God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 981 00,000 reward

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A row of guards wearing black masks are checking one by one who wants to enter the city of sin, and the leader is wearing a white mask.

"Stop! How much is your bounty, kid?" The white masked man stopped a vicious big man and said coldly.

"I offered a bounty of eight million!" The big man said proudly.

The man in the white mask sneered, a sharp knife flashed, and the big man was dead.

A stream of warm blood splashed on Feng Yixiu's face, and he wiped the blood off his face in disgust.

This has not officially entered the capital of sin, so he has seen the horror of the capital of sin. Even the law enforcement here is so bloodthirsty, it can be seen what kind of purgatory scene on earth will be inside.

I saw the man in the white mask stick out his slender tongue and lick the blood from the knife edge, and said coldly: "The city of our sins is not a place to take in garbage. Be happy, as long as the bounty does not exceed 10 million, go back to where it came from!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was still in line immediately showed a look of horror, and began to discuss one after another.

"Isn't the minimum bounty requirement in Sin City used to be five million? Why is it now ten million?"

"Maybe it has something to do with the opening of the Asura Tower... I heard that the old city owner is now running out of life, and he is eager to find the next Asura, so he restarted the Asura Tower again. It is estimated that it has attracted too many villains. ."

"Hey... I'm offering a bounty of 9 million, which is only 1 million! It seems that there is no way out. Let's give up. It's better than being killed."


It didn't take long for half of the people in line to disperse immediately, most of them were younger people. Generally, the bounty is the most intuitive manifestation of a person's sin. Sometimes it is impossible to tell a person's quality and strength from the appearance alone, but the bounty will not deceive people.

The war spirit alliance organizations of various countries will objectively and impartially give a bounty for a criminal, and this bounty also shows the real danger and strength of a criminal.

Originally, the criminal didn't want his bounty to be too high, because this would mean that the people chasing him would be stronger and more.

But in a special place like the city of sin, the bounty has become an intuitive symbol of identity and strength, and the higher the date, the more respect from others will arouse.

The city of sin can accommodate a limited population. Recently, after the news that the old city master is approaching the deadline, the number of people who want to enter the city of sin has increased several times.

In desperation, they can only raise the threshold of entering the city of sin, so as not to waste their precious time and space.

"Someone! Drag me this waste to feed the dog!" The white masked man said indifferently.

Immediately, the black-clothed law enforcement team behind him dragged the corpse of the man with a different head out, but what Feng Yixiu didn't expect was that he thought it was a joke to say dragging out to feed the dog, but he didn't expect it to be true. "Feed the dog".

I saw a group of two-headed blood prison dogs surrounding the corpse, frantically gnawing at his flesh and blood, and not even the bones were left.

Hearing the sound of eating bones and the pungent bloody smell that kept hitting his sense of smell, Feng Yixiu also frowned.

It's not that he hasn't killed people, but the difference between torture and murder can be said to be a world of difference, and this brutal way makes him a little disgusted.

The strong smell of blood made him feel a little upset, the killing intent that had been suppressed was slowly awakened, and the beast in his heart seemed to be gradually awakening.

Feng Yixiu slowly closed his eyes, trying his best to suppress his inner desire to kill.

"Hey! How much is your bounty, kid?"

It was Feng Yixiu's turn to check his identity, but Feng Yixiu was still closing his eyes, and the white-masked man was a little unhappy when he saw this.

Looking at this somewhat immature young man, he was contemptuous in his heart. Although age and strength are sometimes not proportional, it works most of the time.

His behavior just now has made most of the young people retreat, but this man remains motionless.

So he has also paid attention to Feng Yixiu for a long time, and another important reason is that the woman in red beside him is too dazzling, she is simply a natural stunner.

Due to the interruption of the other party, the killing intent that had just been suppressed became more intense. Feng Yixiu slowly opened his eyes, and a refined murderous intent attacked the white snake masked man like a sharp sword.

The man in the white mask subconsciously took a half step back, and then said angrily, "I'm talking to you! Are you deaf?"

Feng Yixiu frowned, holding back his anger, and slowly stretched out a finger.

"Ten million?" the white masked man guessed.

After all, he just said that the minimum limit is 10 million. Since the man in front of him has not left, he must have some strength.

Feng Yixiu shook his head and said lightly, "One hundred million."

As soon as these words came out, after a short period of silence, the surrounding people let out a burst of laughter.

"Hahahaha... This kid said he offered a reward of 100 million! I laughed so hard!"

"This kid is probably just coming of age! I have been rewarded for more than ten years, and the sixth-level Battle Spirit King's cultivation base is only fifty million, one hundred million.

? who do you think You Are? "

"The capital of sin is very punishing for those who cheat. I don't think this kid can get out of the capital of sin. Poor! He died before he entered..."

"It's a pity that the beautiful woman beside him is a useless person. I think it's better to follow me!"


Some foul language continued to come out around, and the expressions of Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiuer gradually became deserted.

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