God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1609: Cat and dog

Bang bang bang.

After Ling Zhi was finished, without waiting for Liu Yuan to come to persuade him, he waved his hand, and the long Wang Bing was piled up in a mess, forming a mountain, and appeared between him and Liu Yuan.

These king soldiers ranged from low-grade to high-grade, and there were nearly a hundred pieces.

Unlike Yuen Long, Lexus's cultivation was done all the way, and there were too many powerful kings who died in his hands.

Naturally, he wouldn't be too wasteful. Some king soldiers and other things just put them away in the ring.

This time, he hadn't planned to sell the spirit pill, but simply came over to clean up the debris in the ring.

The crowd who had been noisy suddenly fell silent.

These years, there are not dozens of king-level warriors in that big family? But these years, the warriors of the king realm have not used as many warriors as the king soldiers, so I won't mention that the king soldiers are easy to damage in the fierce battle [笔趣阁www.biqugexx.info].

Lexus now throws out dozens of king soldiers with just one hand. This amount is really scary.

When I heard that Lexus wanted him to call the owner, the man in black who was planning to call someone to beat Lexus out, his expression suddenly became extremely exciting, and he looked at the pile of king soldiers with uncertainty, and asked for a while. Tao,

"Liu, Liu Yuan, you know what the goods are, and you can take a look. Are these all Wang Bing?"

Liu Ben didn't need him, he rushed over with an excited expression.

That action is called a quick.

As soon as Wang Bing grabbed it, he put down and picked up the next one, picking and choosing, and dividing the king soldiers into several piles at a speed that stunned everyone.

"Forty-five low-grade king soldiers, 30 medium-grade king soldiers, and 12 high-grade king soldiers."

Liu Yuan spoke quickly,

"Even if each piece of Wang Bing is purchased at the lowest price, it is worth 900,000 superb spirit stones."


Everyone in the room was breathing air-conditioning.

A third-class spiritual vein can mine 50,000 top-grade spiritual stones.

A sixth-class spiritual vein can produce 500,000 top-grade spiritual stones.

And a seventh-class spirit vein can only mine about a million top-grade spirit stones.

Looking at the entire continent of Samsara, how many sects are there, and there is a seventh-class spiritual vein? At the very least, it should also be Kaiyuanzong. The sect has a veteran sect of the second-tier Saint King who is seated. In the long years of precipitation, it can sit in a seventh-class spiritual vein and establish a sect! How many people are in Kaiyuanzong? Thousands of disciples, relying on a seventh-level spiritual vein, the environment created by them does not know how many martial artists envy.

And now, right in front of them, randomly piled up, this pile of scrap iron-like things is actually worth 900,000 top-grade spirit stones! This is still purchased at the lowest price! The final transaction price will definitely not be less than one million! It seems exaggerated, but in fact it is quite normal. The martial artist cultivates and fights, and it is impossible to slaughter people of other sects wantonly. The few king soldiers captured on hand are not enough to exchange for the spirit pill.

However, Lexus is different. Since practicing, he has never spent money to buy spiritual pills for cultivation, except for a few times in Luoyezong and Leicheng.

In addition, he fought all the way, it is not surprising that he can have such a storage.

"It turns out that you don't have so many spirit stones on your body. That's what it means."

Liu Yuan looked strange,

"These things are more useful than Lingshi."

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and invite the owner!"

With these things on his side, Liu Yuan was full of confidence and reprimanded the man in black.

The man in black was taken aback for a moment, then he hurriedly confessed his guilt and hurried towards the formation.

The look of Yuen Long is the most beautiful, most awkward, most ugly, and most embarrassing.

He was holding the Kaiyuan Sect Sect Master, the funds his father granted him, and he was wealthy, and he always suppressed Lexus in words.

But now? Didn't he look at the steward next to him, was he about to get to Lingzhi's side?

"Liu Yuan, right? If it wasn't for you, I really don't want to stay at such a bank.

Why, because I didn't take out the spirit stone, you have to drive me away? Wantong Bank, does this business do? "

"thanks, thanks."

Liu Yuan didn't explain, nor did he give any kind words to Wantong Bank. He just kept thanking him.

Obviously, he also felt that this time Wantong Bank had done too much. For a Yuen Long, 200,000 yuan transaction, he had to rush the customers away.

In his opinion, it was short-sighted.

How could it be possible to open the door for business.

Soon, the formation flickered over there, and a middle-aged man who seemed to be in his forties ran over.

Ling Zhigao took a look at the middle stage of the king's realm. It seems that this bank chooses people who are in business, rather than relying on force.

Seeing the man in black cringing standing behind the middle-aged man, he knew that in the money house, words depend on status and not on force.

This is a bit like the style on the other side of the earth. Ability and mind are more important than force.

"Dare to ask the guest officer's name?"

"Ling, why do you need to investigate?"

Ling Zhi snorted coldly.

"no no,"

Lai Cai hurriedly waved his hand, glanced towards the ground, and confirmed in his heart.

"Brother Ling came here, Lai has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai, he should be punished."

"These king soldiers, my bank can buy them for 10% more than the purchase price."

Lai Cai said,

"Liu Yuan just calculated it. It is 900,000 yuan, right? Our bank can issue a million spiritual stones to make amends to Brother Ling."

Lai spoke, and after this sentence, he changed his expression and showed some smiles, as if I had smashed more than a hundred thousand spiritual stones, you still have words.

Ling Zhi gave him a weird look, then turned to Liu Yuan.

"This is the owner of your bank?"

Liu Yuan frowned. There are so many king soldiers on the ground, many of them are superb. The price is much higher than ordinary king soldiers. Lai Cai's price is too casual.

It's no exaggeration that even if he buys this batch of Wang Bing at a price of about 1.3 million yuan, his bank will make a big profit.

And with so many Wang Bing, shouldn't Lexus be invited to the VIP room for such a business to discuss it in detail? Have a good relationship with Lexus? He glanced over Yuen Long inadvertently, and suddenly understood. He had been listening to Lai Cai and Kaiyuanzong's improper dealings. Now it seems that the other party is obviously favoring Yuenlang and showing it to Kaiyuanzong.

Thinking about it this way, it was not surprising that the other party had to kick Lexus out without asking questions.

"Yes, it is the owner of the Shucheng branch."

Liu Yuan said yes, and added another sentence.

Pointed out the other party's clear identity.

"Oh, it turned out to be just the owner of the branch,"

How could Ling Zhi not hear what Liu Yuan meant,

"I thought it was a big man, it turned out to be just a cat and a dog."

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