God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1247: Zuxingcheng

"Huh, there are a lot of things.

But your power level is so low, no matter how many weapons you give you, you can't make any waves! "

Wolf Ancestor snorted, he didn't even mean to dodge, he just continued to lean in.

But Wolf Ancestor is not a stupid person, he also arranged a layer of spiritual power in front of him with the same heart. The so-called arrogance is just appearance.

But what he didn't know was that the power of the soul whip attack only attacked the soul, and all the other powers could not be resisted and would penetrate directly.

This whip was thrown out, and the ancestor of the wolf grabbed Ling Zhi again.


However, what greeted him was the hurt of the soul.

The cultivator who cultivates the spiritual power of the gods, the body and soul power are obtained through sacrifices, so they are not strong, and even appear very fragile.

The soul whip was slashed, and it actually shattered the spirit of the wolf ancestor.

The huge body of the wolf ancestor, with a bang, turned into countless divine powers and fragments of divine souls. The divine souls were wiped out a little bit, and soon only half remained.

In the distant void, the main body of the wolf ancestor opened his eyes, and he could make the projection project away with the help of the death of the wolf king, but he could not let the main body rush past in time.

"What power actually destroyed a ray of my soul?"

He said coldly.

Before this wisp of spirit returned, he couldn't know what the spirit had learned.


"Myriad spirit ancestors, if the Demon Emperor doesn't make a move, what's my fear?"

He gritted his teeth and began to cast the spell, his arm turned into wolf claws, and he even reached into the void.

Then, just above the space of Lexus and the others, huge wolf claws appeared, grabbing at the fragmented souls.

Ling Zhi frowned, and above the giant claw, he felt an extremely huge power, so huge that he could kill him in a second!

"But you can't come over now!"

Ling Zhi's eyes flashed, he shouted, and drew another whip.

In the ninth quarter of the soul whip, a crack appeared again, and this soul whip could only be used once.

The power slapped away, hitting on the dewclaws, the dewclaws trembled and broke.

Moreover, this force went straight to the wolf ancestor through the wolf claws, through the void.

The wolf ancestor didn't know what it was, he only felt that the arm that he protruded out, condensed by the soul, was directly and easily broken, and there was a strange power spreading.

Not daring to hesitate, the probing hand shot out something, which went straight into the void and collided with the power of the soul whip.

And, it really hit this kind of power! The power of the soul whip was entangled and impacted on this thing, and then both disappeared.

This thing is surprisingly a copper coin-like thing, a copper coin in a round place.

"not good!"

Wolf Ancestor stood up from the state of sitting cross-legged, and exclaimed that the spirit power he clung to the copper coin was directly erased.

That is, he can no longer recover this copper coin! This is what he got after all the hard work! As soon as he steps forward, he will step into the void and head straight to Lingzhi.

He stepped forward, but he couldn’t move the back foot.

"The monster emperor summoned us here. If he found out that I was gone, wouldn't it be obvious to him that I got this thing? If I get this thing without reporting it, there is only a dead end."

A drop of cold sweat instantly appeared from the forehead of the wolf ancestor, dripping down.

He made a fist and forced himself back from the void, his eyes filled with hatred and anger.

As he retreated, Ling Zhi suddenly felt relieved. Before, he felt a threat of death covering his body, but now he has disappeared.

Just as he relaxed a little, a copper coin, thus dropped, fell straight into his hand.


Holding the copper coin, Ling Zhi was surprised. On the back of the coin, a basalt look was lifelike.

The moment he grabbed this copper coin, the star of Reincarnation, the northern part of Xuanzhou, under the black water and deep sea, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"I got it so soon, it seems that I have been worrying too much. It is not difficult for you to leave there.

No wonder it was recognized by the Taoist monument, not bad, not bad. "

Then, the emperor Xuanming's body flashed, and the soul plunged directly into the void and disappeared in place.

Holding this copper coin, Ling Zhi faintly felt a little pulling force, this pulling force seemed to transport him to another place.

"Transfer array disk?"

After a while, Ling Zhi suddenly reacted, staring at the coin here and laughing.

The basalt pattern, the pulling force, the runes are all over it, not the transmission array, what else can it be? This is obviously something that leaves the cluster.

As for the exact location where he will be teleported to, he doesn't know, but it must be related to Emperor Xuanming.

The teleportation array can be condensed on a copper coin, and it is still not sent, and I am afraid that it can only be done by the kind of supreme figure.

"He, he defeated the wolf ancestor?"

Looking at the figure in the sky, Yan Shi was surprised and inexplicable.

The figure is not tall, nor magnificent, even stained with blood, and clothes torn.

But everyone looked at this figure with awe in their eyes.

"The hope of the human race! This is the hope of the rise of my human race!"

The two old men beside Yanshi glanced at each other and shouted in unison.

Saying goodbye to the herdsmen, Ling Zhi shrugged off the invitation of Yan Shi and the others, and flew straight to the direction they were guiding, with great speed.

On the border of this endless grassland, there is an Ancestral Star City, where all the people gather. He wants to go there and investigate carefully.

He wanted to understand the origin of the taboo power, and perhaps have the opportunity to completely solve the power in the beast, as well as the cultivation method of the gods.

Of course, he is not trying to cultivate spiritual power. In his opinion, although spiritual power is strong, it is too unstable. After all, he only puts his power on the body of the gods, and worships others with dignity. It is not desirable and not long-term. Tao.

The structure of Ancestral Star City is not much different from that of ordinary cities. It took Lexus a full month before he came here and entered the city gate. What he saw before his eyes was very novel.

On the street, countless human beings set up stalls and hawked.

Among these people, he saw another race, Yaozu.

For example, on his right hand side, there is a monster with a horse head, who is buying donkey meat steamed buns, and he is branding a genuine sign, which makes him quite speechless.

On the streets, there are many monsters coming and going, including monsters of various races, cattle, sheep, horses, and so on.

Just as he was surprised, a hand suddenly climbed on his body, this hand was white and soft, and he had not waited for him to get out of the way.

A soft ball squeezed on his back, and a sound rang quietly in his ears.

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