God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1302: Draw the enemy deeper

In the abyss of burial of the gods that day, Ling Zhi discovered that the demons had begun militarized management.

This has never been heard before, but it does exist.

What I see now is exactly such a scene.

A demon with the pinnacle of artistic conception carries a banner, and writes strange patterns or special words, leading a large group of demons.

Just like an army, standing in the black fog, someone will come and some will retreat. The movements of these demons are very consistent, instead of random attacks like wild beasts.

This black mist is the source of their power, as long as they are in this black mist, their power will flow continuously.

The reason why this situation has not exerted the power of horror is just because the strength of Lexus and the others far exceeds these ordinary demons, making them have no room for display at all.

If it is to fight against humans and warriors in Qindu, this kind of militarized management will explode with terrifying power.

Organized force is, after all, more courageous and intrepid than skirmishers.

"They are intensively training to coordinate the use of formations."

Lin Canghen came to Ling Zhi's side, looked back and said.

Needless to say, those warriors should be Lin Canghen's cronies.

As a person like him, it is not difficult to gather a close friend.


When Ling and the others came, they all gave a respectful cry, and they sincerely admired the old man.

The old man laughed without speaking, and was free and easy to come out.

As far as he is concerned, he just wants to radiate his last aftermath. As for the others, he doesn't care anymore.

"I haven't asked, senior name!"

Lexus also bowed his waist and asked.


The old man smiled freely,

"It is said that in the ancient times, there were various tribes and clans, all of which are the source of totems for all peoples now."

"I don't want to mention my real name again. Why don't I call Wumingshi?"

The old man looked like a child, looking at Lexus and everyone, as if he was asking for everyone's consent.

"Since it is an anonymous person, then it is an unknown person?"

At this moment, a rumbling voice came from a distance.

The black mist rolled over and finally dispersed.

A large swath of demons was exposed to all Rao, and even the exclamation from Qin Du could be heard.

These demons are tyrannical by nature, and they look hideous and fierce indeed.

However, Lexus and the others jumped over these demons directly and looked to the rear, where several tall figures were coming quickly.

"It's no wonder that progress in this direction was blocked, it turned out that it was all concentrated here!"

Leading a demon sneered.

He just spoke and ridiculed the old man.

Although the eyes of this evil demon, like other demons, were red in color, they still showed a hint of wisdom.

Obviously has a very high mentality.

"One head has four levels, two ends has three levels, and five ends has one level."

Ling Zhi's soul swept out, already distinguishing the strength of these demons, his tone was slightly solemn, facing the crowd.

"Give it to me from the fourth floor, and one from the third floor. Xia Kui and another Dao League martial artist from the second floor of the King Realm will join hands with the remaining one. Leave the rest to you. If you have enough energy, go and help. Shuang and Xia Kui."

Soon, Lexus divided the task down, decisively, without any hesitation.

Everyone looked terrified and nodded.

"Jie Jie."

The evil monster laughed strangely,

"You can see my realm. It seems that your human race is not that weak."

The demon licked his lips.

"It just so happens that I have eaten so many human races along the way, and there are not a few decent ones. It's really boring.

You guys are enough for me to refining for a while. "


Lexus was noncommittal, but the sword turned and rushed forward.

In the blink of an eye, he fought with this evil demon.

The sword light slashed at the demon's body, and a **** mouth appeared. Although it did not damage the opponent significantly, it finally broke the defense.

The evil spirit was startled,

"Your sword is so sharp. Why is this breath so familiar?"

Xuanyuan Sword suppressed the evil spirit outside the talisman on that day, and the breath that it released would naturally be noticed by the evil spirit.

"Good sword, I want it!"

The evil demon yelled, and the black mist shrouded his body, pressing towards Lexus.

This kind of black mist is like the spiritual power of the gods, the grade is higher than the spiritual power, although it will not completely suppress the spiritual power, but the corrosive power is extremely strong, and Lexus once suffered a big loss.

Seeing Lexus avoiding the black fog and stepping back, the evil spirit laughed wildly.

"It turns out that you already know that you can't directly contact the power of our clan?"

"Can you escape?"

The evil demon laughed strangely, his huge body was ten feet tall, wrapped in black mist, and shot towards Lexus.

After stepping back about a hundred meters, Ling Zhi gritted his teeth and stopped avoiding. Instead, he rushed straight up at the evil spirit.

"Are you going to work hard so soon?"

The demons looked like they had succeeded, and the black mist in the body continuously spread out, and the power of the black mist outside doubled again.

Ling Zhi's body trembled and was suppressed by the black mist, his body shook for a while, and he couldn't control his body and fell down.

Evil demon's eyes flashed, sharp fingers passed across the sky, and he went directly to Ling Zhi, wanting to hold Lexus in his hand. Zheng Xiemo's body strength is stronger than that of warriors in the same realm, and even spirit beasts, as long as he gets close. , He believed that Lexus, a warrior, absolutely couldn't escape.

However, he did not notice that this situation had occurred in Lexus. Ling, Ye Qingcheng and other Lexus companions, none of them showed a surprised and worried look! Just within ten feet of Lexus, the evil demon's temple was beating rapidly. The spirituality of this race was extremely high, and he sensed the danger.

But at a distance of ten feet, he couldn't help making any reaction at all! Ling Zhi's body suddenly fell from a downward movement to a forward thrust. The Xuanyuan Sword gleamed with light, and the sword vigorously pierced the evil spirit straightly.

"Count me?"

The evil demon roared, waved his palm and patted it with black mist.

However, Xuanyuanjian passed through the black mist directly, and the light on it was not dimmed. It directly pierced into his palm, penetrated and then continued to pierce his body.

The demon finally panicked and shouted,

"Impossible! How can your power run freely?"


The point of the sword pierced his chest, and then slowly stopped. The strength of the evil demon's body was indeed exaggerated.

Lexus' reaction was just deliberate exposure, dealing with enemies who were higher than his own and were mortal enemies. As long as he could kill the opponent, why bother with other things.

Killing the enemy is the only purpose now!

"damn it."

The evil demon firmly held the Xuanyuan sword in his hand and prevented the entry of the sword body, very furious.

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