God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1466: Trapped Lock Sky Formation

"And you, as long as you nod your heads, I can not only provide you with the best environment, the best elixir, so that you can recover your strength the fastest, but now you can also escape a catastrophe.

Why not take advantage of this opportunity? "

Tantaiyun speaks, persuasively.

"Let us restore our strength?"

Taihe sneered.

"Just relying on you, dare to say that you can restore our strength? It's ridiculous."


Tantaiyun's complexion was calm, and a disc in his hand suddenly appeared. He glanced at the crack on the disc, and a touch of distress flashed in his eyes.

"Damn it, hurt my formation, do you know how valuable this formation is?"

Tantaiyun cursed, and the spiritual power in his body continued to flow. The Zheng Array that had been poured into the array radiated rays of light, emitting silky rays of light, which could only be seen with the spirit power.

These silk threads and the formation flags are connected one by one, and between each other, there is an exchange of spiritual power and blood to strengthen each other.

Hum! The formation flag suddenly moved.

The long array flag swooped towards Lexus and them.

In the blink of an eye, they counted a few people, and they were all surrounded by this long array of flags. There were endless attacks, and they all rushed, causing them great trouble.


With a loud shout, Dai Quan stretched out his two big hands and grabbed the two formation flags out of thin air.


The two formation flags were directly grasped by him and crushed to pieces, but his palms were barely injured.

"Well, the body has been tempered so hard?"

Ling Zhi glanced at each other in surprise.

Zhuo Ling nodded.

"Yeah, because of his race, Dai Quan's body is already tough, plus he deliberately tempered him, he was Lord Seagod back then, and he praised him."

"But compared to you, when he was in this state, he might not be as good as you."

Taihe destroyed a formation flag and said solemnly.

Wearing a full-color face was embarrassed for a moment, and he didn't say anything.

But the good times didn't last long. When the first wound appeared on Dai Quan's back, he tore the clothes on his back and cut a scar, the situation in the field was changing rapidly.

Lexus and their situation, swiftly and rapidly, turned into an unfavorable situation.

The damage of the formation flag is too high, the attack is too strong, the speed is too fast, and the number is too much.

Although relying on their powerful strength, as long as they attack the formation flag, they can destroy one, but as time goes by, the effect of this destruction is rapidly diminishing.

More and more flags are flying from all directions.

Every formation flag that flies will bring a lot of energy and blood.

These powers of blood, even, are still fresh and hot.

It was drawn from the body of the strong man who was just killed.

These blood from the formation flag were connected to the lock formation by Tantaiyun bridge, which not only strengthened the power of the lock formation, but also strengthened the power of the formation flag.

In the long-lasting battles of Lexus and the others, both the spiritual power in the body and the soul power appeared dry and exhausted.


Ling Zhi called out, moved his foot, and moved away from the dragon's nine steps, appeared behind Zhuo Ling, stretched out his hand and hooked it lightly, and put it on Zhuo Ling's back.

Xuanyuanjian flew out of its own accord, slashing towards a formation flag.


A flame flew up, and Xuanyuan Sword fell on the formation flag, splitting the flag pole of the formation flag into a long section of fire, but it was not able to break the formation flag.

Zhuo Ling's face was pale, and the spiritual power in his body was consumed too much. He just didn't notice, and was hit by a burst of flags in his abdomen, and his spiritual power collapsed.

If Lexus hadn’t arrived in time, I’m afraid that Zheng, who had already fallen into the encirclement of the formation flags, had gone out of their way, and there was no trace to follow. In addition, the power of the lock formation became stronger and stronger, and it became more and more obvious to suppress the spirits of forgiveness. For Lexus and the others, every additional breath that lasted in this battle was a huge drain.

Even Zhuo Ling's spiritual power has suffered a loss, not to mention the two of Dai Quan and Taihe, they had no blood on their faces long ago, relying on willpower to support themselves.

Lexus had already shot out the Spirit Devouring Fire and surrounded everyone, but the effect was really not obvious. Except for a little warning, it could hardly cause any damage to the formation flag.

Ling Zhi's face gradually became ugly.

The screams around, in the battle, had almost disappeared.

It was clear that the warriors on the entire Seagod's burial ground were almost dead.

The power of the lock formation reached a terrifying point.

"Unlucky, it was finally thrown from the Nine Profound Crystals. Could it be that you are about to die under your own formation?"

Dai Quan said bitterly, cursing.

It can be seen that the lock formation that can be favored by Poseidon naturally has its own extraordinary features, and he must have his plan to do so.

The formation that can be used to defend the burial grounds of the Saint King's third-tier realm, naturally, after being fully utilized, can also be used to hunt down Lexus and others who have not yet reached the Saint King realm.

"Zuo Ling, is there really no way to take back the control of the formation?"

Taihe looked ugly as well, so he asked.

[58 Novel www.58xs.vip] Bai Feng and Kong Xuan were standing on one side with their backs back. At this moment, it was Kong Xuan who was helping Bai Feng.

Kong Xuan is a fire spirit body, surrounded by endless spirit devouring fire, the devouring spirit is immortal, and his power is constantly extinct.

At this moment, it was his strength, the strongest, even slightly surplus.

Lexus and the others had never expected that a group of people who could easily kill the powerhouses of the Dao League would be in such a situation under Tan Taiyun's hands.

Relying on the nine steps of the dragon, Ling Zhi rushed out several times, trying to hunt down Tantaiyun first, but Tantaiyun hid in the eye of the lock formation, guarded by the power of the entire lock formation, even he could not In one attack, the defense of the open lock formation was broken and Tantaiyun was killed.

What's more, Tantai Yun is cautious, and the defensive formations around his body are layered on top of each other even in this situation, and he can't wait to put all the formations that can be arranged on him.

"Tan Tai Jing was past that year. If you are trapped by the formation, you can take out this stuff. I don't know how to use it."

After Lexus stubbornly resisted the attacks of several array flags, he racked his brains, using any method.

The ID card that had been in the Abyss of Burying the Gods and blocked an evil attack for him appeared in his hand.


Zhuo Ling's eyes lit up.

"He, is the person on this you? What is this, how can you look like this?

The hair is so short. "

Ling Zhi rolled his eyes and was puzzled and speechless because she could still notice this in this situation.

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