God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1101: Old hatred

The questions in Ling Zhi's heart came one after another.

Just when he was horrified, the Ice Palace suddenly moved, and then the Ocean Crystal, accompanied by the soul power in the Sea of ​​Knowledge, swarmed towards the Ice Palace.

The soul power entered the Shenting cave and melted toward the ice palace on its own, making the color of the ice palace more crystal clear.

The Ocean Crystal floated towards Xia Ning'er's soul body.

Into its soul body, no trace.

Ling Zhi clearly saw that in Xia Ning'er's soul body, there was a ray of light flashing in his eyes. Before he could take a closer look, a burst of light flooded from Xia Ning'er's Shenting acupoint, and he was driven away out of control. .


Ling Zhi opened his eyes and stared at Xia Ning'er.

A touch of red emerged from Xia Ning'er's face.

"Brother, Ning'er feels better, not cold at all."

Xia Ning'er opened the big Shui Ling eyes, Gao Xin said.

Jumped up from the bed and hugged Lexus’s neck for a while,

"Brother, Ning'er misses you.

Every time it was extremely cold and the cold was about to faint, Ning'er would tell herself that he would come back to save Ning'er, so Ning'er has not been in a coma, and has persisted until now. "

Ling Zhi touched Xia Ning'er's head, pulled the corners of his mouth, and smiled.

He knew that Xia Ning'er didn't know what would happen to a coma, but she knew that she had been with her and could not sleep when the cold was overflowing.

So girl, have been insisting.

Feeling the rise in Xia Ning'er's body temperature, Ling Zhi stretched out his spirit power and lightly probed.

In Xia Ning'er's sea of ​​knowledge, there was no chill at all. As for the direction of Shenting acupoint, there was a crystal clear white light that blocked Lexus's visit.

At present, it seems that there is no problem. As for the problem in Shenting acupoint, one can only watch the change.

The power that pushed him out before could not even be countered by him, forcing it to investigate, I was afraid it would hurt Xia Ning'er.

"Ning'er is tired, take a good night's sleep, you won't feel cold anymore."

Ling Zhi rubbed Xia Ning'er's hair vigorously, turned around and walked out amidst the girl's grumble.

Depressing the doubts in his heart, Ling Zhi wanted to bid farewell to Qin Binglan and the others and left directly.

Although Qin Binglan's strength has grown differently, they are still weaker than the enemies they face. They themselves know that following Lexus will only drag him down.

On the contrary, the snake spirit vine in the yard, with a large supply of spirit stones, had symptoms of becoming a spirit vine in a short time, which made Ling Zhi a little surprised.

Just when Ling Zhi left the room and walked into the main courtyard, Dong Lianhan, Qin Binglan and others walked over together.

Their faces were stern, with undisguised killing intent on their faces.


Ling Zhi glanced at them suspiciously and frowned.

"The news from the Fallen Leaf Sect?"

"Has someone else happened?"

He asked.

"No, it's not."

Qin Binglan waved her hand quickly, for fear that Ling Zhi would think too much.

"The Fallen Leaf Sect is closed, everything is still normal at the moment, but just now, I learned a news, a bad news."

Dong Lianhan spoke.

As soon as these words came out, all Rao looked a little ugly. The situation of the Fallen Leaf Sect was already very difficult and dangerous. The continuous bad news was enough, and the new news was still bad news.

They all looked at Lexus with some worry.

Ling Zhi suddenly smiled.

"As long as the Fallen Leaf Sect is still holding it, right, what bad news."

"When I arrive, I will turn all the bad news into good news!"

Ling Zhi said suddenly, a touch of red emerged from his pupils.

That is a sign of enchantment! He couldn't wait, he wanted to rush back to the Fallen Leaf Sect, not for anything else, just to kill, and all those who dared to target the Fallen Leaf Sect regretted.

A gleam of light appeared in Dong Lianhan's eyes, and Qin Binglan was short of breath, looking at Lexus idiotically.

"You first prove to us that you are really a strong person on the fourth level of Yijing, before I can tell you the news."

Dong Lianhan suddenly said playfully.

Qin Binglan was stunned for a moment, and in the blink of an eye,

"Yes, you have to prove to us first, how can you suddenly become so strong."

They were afraid that Lexus would be repressed too much and become irrational.

After touching his nose, Ling Zhi took a deep look at the two women. He was not stupid, and he was kind, he saw clearly.

But looking at their eyes, looking at Zhang Yiyanji and so on, Ling Zhi still chose to cooperate.

"I, Lexus, from now on, come back strong!"

He suddenly shouted, shouted at.

Jingrao spiritual power burst out from his body, spreading towards the outside, powerful soul power rushed out of his body, curling his voice, spreading to the entire Leicheng.

There is a light beam of surprise, from the Thunder City, enduring for a long time.

Ling Zhi bowed his head and looked at Qin Binglan and the others with a smile.

"How, is this proof enough?"

A few people looked at Dong Lianhan blankly. They only knew that Lexus had just exploded with shocking power, but they didn't know what level it belonged to.

"The power that crushes me."

Not only did Dong Lianhan not suffer, but cheered.

"Hey, right, how could I lie to you.

Others can't rise so quickly, but who am I?

Right, my dear sister, and sister Qin? "

Ling Zhi scanned Qin Binglan's chest recklessly, and glanced at Dong Lianhan, a beautiful young woman, without any concealment.

The two screamed together, Qin Binglan's face flushed with shame, Dong Lianhan had a big chest, and looked like Renjun was picking it.

Instead, Lexus was defeated, touched his nose, and retracted his gaze.

"Well, listen to the news first, we know you haven't lost your mind, you think Bing Lan is ashamed."

Dong Lianhan teased, her expression changed and her tone became more serious.

"Just now, I learned that several first-class forces sent strong family members to the Fallen Leaf Sect."

Ling Zhi frowned, and he became even more puzzled. He hadn't figured out who it was, with such influence, able to mobilize so many powerful forces, and tearing his face with the Fallen Leaf Sect. This will not be an easy battle. ! And what is the reason for them to attack Luoyezong? Although the snow-white beast in the tower has dispersed, they are so sure, so not worried?

"Of these families, you must be familiar with one."

Dong Lian said.

Ling Zhi's eyes condensed, looking at Dong Lianhan's expression, instantly reacted.

"Compared with the Qian family of the four great families, Yuan family?"

"Yes, it is them.

This time they attacked the Fallen Leaf Sect, they provided a lot of financial and material resources, especially their main industry Yuange, and they also transferred a large number of spirit pills for the warriors of various big families. "

Dong Lian said coldly.

Old grudges added new grudges, Ling Zhi suddenly cast his eyes on a corner of Leicheng.

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