God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1623: Shu Feiyao wakes up

"Fortunately, the quality of the elixir in this place is not bad, otherwise I don't think it will last that long."

Steal the rat and walk ahead,

"Our clan, there are not many, I am afraid there will only be one or two. If I die, it would be a pity."

"Zhu Bajie eats ginseng fruit."

Ling Zhi scolded.


Sneak gave him a strange look, and couldn't understand this sentence.

One person and one mouse walked forward, thousands of feet away, in the blink of an eye.

When he rushed to the end of this secret realm, Stealing Mouse stopped, and the old **** was looking ahead.

It can be seen that at the edge of this secret realm, it has already begun to rout, but its movements are slow. According to this trend, it should be able to support a few months, even three or five years.

But when he walked here, Ling Zhi didn't see any ore.

At first I thought it was a peculiar ore, which my soul power could not perceive, but now it seems that it is not so.

"Where is the ore?"

Ling Zhi frowned.

"Hey, can't you see it? Can't you find it?"

The rat sneered,

"Hmph, if you don't have me, even if you let you in, you won't be able to find it. At most, you just go out with the elixir from outside."

"Don't you know the laws of space?

Use the power of space to perceive the edge of the secret here. "

Steal the mouse.

Ling Zhi's spirit power slowly protruded out and leaned towards the collapsed void around him. This void was very dangerous, several times more dangerous than being in the starry sky. Even Lexus had to be cautious.

The power of space merged into the soul power, extending in a little bit towards the edge, feeling everything surrounded by void cracks.

This investigation was not as easy as imagined.

Outside the secret, there are countless void cracks. Lexus not only needs to avoid these cracks, but also the cracks that are occurring in the heart. Every heart, one carelessness, is the end of the soul power being swallowed by the cracks, and the soul body is injured, not an injury.

The various auras in this void are chaotic, and it's hard to imagine. Under this circumstance, the Steal Mouse still has the ability to perceive the existence of such things as ore.

"Alright, I just know that there is a substance like ore in it. I want to be able to withstand the tearing of space. It will certainly not be too low-level. So if the ore is not good at that time, you can't blame me."

The rat stealing was frightened by Lexus’s previous entrapment of the thief king snake, so he got a vaccination first.

Ling Zhi didn't bother to pay attention to it, and threw himself in, leaning into the depths of the void.

He had already sensed something strange in the void, somewhere on the edge of the void crack, where the void was slightly distorted.

If he hadn't penetrated his soul power to this point and had a certain understanding of the power of space, he would really not be able to discover it.

After gritting his teeth, Lexus spit out his soul power and rushed towards the locked place.

This ore was attracted by the Void Crack and was rushing towards the Void Crack. It was possible for Zheng to rush into the Crack at any time, but it would be difficult to find it again.

It is precisely because the rat is not sure what the ore is, it makes Lexus more curious.

Curious about the unknown.


Ling Zhi snorted, opened the ring with both hands subconsciously, took out some soul recovery pills from it, and threw it into his mouth to replenish the soul power that was consumed.

All his spirit power rushed away at this moment, no less than a warrior in the late stage of the Saint King's first stage, and he was only one step away from breaking through to the second stage of the Saint King.

As a breakthrough from the tenth level of the King Realm to the Saint King Realm, he is naturally at this realm, much stronger than the average warrior.

You know, when he is on the tenth floor of the King Realm, he can kill the early powerhouses on the first floor of the Saint King.

"Horrible human beings, horror."

Sneak glanced at Ling Zhi in horror, and couldn't help but step back a few steps.

It suddenly understood that Lexus had led the King Snake away, not because he was afraid of stealing the King Snake, but simply because he wanted the King Snake to attract Kaiyuanzong's attention.

Some ninety-nine in the heart, instantly extinguished.

There were big beads of sweat on his forehead, and Ling Zhi's body shook for a while. This was an overdraft of soul power.

He successfully found the ore, but when it was near, he discovered that the ore was completely different from what he expected.

Void is indeed a unique thing in the middle. The folded space makes this ore look from a distance. It is only a palm big, but when it gets closer, it is discovered that this ore is a few meters in radius, exactly like a rock.

At this moment, he was wrapping this rock with his soul power, and he was pulling it out with great effort, his soul power was rapidly declining, without a single bit of discussion.

In a short period of time, he no longer knew how many spirit pills he had put in his mouth. He was frightened and pained when he watched peeking aside.

It didn't care about things like spirit pills, after all, it was a race that claimed to be able to steal all the strange things.

But being locked here, the spiritual power in the body was exhausted, so at this moment, watching Lexus plug the soul-returning pills of the subordinate spirit level into his mouth, his saliva quickly flowed all over the floor.

"No, soul power can't keep up."

Ling Zhi frowned, realizing this, the soul-returning pill of subordinate spirit level could not keep up with his consumption.

In desperation, he had no choice but to cast his gaze into the ring, the magic medicine of Qilin, and King Ginseng.

"Two, that, look at..."

He was a little embarrassed, and said with difficulty.

The Qilin Magic Medicine and King Ginseng could naturally see that Lexus's soul power was in short supply at this moment, but they also knew that Lexus was looking for ore, not that his life was in danger.

So at this moment, it was like a weed, motionless, after a while, he turned his head and stopped looking at Lexus.

The scene was embarrassing for a while, with some signs of losing control.

Ling Zhi was holding his forehead, really didn't know what to do.

Just as he was about to withdraw helplessly, in this ring, a branch that had never withered even though it was cut off suddenly floated over.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of star-like eyes appeared in Lexus’s soul power perception Zheng

"Ling, is that you?"

A faint voice sounded.

In this voice, there was some fear and some imitation.

"Fei Yao?"

Ling Zhi was taken aback, and a large amount of soul power was drawn back, leaving only the soul power to keep the ore from being sucked away by the crack, and the rest of the soul power was poured into the ring, extremely nervous and excited.

This branch was obtained by him in a chaotic land after entering the reincarnation pool.

At that time, in the land of chaos, on the tree trunk beside the stone table, there was only one branch that was still green and green. Unexpectedly, it had such a big effect.

The fragments of Shu Feiyao's soul that have been warming and nurturing, to this day, it has awakened part of Shu Feiyao's mind.

Excitement, surprise, nothing more!

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