God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1145: Jian Leyu's Perseverance

The so-called dignity, the so-called face, in the face of uncertainty, are all jokes.

I didn't do anything before because I looked down on Lexus and Zhou Xuanqing.

I feel that any one of them can easily resolve it.

But this change has taken place.

Among the two of them, any one is confident and suppresses Lexus.

However, that is destined to be a danger.

Since both of them are free to take action, it can be easier to solve Lexus, why not? What's more, none of them are willing to give up such an opportunity, just for the stone tablet that Lexus got.

The scolding of Ren Luo Yezong's disciples is so unpleasant, they are also indifferent, calm and calm.

"It's true that the more people come, the thicker your skin is, you two have a cheeky skin, they are thicker than this place."

Ling Zhi sneered, without the slightest tension.

If they want to fight, then fight.

In this battle, with less versus more, he was already prepared.

At the same time, he was also deliberately speaking, in order to give himself some time to observe the stone stele in his body.

This stone tablet was


The illusory dragon shadow in the stele, after being brought into his body, came straight to his sea of ​​consciousness.

And directly to his Shenting acupoint.

Lexus Soul Body Pedal


The word stele can be fearless of anyone, even any power, to hurt his soul, at least in the realm of artistic conception.

And this stone stele appeared directly in the hand of Lexus's soul body, Zheng It shrank sharply, until it turned into an equal proportion, and fell into the hand of Lexus's soul body. Zheng Ning looked at it, Ling Zhi spoke, and spit out a word.


On this stone tablet, there is a spiritual character.

All creatures, earth spiritual power, psychic creation, this spiritual word contains too much.

At the moment when Ling Zhi spoke and said this word, some faint green light emerged from the stele, penetrated into his soul body, penetrated into his body, and the spiritual power Zheng was previously affected At this moment, he was instantly healed by the huge vitality, and the feeling of power-relieving with the three-fingered fingers disappeared instantly.

At this moment, he is at his peak again! Even faintly felt that his body cells had greater activity, his spiritual power was used more flexibly, his soul body was more transparent, and his thoughts were clearer.

Ling Zhi took a deep breath and ran six exercises.

The spirit power around him was rolling in to supplement his consumption. The momentum was amazing, and the speed was much faster than before.

The affinity between him and the spiritual power has risen to several levels.

At this moment, he is no different than a psychic body.

The result of this is to cause him to regain spiritual power and mobilize ground spiritual power attacks, making him more handy.

"No, it's impossible! How could you control it so quickly!"

Huang Fuqi stared at Lexus all the time. When he saw the green light emerging from his body, he yelled unacceptably, coughing up blood, and his breath sank by three points again.

"No, no, this is mine, my thing, give it back to me, give it back to me!"

He stood on the spot and yelled, roaring forward, crawling forward in a stately manner.

"Go to hell, bastard!"

There was a sharp, tender shout, Yao Luo didn't know when he actually went around here, came out from one side, and rushed straight to it.

Sect Master Xinzong, Shangguan Ning hurriedly probed his hand, trying to stop it.

"Ruyi, Ruyi, restrain her!"

Ye Qingcheng's voice immediately remembered, her bony-white tower flew out from her side with a brush, shining a misty white light, and throwing it at Shangguan Ning.

Shangguan Ning's body shook, and she was really tied there, unable to move.

"Master, go and avenge Elder Xin."

Ye Qingcheng yelled, controlling the tower to imprison Shangguan Ning.

Although difficult, she really did it.

"Xin Xiatong, Xin Xiatong, I am Xin Xiatong's lover, how can you kill me, she didn't kill me, not me."

Huangfuqi backed away in horror, the horrified sword Yao Luo looked at him coldly, with murderous intent on his quiet face.

"I really don't think it is worthwhile for Junior Sister Xin, how could she fall in love with such a shameless person as you!"

Sword out, Huangfuqi, die! He held the sword and watched it penetrate his body in disbelief,

"I, my Huangfu Wizard I, how could it be possible to die here, how could it be possible."

He couldn't believe this until death.

"Sure enough, it's a good thing!"

Shangguan Boyan's eyes lit up, staring at Lexus, full of longing for the breath of life rising from him.

Like Jian Leyu, he has not been able to live for many years, and the deadline is already near.

The whole body was filled with the breath of death, and it was purely suppressed by strong strength, which was able to maintain such a posture and physical condition.

Ling Zhi flexed his fingers and flicked, and he tossed out a large number of spirit pills in the ring, and accurately fell into the first-class Rao Shou Zheng. This is the fifth grade Hui spirit pills and Shengji Dan made by himself. For them, the effect is enough. , And even some waste.

Under such consumption, the spirit pills in his ring were almost exhausted.

But in exchange, it was Yi, Pei Ningrui, Niu Yuanhang, and many other disciples.

Their enemies seldom use even the fourth-rank spirit pills, let alone the fifth-rank spirit pills, such a luxury thing! Shangguan Boyan just took a step, but Jian Leyu suddenly frowned and looked down, looking at the spirit pills that Ling Zhi had spilled.

The tip of his nose shook slightly, and then there was a shock on his face.

"You Fallen Leaf Sect, when did a fifth-level alchemist appear?"

He looked directly at Lexus and asked.

"Five-level alchemist?"

"Except for the few old immortals in Xuanzhou, they have not been seen for many years, and I don't know if they are dead. These years, it seems that your Jian family has produced a fifth-level alchemist, right? I think it was your own hands?"

Shangguan Boyan stopped his pace and said.

"Yes, in order to verify my guess, I have personally trained one.

But he was able to produce so many fifth-grade spirit pills, they were still so fresh, they must have come from the hands of a fifth-level alchemist, and it was not long before they pointed it out! "

"No, the time of these elixirs is similar,"

Jian Leyu was shocked suddenly,

"It's impossible, how could a Rao alchemy speed be so fast!"

He stared at Lexus firmly,

"Where do you come from?"

In front of alchemy, Jian Leyu seemed to be suddenly.

His capital was actually better than that of Shangguan Boyan and the others. For a time, Shangguan Boyan and the others thought that if Jian Leyu gave up alchemy and concentrated on martial arts, he might have already entered the kingdom of kings.

But for hundreds of years, he has been thinking about alchemy, and he is so persistent, obsessed, obsessed, and greedy for alchemy!

"Quickly, where did you get these spirit pills!"

Jian Leyu is no more calm

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