God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 847 Accept the challenge

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The first elder simply pretended not to hear it, and then said loudly: "Our Angry Scale Academy has always encouraged students to compete with each other, only competition can make progress! But competition does not mean that you can be unscrupulous. If there is a conflict, you can submit a challenge letter. You must not fight in private, and I will deal with the offenders strictly according to the rules of the Angry Scales, remember?"

"Challenge book? What is that?" Feng Yixiu quietly asked Lin Zhuojiu, who was beside him.

"The challenge letter is the official method for resolving disputes in the Angry Scale Academy. Both parties can agree on a time and place to duel in the arena to resolve the conflict. No matter the outcome, no entanglement is allowed." Lin Zhuojiu explained immediately.

"I probably understand when you say this, isn't this just an appointment..." Feng Yixiu nodded solemnly.

"Also... you can say the same thing." Lin Zhuojiu pondered for a moment and realized that was the case.

"Then I will challenge your sect master!" Feng Yixiu suddenly said loudly.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned, as if wondering if there was a problem with their ears.

This new student actually wants to challenge the Dragon Gate Sect Master. That is the existence of the sixth-level Battle Spirit King and the No. 2 Angry Scale. He possesses a complete True Dragon Battle Spirit!

"I'm sorry, you are not qualified to challenge anyone on the second list of angry scales, you can only challenge the teams or individuals on the first list of angry scales." The elder said expressionlessly.

"It's so troublesome... Then forget it..." Feng Yixiu shook his head helplessly, and immediately lost interest.

Right now, in his impression, the only person who can really be called an opponent is Long Chen, but he really wants to see what kind of posture the real dragon complete body battle spirit is.

In fact, he is also very interested in Dongfang Xiachu, the first in the list of angry scales, but Naihe is Dongfang Xia's sister at the end of the year, so it is not very convenient for him to rush into the challenge book.

Just as Feng Yixiu was about to leave, Ye Xuan's cell phone rang suddenly, and he saw an order that made him dare not disobey.

Long Chen asked him to challenge Feng Yixiu and their team. If he lost, he would automatically quit Longmen, because Longmen does not need useless waste!

"Wait!" Ye Xuan Momo stopped Feng Yixiu with a little panic in his tone.

"Why?" Feng Yixiu asked impatiently.

"Feng Yixiu, I admit that you are really strong, but you are not strong enough to let me capture you. If it wasn't for your teammates just here, you probably wouldn't be able to get out of your body, right?" Ye Xuan said coldly.

Feng Yixiu smiled noncommittally and did not explain anything.

Because what he said was indeed the truth, there was no need for him to explain anything.

"You guys are so embarrassed! You are a champion team after all, and you have a huge rank advantage. You were seriously injured in four against one. If I were you, I would be ashamed to tell me!" Leng Fan said with a look of disdain.

"So I only know that if you all play, we will definitely not be opponents, but if there are three of you, we may not lose!" Ye Xuan said in a very provocative tone.

Feng Yixiu snorted coldly and turned around, saying that he didn't want to pay attention to Ye Xuan.

If you say challenge us and let you challenge, wouldn't that be very shameless!

"My brother and I are the third and second place on the Angry Scales Ranking. As long as you defeat us, you will have a place on the Angry Scales Ranking!" Ye Xuan called out loudly, a little anxious in his tone.

He knew that Long Chen had always been one to two, and if he failed to complete the order he gave, he would probably be kicked out of the dragons without saying anything, and he would be punished very badly!

"Cut! I'm not interested..." Feng Yixiu smiled and waved his hand, walking further and further.

"I said Boss, this Angry Scale list also plays a big role. The higher the ranking, the higher the monthly offering! The second place is rewarded with 10,000 Angry Scales every month! And all resources are 20% off!" Lin Zhuojiu whispered beside Feng Yixiu.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu stopped abruptly, then glanced at Lin Zhuojiu and frowned, "Don't say such an important thing sooner!"

After saying that, Feng Yixiu turned around abruptly, leaving only the confused faces of the Yuanmen people still messed up in the wind.

Sure enough, the boss's thinking is different. It is estimated that he has already penetrated the vanity, and only practical interests can make his heart move.

When Ye Xuan was in despair, when he saw Feng Yixiu coming back, he immediately smiled and said, "Have you accepted our challenge?"

Feng Yixiu nodded and said lightly, "The time and place?"

"Ragescale Arena in a week!" After Ye Xuan answered neatly, he took out a challenge book, wrote his name and gave it to Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu glanced at it, the other party's number of people leaving the station was four, and his side was three, just after a simple thought, he signed his name.

Ye Xuan directly threw the challenge book to the first elder, and said with a smile, "Also ask the first elder to do a notarization."

After the first elder glanced at the challenge book, he nodded: "I will notarize this challenge in a week's time. After all, the top five on the Angry Scale List is no child's play."

After saying that, after the Great Elder put away the challenge book, Yu Jianfei quickly disappeared into the sky.

"Feng Yixiu, you are indeed very powerful, but some of your teammates are still fourth-level war spirits. Do you think they will be of any help to you? I'm just afraid not to hold back..." Ye Xuan said in the wind After Yixiu signed the challenge letter, his attitude became arrogant again.

"You may have misunderstood my teammates, I will

Let you clear this misunderstanding in a week. "Feng Yixiu smiled and wrote lightly.

"Hahaha... Sure enough, geniuses are all conceited? Don't forget that none of my three teammates used spirit soldiers just now. You have to see how you win!"

"Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Xuan laughed and led the people of Longmen back to the interior of Longmen.

Feng Yixiu looked at Ye Xuan's leaving back coldly, and didn't take his words seriously.

It's just that his sharp thunder and lightning eyes sensed that there were two figures on the third floor of Longmen, and he looked over. One of them I have seen myself seems to be Dongfang Xiachu's sister Dongfang Xiachu, and if Feng Yixiu guesses correctly, it must be Long Chen, the master of Longmen Gate.

Feng Yixiu's eyes were burning, and the domineering dragon spear in his hand instantly condensed, and the most powerful spiritual pressure burst out in an instant.

"Reverse Chaos Eight Styles: Zhan Yuehua!"

The spear shot out like a curved golden crescent, and slashed horizontally towards the window on the third floor.

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