God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1638: Poison

Ling Zhi was a little surprised by the arrival of the rat.

He stood on the spot, quietly watching Sneaking flying with the other three people.

Reached out and stopped Nan's three relatives to thank you,

"This is an agreement between Nan and me. You don't have to thank me.

What's more, I am also a human being on earth, so I should save you. "


Nan's mother was brewing, her expression a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't need to be like that. You want to ask Nan He about his situation. I probably mentioned to you before that they were sent to Yaowangfeng by me."

"Yaowangfeng? That place..."

The three of them were a little more nervous.

"It's okay. The current Yaowangfeng is different from the Yaowangfeng you went to before. You can rest assured in terms of safety.

You can wait a while, wait for me to refine some spirit pills for you to bring, with your Sanrao strength, if you are not dragged down, go to Yaowangfeng alone, there should be no problem. "

"It's you,"

Ling Zhi did not have much with the three of them, but simply talked about his plan. He turned his head to look at Stealing Rat.

"I'm very surprised that you will appear with me with them."

Ling Zhi had mentioned to Thioshu earlier that if he could be a man, let him take Nan's three relatives and meet him.

With the power of stealing a mouse, coupled with the space crystal that Lexus once owned, it is not difficult to find Lexus in such a range.

"Hmph, my rat-thief clan has always been open and upright."

He screamed, feeling a little embarrassed, and turned around.

"This space crystal is not big. I feel that with my aptitude, I can't feel the rules of space for sure.

I want to...please..."

"You took away all the space crystals, and now you still count on me to point you to the power of space so that you can cooperate with the space crystals to realize the power of space? Too greedy, right?"

Ling Zhi shook his head and cursed.

Perhaps it was because Stealing Mouse really helped him bring the three of them out after taking the space crystal in the previous situation, and Lexus had a different sense of it.

"I think you were injured very badly, and now it looks a little weak. I can find elixir for you, so that you can recover quickly."

Thief suggested, very confident.

Finding elixir in this outside world, in the vast land, is too simple for it.


Ling Zhi looked at it strangely, pointing not far away,

"Look over there, do you think it's because of my lack of elixir?"

There, the flame of the fiery red Qingyang furnace had not been extinguished. Although there were not many elixir piled up by the furnace body, it was still enough for Lexus to refine several furnaces of spirit pills.

"Those spirit level spirit pills, were you refined?"

Stealing Mouse's eyes lit up and asked in surprise.

Ling Zhi glanced at it strangely.

"Stealing rats is known as stealing all over the place, why, you still think that the spirit-level alchemist like me can't succeed?"


Ling Zhi suddenly reacted, his face flashed with enlightenment.

"No, right? What you stole is actually the elixir in the mountains, the treasures from all over the place. You swallow so many kinds of elixir directly, there is a big problem!"

The mouse looked dark, and nodded alone.

"Why are my rat-stealers so rare? It's because our bodies have major problems. It is extremely difficult to have children. Newborn rat-stealings are not a single one, and it is difficult to survive."

"But apart from speed, sharp teeth, and a keen sense of smell for spiritual things, in fact, the combat effectiveness and survivability of our race are average, otherwise it would not have been forced to that extent by a king thief before.

If it weren't for you, in order to immortalize my body, I would rush out sooner or later and fight to the death with the king snake. "

Up to this point, it is rare to steal a rat, somewhat silent and serious.

Medicine poison! Suddenly in Ling Zhi's heart, poison was rare, especially among warriors, so he never thought of this.

For warriors, the more troublesome thing is erysipelas.

From the beginning of the martial arts to the later stages of cultivation, it is impossible to count how many spirit pills were swallowed during the period. In this case, there will always be a part of a large number of spirit pills, which cannot be dissolved, and eventually accumulate in the martial artist .

One or two may not be noticed at all, but when the number of spirit pills reaches thousands or even tens of thousands, this kind of accumulated things will be very scary.

They are good and bad, because they themselves are good for the warrior, but a large amount of good things that can't be absorbed are accumulated in the warrior's body, but they will become bad things.

Blocking the meridians of the warrior will cause a burden to the warrior's body, which will last until it causes irreparable damage.

Therefore, this is also one of the major reasons why many warriors deliberately control the swallowing of spirit pills.

Ling Zhi relied on being a pill alchemist, and the existence of spirit-devouring fire in his body, so he was a little unscrupulous and didn't care too much about the effects of erysipelas.

In other words, stealing poison from the rat's body is even more troublesome and exaggerated.

Just imagine, the spirit pill has been tempered by the alchemist, and a lot of impurities in it have been removed. After being neutralized by other spirit medicines, it is already considered very few. It can steal rats and swallow a lot. Elixir.

They find the unique ability of the elixir, which allows them to swallow a large amount of elixir without restraint.

In the end, these things piled together and became poison.

It caused huge damage to their bodies.

Ling Zhi became a little silent, sly and cunning, but at this moment he showed such a sad look, which made people feel a little distressed.

Imagine that they could have many children in their lifetime, but in the end, they were almost all dead.

For other strong people, having children and grandchildren may be a blessing, but for stealing rats, it may be a torture, a worry, and a deep worry.

"It's no wonder that you helped me before. I'm afraid you don't want Yuan Feng who killed his son. Get it."

Ling Zhi said.

Stealing the mouse was silent and did not answer, which was considered a default.

"I lack the necessary materials, but it's good luck. I just bought this Qingyang Furnace from Yaowangfeng. As the ancient nine great alchemy furnace, Qingyang Furnace still has fire attributes. It is most suitable for elixirs poison. If you want, you can stay by my side and take care of it slowly. Even if the poison can't be eliminated and weakened, it is always easy."

In fact, the poisonous erysipelas, taking a divine liquid similar to the milk of the earth, combined with some other things, has the best effect, but Lingzhi is gone, so he can only get rid of some other targeted spirit pills first.

There is a thief, it is not too difficult to find some divine liquid.

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