God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 870 Sweet talk

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"It's all resolved, but one person still ran away." The Thorns Beast Girl slowly opened her eyes and made a rustling sound.

"It doesn't matter, with this lesson, I'm afraid they won't dare to pay attention to Yuanmen Lingfu in the future." Feng Yixiu said with a smile.

Anyway, his purpose is just to make Longmen completely break the thoughts, so that they will no longer dare to have any crooked thoughts on Yuanmen Lingfu.

The thorn enchantress nodded silently, slowly turning into aura and submerging into the collection of magic spirits again.

The inner courtyard of the angry scales, deep in the Tianzihao villa area.

"Young Master Long, you must avenge your brothers! This is obviously a trap set by that kid Feng Yixiu. We have all set up dozens of elites!"

At this moment, Chu Mangtian was disgraced, his clothes were covered with dust, and there was this frightened expression on his face.

Wearing a black nightgown, Long Chen seemed a little less interested, and said sleepily, "Did you give the gift I asked you to give to Shen Ruyu?"

Chu Mangtian was stunned for a while, but did not respond for a long time.

Did you tell him that dozens of Dragon Gate elites were wiped out?

As soon as he came, he asked himself if he had sent a gift?

Could it be that pleasing a woman is more important than the lives of dozens of brothers?

I almost took my life on the line, you ask me this?

Chu Mangtian thought so, but he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction, he could only smile bitterly: "Shen Ruyu is so ignorant, she even rejected your gift in public. It was a precious platinum demon card, but he really abandoned it like a shoe, he didn't take it seriously at all, and he scolded me back and said..."

"What else?" The face of Long Chen, who had always been indifferent, turned a little gloomy.

"She also said that there is no relationship between the two of you anymore, and asked you not to harass her in the future, and said that you are not even a hair on Feng Yixiu." Chu Mangtian said.


A table made of marble instantly turned into dust, and Long Chen's face became even more gloomy.

"Why even she said that! Isn't that kid just a wild kid! What do you think I can't compare to that wild kid?" Long Chen said angrily.

He recalled that Xuanji had said similar things to him before, when he had always been arrogant and proud, and was humiliated repeatedly like this.

For a while, he was completely aroused by fighting spirit, and he had made up his mind to make Feng Yixiu pay the price.

"Young Master Long, calm down first! How can that wild boy be compared to you... I guess Shen Ruyu is still young, I guess he was bewitched by the sweet words of that stinky boy Feng Yixiu, she will naturally become over time. Still know that Long Shao, you are her real son." Chu Mangtian said with a smile.

He had never seen Long Chen make such a big fire before, and he was frightened for a while.

Long Chen took advantage of Chu Mangtian's words, his anger became much less, and said coldly, "I don't want to send you such a precious demon card, I want you to come and ask me when the time comes!"

"Then how are you going, Young Master Long?" Chu Mangtian asked with a smile.

"No one who challenged Long Chen with me at the Angry Scale Academy will end well! I have a hundred ways to keep you from being at the Angry Scale!" Long Chen said viciously.

Chu Mangtian immediately understood and said solemnly, "The Spirit Sect and the Beast Sect have already greeted each other. It's just that the resources of the academy are public. Although the Yuan Sect is very poor right now, it will not be disbanded."

Since the Dragon Gate ordered, Spirit Gate and Beast Gate have no longer cooperated with Yuanmen. People in Yuanmen who want to obtain cultivation resources can only buy them from Angerscale Academy at a high price.

Although the official price of the academy may be doubled or even several times higher, but with the support of the spiritual energy in the Yuanmen Lingfu, they have saved the cost of the spiritual crystal, and it is not to the point where they cannot support it. .

However, there are still many students who have newly joined Yuanmen who feel very aggrieved, but because of the unique cultivation environment of Yuanmen Lingfu, many people also choose to endure silently.

Long Chen pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "This aspect of the academy is not easy, I will go to tell the elders tomorrow, all the resources are concentrated in the inner courtyard, and the students in the outer courtyard can only buy them from the club, I want to take a look How does he fight me!"

