and turned his head slightly.

The place where they could see was where Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Xia Mo were hiding, both of them were breathing tightly, not daring to speak.

Fortunately, the woman just paused for a moment and left, and Feng Yixiu was relieved to hear the slight footsteps walking away.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with this person? You're still cultivating so late, aren't you afraid of being haunted?" Feng Yixiu said a little speechlessly.

"You're not allowed to say that to her," Dongfang Xia suddenly said angrily.

Feng Yixiu was stunned for a while, and said doubtfully, "You know that woman?"

Dongfang Xia Mo pouted and said lightly, "She is my sister Dongfang Xiachu"

"Ah no." Feng Yixiu's face was full of surprise.

It was a bit too coincidental to meet Dongfang Xia Chu's sister, Dong Fang Xia Chu.

Sure enough, there must be a reason why good people are so good.

It's almost early morning, Dongfang Xiachu is still cultivating, and the degree of hard work can be seen.

"If you can't do it, just look at the name of the Lingfu." Dongfang Xia Mo pointed to a huge rock beside him and said solemnly.

Feng Yixiu walked over, and with the help of a little moonlight, he could see the large characters on it, and said, "Dongfang Lingfu."

"In this inner courtyard, apart from my sister Dongfang Xiachu, no one should come out from here." Dongfang Xia said solemnly.

Feng Yixiu smiled and said lightly, "It's not that I'm surprised, I'm surprised that you are sisters, why is there such a big difference?"

These two sisters can be said to have reached two low ends. One is estimated to be close to 1.8 meters tall, and the other is barely 1.6 meters tall.

If it hadn't been said by Dongfang Xia Mo himself, he would never have guessed that these two were sisters.

Dongfang Xia Mo looked down in a daze, and said angrily, "I want you to take care of it"

Feng Yixiu quickly explained, "I'm talking about your height, where do you think you're going?"

"Miss Ben is called petite and cute, what do you know?"

After saying that, Dongfang Xia Mo angrily slipped away with his little hands in his arms.

Feng Yixiu touched his nose in embarrassment, and then followed.

The two of them went smoothly along the way, and they left the inner courtyard very simply according to the original road.

After a while, Huang-level Lingfu.

At this time, Shen Ruyu and Han Xiao were still waiting in the Lingfu, and did not take a step away.

"You guys are back." Shen Ruyu saw the two and hurriedly greeted them.

"How is it going well?" Han Xiao hurriedly asked.

Feng Yixiu smiled evilly, and several gold-level demon cards appeared in front of everyone.

Nine glittering magic cards were lined up in a row, which looked quite beautiful.

"This is the magic card of the Green Scale Tree." Han Xiao was also very excited when he saw this.

"That's right, this is the demon card released by the Qinglong Ancient Tree, thanks to the help of the little demon." Feng Yixiu glanced at the thorny enchantress beside him and smiled.

The thorn enchantress nodded indifferently, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

"Have Teacher Xuanji and Teacher Jialan gone back?" Feng Yixiu looked around and asked.

"I was afraid that they would be worried, so I said you went out to eat, and they went back first." Han Xiao responded.

"That's fine, we can give them an unexpected surprise" Feng Yixiu said with a smile.

"It's good to say that, but is this gold-level demon card really useful?" Han Xiao looked at these demon cards and was worried.

Although the golden demon card of this ancient green scale tree is precious, no one knows whether it can really play the role of the main body.

Besides, Feng Yixiu only had two active monster card slots left, which meant that only two gold-level monster cards could be placed.

The effect of two gold-level demon cards is very limited, and even if it does, it is probably not as good as the green scale forest in the inner courtyard.

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, then sat cross-legged directly, and immediately started to synthesize the golden magic card at the speed.

Eight gold-level monster cards are fused into four platinum-level monster cards, and then four platinum-level monster cards are fused into purple-gold-level monster cards.

Seeing Feng Yixiu's operation, everyone held their breath and didn't dare to disturb them, so they all sat down.

Half an hour later, as a purple-gold light lit up, the second purple-gold-level demon card was freshly released.

Feng Yixiu held the two heavy demon cards in his hand and looked carefully.


Qinglong ancient tree green wood. "Feng Yixiu took a closer look at the front of this demon card, and read it out casually.

Immediately, Feng Yixiu turned the demon card over to check the back, but the pattern on the back was not the pattern of the Dark Abyss series, but the pattern of the Azure Dragon Totem.

Feng Yixiu didn't know much about this, so he turned over again.

The Azure Dragon Ancient Tree, a purple-gold-level demon card, is completely different from the Green Scaled Ancient Tree.

If the ancient green scale tree grows beside the ancient green dragon tree, it may only be a small sapling.

The sturdy tree trunk is like a real dragon scale, exuding a blue metallic light, and the whole body exudes a dazzling brilliance.

"Wow, this monster card is so beautiful, Captain, use it quickly, so that my eyes can be opened." Dongfang Xia Mo grabbed the monster card in Feng Yixiu's hand and watched it for a while, and then handed it over to Feng Yixiu's in hand.

Feng Yixiu took the demon card and nodded to the thorny witch beside him.

The thorn enchantress nodded, indicating that she was ready, and there was a hint of seriousness in her eyes.

Feng Yixiu waved his hand gently, and the two purple-gold demon cards turned into two streams of light and disappeared into the body of the thorny enchantress.

The original crimson armor of the thorn enchantress slowly turned blue, emitting a dazzling light.

At this time, the thorny enchantress was holy like an angel in the sky, and the endless spiritual power continued to spread around her.

I saw she waved her hand gently, and a flower of thorns that was taller than a person rose from the ground, slowly turning from green to full maturity.

The huge seed of thorns gently landed on the ground, and the scattered aura gathered towards this side crazily, forming a huge vortex of spiritual power.

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