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Feng Yixiu said coldly: "Who said I want to be your heir, I'm here just to gain the heart of Shura! I'm not here to be the so-called king of sin..."

"Bold! How dare you talk to the king like that!" A man sitting at the bottom suddenly stood up and roared.

The King of Sin glanced at the man coldly, and said solemnly, "Did this king let you speak?"

The man at the end of the table sat down embarrassedly and said in a low voice, "No... Your Majesty."

"I don't care whether you are here to inherit my throne or gain the heart of Asura, anyway, you have to enter the Asura Tower, but you are late..." The King of Sin looked at Feng Yixiu with interest, faintly road.

"I am indeed late, but I heard that you have a way to let me in, isn't it?" Feng Yixiu said solemnly.

"This king can indeed let one person in, but why is this person you?" The King of Sin leaned gently on the throne, resting his chin in his hands, with a playful smile on his face.

Feng Yixiu's eyes lit up when he heard that the King of Sin did have a way to make himself enter the Asura Tower, and the King of Sin really had a way!

I really have no time to spend in this sinful capital, and I must get this opportunity no matter what, otherwise I will fall into darkness forever.

"Why can't this person be me?" Feng Yixiu asked rhetorically.

"This king has only one chance to modify the quota, but this opportunity is a great opportunity for my top ten law enforcers to inherit my throne. Each of them is a one-in-a-million powerhouse. Why should you be a little-known Mao? How about wasting the opportunity for the head boy?" The King of Sin stared at Feng Yixiu, as if he wanted to see his cowardice in his eyes.

However, Feng Yixiu didn't have the slightest timidity, instead he chuckled and said, "Just because I'm stronger than them!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall fell into a brief silence, and everyone looked at Feng Yixiu like a fool.

After the silence, there was crazy laughter, almost everyone was laughing from ear to ear, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Hahaha... I'm really laughing to death, a hairy boy who has never heard of it, since he dares to speak up, let alone others, I can beat you with one hand!" Pointing at Feng Yixiu, he cursed angrily.

Feng Yixiu turned his head slowly, glanced at the man a little, and observed that there was a number ten on his armor.

On the way here with Cheng Xiaotian just now, Feng Yixiu asked about the meaning of this number. This number is the number of the top ten law enforcement officers in Sin City. The smaller the number, the higher the strength and status.

The law enforcer is an existence whose status is second only to the king of sin. It can be said that he is an existence under one person and above ten thousand people, especially in the capital of sin, he is admired by ten thousand people.

And it is also the only existence that can freely enter and exit the city of sin. After entering the city of sin, ordinary people cannot go out again, unless they become law enforcement officers.

There are two paths to becoming a law enforcer, one of which is to participate in the Asura Blood War. After successfully obtaining a thousand Asura blood points, you can choose to quit the Asura Tower and have the opportunity to become a thousand commander, so as to be eligible to become a law enforcer.

The other method is to directly challenge the law enforcer. If the law enforcer is killed, he can replace his number and become the new law enforcer.

This method is the most dangerous method, because every law enforcer has climbed out of the pile of dead people, and his strength is naturally extremely strong, otherwise he will not become the leader in a thousand miles.

The King of Sin said: "Feng Yixiu, this is the weakest of my ten law enforcers. As long as you can defeat him, you can become the No. 10 law enforcer. It's okay to give you this Asura Tower spot..."

"A word is settled!" Feng Yixiu said with a smile, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Under the permission of the King of Sin, Law Enforcer No. 10 walked up to the center of the hall with a look of excitement, and looked at Feng Yixiu with bloodthirsty mania in his eyes.

Feng Yixiu hadn't noticed when he was sitting just now. It was not until Law Enforcer No. 10 stood up that he realized that the man's height was nearly three meters tall. of pressure.

Before the person approached, Feng Yixiu felt a pungent bloody smell coming from his nostrils, so he unconsciously took a few steps back.

How many people must be killed and how much blood must be drunk to have such a pungent bloody smell, Feng Yixiu knew without guessing that this person must be murderous.

Law Enforcer No. 10 took a few steps back when he saw Feng Yixiu, thinking he was scared, and sneered: "Boy, I haven't eaten someone with tender skin like you for a long time, and I will beat you to the teeth today!"

Feng Yixiu stood still and said coldly, "You will be the first person I kill when I enter the city of sin."

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