With a smile on his face, Chu Mangtian said, "Young Master Long is really high! Such a source family has money and nowhere to spend it! Such a source door will definitely be ruined, so they won't have to come and beg you... …”

"But I still feel a little unhappy. Why don't we just detain him all the anger of everyone in the source gate! I see what else they have to challenge you!" Chu Mangtian smiled sinisterly.

"Okay... just do as you said!" Long Chen nodded and agreed.

The money here naturally refers to "Angry Scale Points", which is the common currency of the Angry Scale Academy.

In general, there are not many channels for anger scale points, nothing more than waiting for the academy to release, or free circulation between clubs, and doing tasks and so on.

However, the difference between the monthly anger scale points issued by the inner courtyard and the outer courtyard is also very large, and the biggest difference can almost reach several times.

This is also one of the reasons why so many students from the outer courtyard are trying their best to enter the inner courtyard, because the disparity in the resources they can enjoy is really exaggerated.

"Hmph... You dare to refuse to humiliate this young master in public, I want you all to kneel in front of me and repent." Long Chen

With a sinister smile.


Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

The Yuanmen Lingfu is no longer the grand occasion it used to be, and every day a large number of students voluntarily withdraw from the Yuanmen.

Although the cultivation conditions of Yuanmen Lingfu are unique, they gradually found that their anger scales were inexplicably detained. Although the reasons were various, they knew that it must be because the door owner and Longmen were against each other.

The disciples who originally had some anger scale points could not find any channels to consume. Both Lingmen and Yuanmen cut off contact with Yuanmen, and the only official channel was only available to students in the inner courtyard.

This made many Yuanmen disciples unbearable, and they took the initiative to withdraw from Yuanmen.

"We've gone a dozen more today, and it's estimated that it won't be long before our Yuanmen will be disbanded..." Leng Fan looked at the backs of the departing students and said worriedly.

"Who says it's not! This dragon gate is just covering the sky with one hand, who can stand it like this! I don't know what the wind gate master thinks, but he has no idea at all, and he practiced in class every day, as if nothing happened. It's normal..." Lin Zhuojiu said somewhat incomprehensibly.

This situation has been going on for almost half a month, and the situation in Yuanmen is getting worse day by day.

Originally, after Yuanmen won the competition against Longmen, the momentum was booming, and the number of Yuanmen once reached about 500 people!

But in only half a month or so, more than half of them have gone, and the rest are almost the same group of people who joined the source gate first, and there are only more than 100 people left.

"Maybe boss Feng has his own ideas. After all, boss is not an ordinary person, let's not guess." Leng Fan smiled.

"That's right, but..." Lin Zhuojiu frowned, seeing that the 100 seats in the Yuanmen Lingfu were almost full, and finally couldn't sit still, and said loudly, "Don't worry about it. , I must go to the boss and ask clearly, it really won't work like this."

After saying that, Lin Zhuojiu walked straight towards the Spirit Gathering Barrier, and after Leng Fan's persuasion to no avail, he followed.

As soon as Lin Zhuojiu entered, he saw Feng Yixiu, Shen Ruyu and the others were concentrating on Han Xiao, and the atmosphere was very tense.

Feng Yixiu also realized the arrival of Lin Zhuojiu, so he made a gesture of silence.

Lin Zhuojiu and Leng Fan also realized something, they immediately became quiet, and sat on the side with their legs crossed carefully.

At this moment, Han Xiao was at a critical period to break through the War Spirit King. Everyone was guarding him nervously, for fear that a little noise would distract him.

Generally speaking, whether Han Xiao is absorbing the magic card or the rest of the study, the speed is relatively slow.

The last time Han Xiao absorbed the giant tortoise on the floating island, it took him a whole day and night to completely consume the giant tortoise on the floating island before he succeeded in conquering it.

After Han Xiao broke through the fifth-level War Spirit Master, he also did a lot of preparations in order to break through the War Spirit King.

He almost maintained the rhythm of practicing until the early morning every day, and he never slackened for half a month.

Five minutes later, Han Xiao slowly opened his eyes, bursting out two different colors of light.

One is sky blue and the other is pale yellow.

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