God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1108: Blind gangster

"Well, this is good."

Ling Zhi complimented.

Cang Pingguo almost vomited a mouthful of old blood, and his face lowered his head, full of shame and anger.

Seeing his shame and anger, Ling Zhi felt refreshed.

He rushed to the battlefield from Xinzong, and wanted these people from Xinzong to treat him respectfully and send him farewell. This feeling is simply not too cool.

Tan Taijing glanced at Ling Zhi strangely, frowned again, and finally did not speak.

She faintly felt that the person next to her was very familiar, but she seemed to have never come into contact with people in this realm, except for people in Xinzong.

In the shouts of Cang Pingguo and others, Ling Zhi and Tan Taijing passed through the teleportation array towards the vicinity of Luo Yezong.

Ancheng, this is located in the center of Xuanzhou, within the influence of the Fallen Leaf Sect, an ancient city second to none.

The city is not big, but it has experienced a long vicissitudes of life, and the specific history is no longer available.

The cluster is less than ten thousand miles away from the Fallen Leaf Sect, and it is also the only ancient city that is still alive.

And now, it has been officially announced by Xinzong, Wang Family, and Jian Family to take over, and it has become a transfer station for people from several forces.

"Senior, do you want to go alone, or with the younger generation?"

As Shangguan Ning's personal disciple, walking out of the teleportation formation, Tan Taijing asked politely.

However, her eyes have drifted in other directions. Obviously, she is not used to, and does not want to, walk with this arrogant man next to her.

But just polite...

"Ah, sister Tantai also thinks that I am alone. Is it pitiful? That's right, we two will go together, there is a companion on the road.

If you meet those gangsters who don't have long eyes, don't worry, I am here. "

However, Ling Zhi took the stubbornly and responded unceremoniously.

He also patted his chest, threatening to protect Tantaijing.

He came to this Ancheng for the first time, and where did he know where he was going to join a few forces.

It's rare to have this opportunity, so why not go to inquire about the reality of the enemy Rao.

Tantai breathed quietly, and frowned again, but his eyes did not fluctuate, and he nodded.

"Okay, please come with me, senior.

With the strength of the predecessors, how can there be gangsters coming to harass and laugh. "

What Lexus had said about a gangster who wanted to protect her was a joke.

Which gangster will take action against a martial artist? But in this world, there are some coincidences, it is really not as good as people.

Recently, Ancheng was turbulent, and the ancient and quiet city suddenly appeared so many powerful forces. Naturally, many people were attracted to attract bees and butterflies. If they wanted to take the opportunity to climb these big trees, no matter how bad they were, they would send a few disciples in the clan. Go in.

There are disciples in the heart sect, and the confidence of the family's words is a lot.

There are countless families rushing over, and there will be wolves coming naturally if they smell meat.

No, Lexus and Tantaijing had just left the city. Tantaijing was not happy and crowded. They watched and didn't take the initiative to fly. Lingzhi was so happy to inquire quietly. It was the kingly way.

As a result, the two hadn't gotten out of half a mile, and a group of people rushed out after a turn around the avenue.

Hula, at least there must be hundreds of people.

"Hey, look, there is another young man in the family who has a girl who came to this wilderness and has **** with him."

A younger brother shouted among this group of people.

"Tsk tsk, these are several of these, right? Last time, just last time, the brothers were taken aback, and the boy brothers had taken off most of his clothes. If it weren't for you idiots, you rushed impatiently, no There must be a good show.

such a pity. "

"Damn, the life of these brothers is really happy, these ladies are also no brains, brothers beckon casually, and do this kind of shameless thing with others, thinking about me back then, it was a flower spirit stone, and it was thoughtful. Yeah, it's so boring."

"But... this time this girl, she doesn't look good, she's a bit ordinary."

"What do you know, it's called lingering charm, you didn't see this temperament, which woman you have ever seen can compare."

With a bang, there was a mess of noises, rushing out of these people.

The strength of Ling Zhi and Tan Taijing naturally heard every sentence clearly.

Each of these foul language was larger than one scale. Ling Zhi noticed that Tantai Jing's shoulder beside him trembled slightly.

Although it was only this moment, as far as the other party's character was concerned, he had already understood the other party's inner unrest.

Ling Zhi leaned out his soul power and swept forward, and the breath of his whole body paused.

"What's wrong? Senior."

Tantai asked quietly.

She had to, her perception of spirit power was extremely sensitive.

Ling Zhi had no doubt that if he was a man of artistic conception and had used his spirit power in front of Tan Taijing, the other party would definitely be able to recognize his identity from his current spirit power.

Touched his nose, Ling Zhi said,

"I know this is a mob, but I didn't expect it to be such a mob."

These hundreds of people, more than 70%, are martial artists of the first, second and third levels of form.

Of the remaining 30%, there are two... ordinary people with no spiritual aura.

In the end, those ten tenths of a percent, one or two, reached the middle stage of the physical state, the fourth or fifth level.

For such a group of people, Lexus is not even interested in doing anything.

It's scumbag.

And the other party dared to stop people here, and even dared to stop him and Tantaijing, it was really okay.

Tan Taijing leaned out his soul power, glanced at the hundred-year-old, and immediately understood what Ling Zhi meant. A smile appeared on the face of Gu Jing Wubo.

The smile was very slight and short-lived, almost only for a moment.

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Ling Zhi stared at her.

"When you smile, it's actually pretty good-looking, why don't you smile more, put on a whole face."

Tantai Jing's complexion changed slightly, her dark eyes glanced at Ling Zhi, and she became silent.

Ling Zhi asked himself to be boring, touched his nose, and took a step forward.

"Why, you blind gangsters, you can't find death, dare to stop your ancestor!"

"Son, this is no better than your family. We have seen more sons like you. You are now arrogant and will only die faster!"

This group of people sneered a few times, and with more unbearable words, they collectively approached Lexus.

They also know that these brothers are not easy to deal with, and it is best to join together to reduce casualties.

Only this time, they really stopped the wrong person and picked the wrong target for the robbery... Ling Zhigang wanted to take action and sent the group of people. Behind him, a familiar spirit power suddenly swept over.

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