God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1630: You might be a fake son

The finger disappeared directly, and many aspirations disappeared.

In the void, the strong man whose spirit power was cut off, his body also frowned, and finally he sighed leisurely.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a warrior on that planet.

The time is not ripe yet, so I can't get in. "

As the void cracks completely disappeared, the soul power of this strong man also lost contact with this world.

No matter how strong his cultivation base is, it is impossible for him to find the reincarnation star accurately and enter the reincarnation star in the endless nothingness.

As the void crack disappeared, the coldness on Lexus's body finally disappeared.

The strong sense of crisis, the feeling of life and death, dissipated, he clutched his chest, coughed up blood and stood up.

The scalp was scattered randomly, the clothes on his body were torn, and his injuries were serious.

Nan's relatives rushed over quickly and looked at him worriedly. Yuen Long was brought by the man, and the eyes of Ling Zhi were full of horror.

Before he could adjust his breath, several figures rushed over.


Yuen Long shouted at the people coming.

This headed person is surprisingly the master of Kaiyuan Sect, Yuanfeng, a strong man in the second-tier holy king!

"How will you be here?"

Yuan Feng's eyes were sharp, he scolded, and then he noticed the situation in Yuen Long.

"Your cultivation base has been abolished?"

"Yes, it's him, he abolished my cultivation."

Yuen Long yelled, pointing at the figure of Lexus, but after yelling, he couldn't help but put his finger down.

Because he saw that Ling Zhi cast his cold eyes on him.

Even if the other party was seriously injured, even if his father was here with the Kaiyuanzong elders, he was still frightened for no reason.

Ling Zhiqiang supported his injury, his figure flashed, and he directly used the power of space to grab Yuen Long directly in his hand.

"Step aside."

He looked at Yuanfeng and shouted.

At the same time, from all directions, endless spiritual power rushed into his body madly, supplementing his consumption.

There is no spiritual power in the land of nothingness. There is nothing in that place except the external objects sucked into it! Unmoved, Yuan Feng glanced at him coldly, and then sneered over his relatives in Nan.

"It turns out you kidnapped my son to save these people.

So, your relationship with them is very deep. "

"Giving you to the Dao League, it seems that you can get a reward that you won't."

Yuan Feng laughed, his voice was cold.

In the distance, the King Thief snake coiled in the air, confronting an old man, fighting against each other from time to time, and in a short period of time, no one could do anything.

Ling Zhi used the Pirate King Snake to explode the second-tier Saint King of Kaiyuanzong excluding Yuanfeng, but he did not expect that he would encounter an enemy in the void and be forced to make such a big noise and shut Yuanfeng from retreat. It also exploded out of it.

Facing the staring eyes of many powerful Kaiyuanzong masters, Ling Zhi's heart slowly sank.

He is now suffering too much from the injury. Although he is recovering quickly, it still makes his feet vain. If it is not for the tenacity of the body, the recovery speed is amazing, I am afraid that he can stand up now, it would be bad.

"One step further, I can't guarantee that he will still be alive."

Xuanyuan Sword flew into Lexus' hands and draped it on Yuen Long's neck.

Spiritual power spit on the sword body, stimulating bursts of sword light.

As long as Ling Zhi exerted a little force, Jianmang would break Yuen Long's neck, and then rushed into Yuen Long's mind, shattering his Shenting point.

"Such waste,"

Yuanfeng calmly stepped forward,

"The same cultivation base as you, but you easily took it down, and took you to the dungeon. If it hadn't been for some changes beyond your control, I'm afraid I would still be kept in the dark."

"Such a son, if he dies, he will die.

I wasted so many resources in vain, what is the use of him. "

What's the use.

Ling Zhi raised his head and stared at Yuanfeng, trying to see the slightest unnaturalness in his face and eyes.

But what disappointed him was that Yuanfeng didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation at all, he really didn't care.

A Yuen Long who has lost his cultivation base and needs a lot of resources to re-cultivation, he really doesn't care.

Yuan Feng has lived for thousands of years, and he has been Fanrao for dozens of generations. Although the stronger the martial artist, the fewer offspring, in general, but let him dismiss the so-called family affection.

Only one's own strength is real.

Yuen Long softened and slumped there, being lifted by Ling Zhi, so he didn't get down.

He looked at Yuanfeng in disbelief, his eyes were full of shock and doubt.

"Father, is my life so worthless?"

he asks.

He doesn't understand.

He cannot understand.

"It's valuable, how can it be worthless."

Yuan Feng smiled.

"Where is the spirit stone I asked you to take out? Didn't you come back as a spaceship? The purchase was successful?"

At this moment, in Yuanfeng's eyes, he was more concerned about whether the spiritual stone he had gathered together and the flying magic weapon he had bought were obtained.

"Father, you!"

Yuen Long's eyes instantly flushed, staring at Yuan Feng full of hatred.

"I hate you. In the past, you were indifferent to me. I thought it was because of your character. I didn't expect you to be so vicious. Tiger poison doesn't even eat children."

"Well, you can't do it, don't do it, I'm going to do it, don't think I don't know, you are deliberately delaying, wanting to restore your strength!"

Yuan Feng glanced at Yuen Long impatiently, and suddenly said so.

Moreover, he actually punched Ling Zhi.

The cultivation of the second level of the Saint King is fully revealed.

This punch was quick and decisive, and Lexus had no time to think, so he could only hold Yuen Long and dodge back, and block Yuen Long in front of him.

He still didn't believe that Yuanfeng would directly kill his own son.


To disappoint him, Yuanfeng didn't pretend, he didn't care, just didn't care.

This punch struck Yuen Long abruptly.

Ling Zhi hurriedly threw Yuen Long away.

While still in the air, Yuen Long's eyes widened, and the whites of his eyes rolled up and exploded into a pile of minced meat.

Yuan Feng's veteran calculations actually contained a strong inner strength in a punch, and wanted to use Yu Long's body to explode and seriously injure Lexus.

Fortunately, Lexus's spirit power was not as good as that of the opponent, but it was similar, and it was discovered in time at the end.

Ling Zhi's eyes turned cold completely, Nan's three relatives were here, Kaiyuanzong's formation was already open, he wanted to take a few people to escape, it was difficult! But the spirit power dispersed, but the figure that stole the mouse has not been found for a long time. This **** mouse, I am afraid that it escaped after it came out before, and did not wait for him at all, did not believe him at all, and was able to escape from the secret realm. Come out, and the space crystal can be found smoothly.

"You may be a fake son."

Looking at the explosion in Yuen Long, Ling Zhi gave a bitter smile.

Everyone was happy and fell asleep.

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