Mobile phone direct access:

Immediately, the guards looked at each other in dismay. It was the first time they had encountered such a situation.

"What? Is one head not enough?" Feng Yixiu frowned when he saw that no one dared to speak.

"Enough... Enough, please come in." A guard took the initiative to open the door for Feng Yixiu and invited Feng Yixiu to enter.

They didn't want to let themselves be in a different place. They thought they were already evil enough, but compared with this killing god in front of them, it seemed a little bit unsightly.

"Jiu'er, let's go." Feng Yixiu guarded Hu Jiu'er behind him and entered the gate of the city of sin while everyone was watching, no one dared to speak out.

Until Feng Yixiu completely stepped into the city gate of the city of sin, a guard quickly dialed the phone, and an impatient voice came from the opposite side.

"What? Since the centurion was killed? Who did it?"

The guard didn't seem to come back to his senses, and said tremblingly: "It was done by a blood spirit king named Feng Yixiu. He has now entered the capital of sin."

"A blood spirit king can't stop it? What did Laozi raise you for food, a bunch of rice buckets!" When there was an angry voice on the phone, one or two women's gasping voices could be vaguely heard.

"The centurion was decapitated by the sword of the blood spirit king, and we dare not do it..." the guard whispered.

"Killed the centurion in one stroke? How much is the bounty for this kid?" The man seemed a little curious.

"A full 100 million, and this is the first time a reward is offered." The guard said truthfully.

"Send me all the information about that kid, right away!"


After the guard hung up the phone, he immediately packed all Feng Yixiu's information and sent it to that person's mobile phone.


After a long and narrow corridor, Feng Yixiu finally arrived in the inner city of the city of sin.

As soon as Feng Yixiu stepped into it, he felt a violent killing intent pouring into his heart. It seemed that the breath here could suppress the holy light bestowed upon him by the uncle in white.

I have just overlooked this city of sin from a high altitude, but the feeling of stepping into it in person is completely different.

It is like a contradictory combination of a high degree of civilization and a high degree of barbarism, and the modernization here is no later than that of an ordinary metropolis.

But there is a savage atmosphere everywhere, and all kinds of things that you don't dare to think about at ordinary times seem to be a common thing here.

As soon as Feng Yixiu entered it, he saw a store selling meat. The business seemed to be good, but the goods sold made Feng Yixiu frown.

The butcher with a face full of flesh was waving a huge butcher knife in his hand, and what he was cutting turned out to be a half-human corpse.

Those customers even haggled with the butcher again, as if this was a very common thing, Feng Yixiu couldn't help frowning, and walked over quickly.

I don't know if it's because Hu Jiu'er's appearance is too good, Feng Yixiu always attracts a lot of attention when he walks, most of them are some men pointing fingers at Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu was covered with warm blood at the moment, his eyes were a little red when he was awakened to kill, and the whole person looked full of evil spirits, but no one came up to ask for trouble.

But when I was passing by a store, I was stopped by the owner of a store: "This guy stay!"

Feng Yixiu stopped, glanced at the man, and said lightly, "What's the matter?"

Immediately, he turned his gaze to the inside of the shop beside him, where people came and went, which turned out to be a slave trade shop.

I saw beautiful women locked in filthy cages, with blood-stained chains around their necks, and some were even naked, huddled in a ball at the corners of the cages. He looked at everything around him with horror.

There are many big men around, who are walking back and forth in front of these cages, commenting on them as if they were picking pets.

These slaves are not only adult women, but some are also openly sold in their youth. Feng Yixiu looks at them and some slaves are not completely human races.

Feng Yixiu frowned as he looked at it. He really didn't expect that since the city of sin would be so evil, he couldn't help but feel a little disgusted.

The roe-headed and rat-eyed boss walked over to Feng Yixiu with a smile, his eyes were still peeking at Hu Jiu'er, and then he sneered: "I see my brother's face, I guess it's not long after coming to the city of sin?"

Feng Yixiu frowned and said in a cold voice, "If you have something to say, hurry up and fart!"

"Hey...don't be angry. I think my brother is also a fellow man. This beautiful woman behind you is the best of the best! Brother is so lucky..." The thief-eyed boss was still close to Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu seemed to have guessed what the other party wanted to do, and directly refused: "Who is your fellow... Although the girl behind me was a slave before, but now she is not, you pay less attention to her, no matter how much money you pay. Not for sale."

The owner of the slave shop was guessed what was in his heart, and his face became a little ugly. But after a while, he smiled and said: "Hahaha... Brother misunderstood, I mean I have a new batch of top-quality slaves in my shop, all of them are born stunners, why don't you come in and have a look?"

The owner of the slave shop looked like an old Jianghu at first sight. When he couldn't buy it, he immediately turned to sales, and he also entered the shop if he wanted to hard pull.

Feng Yixiu was about to turn around and leave, but Hu Jiuer was soft

Said: "Those slaves are really pitiful..."

"You... haven't you experienced this before?" Feng Yixiu asked cautiously.

Hu Jiu'er shook his head and said lightly, "I don't, but I feel the same way when I see these slaves, why don't we help them?"

As soon as these words were said, Hu Jiu'er regretted it. Did she go too deep into the role?

Why would he sympathize with these former slaves, who in the past were just the most despicable rations in his eyes, why would he have sympathy?

Feng Yixiu nodded, and then stepped into the store, which attracted the attention of many people as soon as he entered it.

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