God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1232: Black Water Refining Body

According to the Giant Tortoise Institute, it was known in the clan history that Xuanwu, also known as Emperor Xuanming, once had a stone monument with a pattern on it.



After listening to the description of the giant tortoise, Ling Zhi was also in a daze. It took too long for him to get the stele, and the stele was sent by Ling to Reincarnation.

Don't think, today you unexpectedly got the origin of the stele? that


Word monument,


The tablet, could it be from several other holy spirits? Just as Ling Zhi was puzzled, a huge whirlpool appeared above the surface of the Black Sea, and the whirlpool was sinking into the seabed a little bit by a few miles.

The pattern on the stele covers the sea and is very magnificent.

The giant tortoise trembled, and suddenly looked at Ling Zhi in surprise.

"Unexpectedly, the emperor chose you."

"I was selected?"

Lexus didn't know why.

"After the six reincarnations were closed that year, the four holy spirits disappeared together and never seen again. As a result, the four holy spirits never appeared in this era.

There is also a rumor that the events of the year touched the taboo of the Holy Spirit, so reincarnation cannot be opened, and the Holy Spirit does not appear.

Reincarnation begins again, and the Holy Spirit appears, washing the names of the heroes of the earth and reopening samsara. "

"Everyone knows that the four major states have this palace left by Emperor Xuanming. In fact, these four palaces are common. This is a test left by Emperor Xuanming, and it is also a supreme opportunity."

"The test has never happened. When the Owtail clan came back, they wanted to try to open it in order to try to get the help of Emperor Xuanming to solve the disaster of the year, but unfortunately, they did not succeed."

The giant tortoise glanced at Bushuang and said,

"I never thought that the conditions for opening are actually related to this stone tablet.

You go in. "

At this moment, the giant tortoise proactively lay down and connected the whirlpool with his body for Lexus to step on.

Ling Zhi glanced at it strangely, but there was no obvious joy. The test of the Holy Spirit was definitely not an easy task. He turned his head and greeted Bushuang and walked over.

The giant tortoise has a huge body and steps on it, as if stepping on an island, steady.

The stone stele was still floating in the black sea. Ling Zhi glanced at it, no longer staying, and jumped into the whirlpool to find out.

Just when he touched the sea water in the whirlpool, Ling Zhi's body trembled, his limbs stiffened in an instant, and a deep chill came in.

The soul body in the Shenting acupoint even couldn't help trembling, with a hint of chill, reaching the Shenting, rushing towards the soul.

However, after dropping by a few feet, Lexus became an ice block, unable to move.

Encouraging spiritual power and smashing the ice cubes on the body surface, Lexus once again regained consciousness and forcibly controlled his body so that he would not fall too fast, and slowly resist the rapid drop in temperature.

The cold of the black water in the Black Sea far exceeded his expectations.

If he didn't have the body of a true dragon, just that time would be enough to freeze his body completely, leaving his soul body behind.

The soul body has lost the protection of the physical body, and in this environment, it is undoubtedly mortal.

"The test, from the very beginning, has it already begun?"

Ling Zhi's eyes flashed and he chuckled. Instead of shrinking, he took a deep breath and continued to rush down.

If you can't walk the road to pass the test, what qualifications do you have to accept the test? The water flow is like the coldest thing in the world, scrolling in the rapid rotation of the vortex, flapping towards Lexus.

Just like ice thorns, slapped at Lexus.

What is even more exaggerated is that the seawater here is comprehensive, and every drop of seawater is a sharp attack.

And when the waves came, it was even more fierce. Every time it flows through Lexus's body, it will scrape Lexus' skin.

The blood was blurry, and as soon as the blood came out, it was frozen into ice cubes by the chill, condensed on Lexus's body, and stuck with the vague flesh and blood.

Then in the next wave of sea water, it was opened again, and the ice block pulled the flesh and blood that had lost the skin, making Lexus mottled as if it had been splashed with sulfuric acid.

It looks very miserable.

On the contrary, the strong resilience of Lexus's body is perfectly manifested at this moment. Often between the two seawater attacks, those torn skins will recover as they were before and become tougher.

But this kind of recovery, at this moment, brought to Lexus the greatest pain.

That is, the wound was healed again and again, and then again, he had to endure this pain countless times.

The extreme ice cold not only did not slow down his body perception, but instead caused his whole body's senses, in a super-high state, causing these painful sensations to jump on his neurocortex.

This kind of torture is not something ordinary people can bear.

Bu Shuang watched from a distance, his eyes jumped out of his sorrow, and gradually became silent. In the end, it was deeply shocked.

This boy, this boy she is quite optimistic about, has always felt that the boy has good luck and can be taught by the king and Shui Wuhen.

But at this moment, the young man proved to her how his strength was tempered.

In such anguish, Ling Zhi said nothing, his eyes remained firm, and his mind was extremely clear, because he was still sinking a little bit.

While feeling the cold, he was still controlling his descent speed.

The giant tortoise nodded slightly, showing a satisfied smile.

The more the Black Sea goes to the bottom of the sea, the lower the temperature, and the temperature span is extremely exaggerated.

In this way, the so-called iceberg is as warm as the sun compared to the cold.

This kind of cold, for some reason, did not condense into a solid, which made Lexus suffer even more damage between the flows.

Waiting for the lower half of the whirlpool, this kind of sea water, like a king soldier with a handle, slashed across him, and then cut off pieces of different flesh and blood, which rose and fell with the sea.

Lexus's resilience was even stronger. During this difficult journey, his physical body became stronger again and again during recovery.

So at this moment, he can still recover when the next wave of water rushes.

The power of the physical body, which I thought had reached the extreme, unexpectedly exploded at this moment.

There has been a shocking transformation.

This kind of transformation is not the transformation of the physical strength and how tyrannical it becomes, but the physical resilience and self-healing ability. Every existence of the body is full of the feeling of vitality, which makes Ling Zhi intoxicated! He suddenly understood why, the Xuanwu clan are known for their long life span

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