God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1275: Samsara

"Nie Kang, are you okay?"

When everything calmed down, Joy stood beside Lexus and asked.

Ling Zhi nodded. Now that Nie Kang is in the Fallen Sect, he must be safe enough to come.

With tower protection, even people from the continent of Samsara, they couldn't easily hurt them if they wanted to.

What's more, it is still unknown who is the enemy or friend from the continent of Samsara.

"He is in the Fallen Leaf Sect. If you want to see him, I can take you there."

Ling Zhi was silent for a while and said.

Joy shook his head.

"No, the past is past, it's just my first life.

Cannot represent me. "


Ling Zhi frowned, a little insight, but not thorough enough.

In this world, there are six ways of reincarnation, but is there a law of reincarnation? Is there really reincarnation in one lifetime? When this flower is gone, will another one bloom on the other side? Is Joy standing in front of him now really that Joy? Who is that Joy who left his name on the Ancestral Star Tablet? If only the body is the same, the soul is no longer the same person, can it really be treated as the same person? Ling Zhi didn't know that if it were him, he would rather die than start a new life with another soul with his body.

Because, that's not him.

Joy seemed to be able to see through what Lexus thought, she shook her head faintly, said lonely,

"For longevity."

When the word "Changsheng" came out, Ling Zhi trembled and didn't know what to do.

A strong king in the realm can only live for 10,000 years. If a complete magical medicine is obtained, the magical medicine will completely disappear from the earth, and he can live for another lifetime.

That is, no more than 20,000 years.

Twenty thousand years, compared with the records of thousands of years in one era, are so insignificant.

Miao, almost negligible.

But is this kind of reincarnation really longevity? Lexus didn't know.

He firmly believes that martial artists practice and go backwards, one day, they can live forever like this, this place, and this Tao.

Ling Zhi thought of Xia Ning'er. Does Xia Ning'er also exist like this? Like Joy, rebirth in reincarnation for longevity, otherwise how could she leave a name on the ancestral monument and also exert such a powerful force, there is an ice palace in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Ling Zhi left, he and Joy were not familiar with each other, so naturally they would not have much friendship.

"When the demons invade, can you come?"

"I don't know."

"Nie Kang, can you tell him?"

"No need to."

Joy trembled, said.

Ling Zhi was sitting in the misty swamp, one of the four secret realms that Xuanzhou had inherited for an unknown period of time, but for him now, there is no danger.

Not because the Misty Swamp is not powerful, but because the owner of the Misty Swamp will not hurt him.

Just imagine, the Misty Swamp is the place of rebirth that Joy chose for him, how could he not leave some back players in his lifetime.

With the level she reached back then, even with Lexus's current spirit power, she couldn't see the mist of the misty swamp. One could imagine the terrible nature of this swamp.

Ling Zhi was holding a ring in his hand.

This ring was the one that fell off the old man's hand.

How could Ling Zhi not notice the look in the old man's eyes.

At this moment, Ling Zhi was also hitting the ring with his soul power.

The owner of the ring is not dead, and when the level of the ring reaches above the Horcrux, it will be branded by the former master.

If the brand cannot be erased, there is no way to penetrate the soul power into the ring, and naturally it is impossible to even know what is in the ring, let alone extract the things in the ring.

The old man is the peak of the third layer of the king realm, with strong soul power. If Lexus's soul power is not special, even he can only bring the ring back, hoping that Bushuang can break the brand.

The spirit power washed the ring over and over again, and Lexus was patient.

Finally, it took a whole long time, just when Ling Zhi's body was shaking a little, the ring was opened.

When he saw the piles of the best spirit stones, Ling Zhi finally smiled.

Most of his spiritual stones are left to Yin Meng, and he can get some top-quality spiritual stones to recover, which is naturally excellent.

I probably took a look. The top-grade spiritual stones are no less than a hundred pieces. The top-grade spiritual stones are piled up in piles directly on the ring. Zheng Lingzhi moved the contents of the ring to his own ring and sighed, no wonder Hai Those younger generations in the temple will have this kind of cultivation.

On Xuanzhou's side, most of the martial artists of the physical realm can practice with a low-grade spiritual stone, not to mention the middle-grade spiritual stone, the high-grade spiritual stone.

Comparing the two, the strength will naturally spread.

"It's still a local tyrant, the money comes quickly."

Looking at some elixir in the ring and various rare treasures, Ling Zhi's eyes lit up and smiled.

And in the innermost part of the ring, there is a huge box, which is constructed from an unknown thing.

Ling Zhi's detective grabbed it, and his spirit power sank fiercely, making it a bit difficult.

It seems that this is the true bones of the Seagod. Lexus smiled and pulled out the box directly, and opened the lid. A standing skeleton stood in the shaking of Zheng Erlingzhi’s ring. When he took it out When the last Poseidon's arm bone, the arm bone flew directly out of his hand and flew into the skeleton in front of Zheng, a complete, true Poseidon bone, suddenly appeared in front of Lexus.

The skeleton instantly changed to pitch black, then suddenly turned into bright white, alternating between the two colors of black.

Just as Ling Zhi frowned, the skeleton suddenly raised his arm and poked at Ling Zhi.

On the side of Ling Zhi's body, he must avoid.

But when he was evasive, a huge pressure came from the Seagod’s true bones, and he was not allowed to react. This black bone arm caused severe pain in his abdomen. , The arm plunged directly into Lexus’ abdomen.

A lot of blood gushed out and dripped on the black bones.

The black, as if it were a dirty thing, was washed away by blood.

Joy's figure appeared on one side, staring at Lexus, and looking at the skeleton with some dread, then slowly disappeared.

Ling Zhi's blood seemed to contain a peculiar substance, a substance that could wash away the blackness of the Seagod's true bones.

In fact, what Seagod Temple has never known is that they only know that as long as they gather together the true bones of the Seagod, they can get the Seagod's inheritance, gain the power to control the Seagod's nine parts, and then obtain the Seagod Law Body.

They only knew that the Seagod’s true bones wanted to choose Rao, not anyone. After they gathered them together, they could get the Seagod’s Law Body and manipulate the nine parts.

Only the power of the bloodline is no less than that of the Seagod, and can force the nine parts of the Seagod!

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