God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1661: Queen Yin Meng


Ling Zhi's face changed, he slapped him up and shot the stolen mouse away.

"Hurry up and treat the disease, the medicine can't be stopped."

The rat thief was crying and howling, and he slapped him out a street so far away that he couldn't see the rat anymore.

All this is because the figure of the woman is already approaching.

And the sentence of stealing the mouse, obviously passed to the woman's ear, if it was someone else, it was only her, Ling Zhi had to be embarrassed.

Except for Ye Qingcheng, this is the only person he has had relations with the opposite sex.

Thinking of the absurd things that happened in the Ancestral Star Stele, Lexus was speechless for a while. He could only touch his nose and didn't know how to speak.

But women can't control these.

Looking at the familiar figure and feeling the familiar breath, she swooped directly into Ling Zhi’s Huaizheng

"Brother Ling, it's really you."

Yin Meng rushed into Ling Zhi's arms, excited and unable to speak to himself.

I don't know what this scene would look like if it were seen by the old guys from Wantong Bank.

Nine-tailed demon fox, Yin Meng, when facing them, they were extremely cold and glamorous, Pu Chang, who didn't know how many times they were ignored.

At this moment, Yin Meng actually threw himself into the arms of a man, crying excitedly, with a ruddy face.

Ling Zhi's body stiffened first, but it was only an instant and he was calm.

He is not a carefree person, otherwise, for Qin Binglan, Leng Yan and others, he would not deliberately refrain from mentioning some emotional directions.

But he is not a staid person, a pedantic person.

The relationship between him and Yin Meng was a bit helpless and a bit awkward, but he didn't need to be afraid, shrink back, and avoid talking.

Some things, let him go with the flow, perhaps the best result.

Love is love, and if you don't love you don't love, there are so many doorways, all in a frame, to live, not tired.

"Well, Yin Meng, so many people are watching, let's go, find a place, let's go again."

Ling Zhi smiled and patted Yin Meng on the back and helped her up.

Yin Meng nodded obediently, without the slightest resistance.

No one can understand the importance of Lexus to her, and no one can understand the status of Lexus in her heart.

As a young girl, she was sold in when she was young, forced to welcome guests, to do that dirty and indecent thing, her inner despair is beyond description.

For the first time in his life, he was forced to pick up a guest, but he met Lexus.

A person who rescued him from the depths of the water, a person who treated her as a normal girl.

In the end, he was brought into the Ancestral Star Stele, helped her, awakened her blood, and became the king of the demon fox clan, Nine Tails.

Her strength has grown, rapidly, and at an incredible speed.

Based on this, she rose rapidly, and her rise has changed the fate of the demon fox clan, and no one dares to attack the demon fox clan's women.

And all this is because of Lexus, who is like a passer-by in her life, but the most important person.

She still clearly remembered that Lexus was in a bad situation at the time. He was chased and killed by Wolf Ancestor and others, but he left all the spirit stones on her body to her.

On the Ten Thousand Spirits Ancestor, there is only the spiritual power of the gods, but no spiritual power.

But she awakened the blood of the ancient sacred beast, the nine-tailed demon fox, but cultivated the earth and spirit power together, not the **** spirit power.

If there are not so many spirit stones that enable her to survive the growth period, she definitely cannot live to the present.

It is inevitable that it is a plaything with noble blood, living between the bed of the strong.

Her family is in those hands, she has no choice.

Some unintentional actions may, perhaps, change the fate of others in their lives.

Together, Ling Zhi and Yin Meng chose a restaurant at random, chose a cubicle, and sat down.

"Unexpectedly, I would be here and meet you."

Ling Zhi spoke and broke the silence.

Yin Meng's face was ruddy,

"I, after I heard that the interstellar teleportation array was turned on, I wondered if I could use the teleportation array to come to your planet. I didn't expect it to be possible."

"How have you been all these years?"

Ling Zhi smiled, thinking of the shy girl Yin Meng who had come over and pulled him into the yard, and couldn't help but laugh.

Yin Meng seemed to know what he was thinking, and his face became even more blush.

"Very good, look, I am now a warrior in the second-tier Saint King realm."

Yin Meng began to exude his cultivation base independently, which made Ling Zhi feel.

She felt that Ling Zhi’s cultivation level was only shown in the late king stage, and she was afraid that Ling Zhi could not feel it. At the same time, she was even more nervous. She was afraid that the reason why Ling Zhi’s cultivation was slow was because he had given all the spirit stones. Because of her, there was no spiritual stone practice.

"I obviously feel that your spirit power is very powerful, and you have reached the second-tier Saint King stage, but your cultivation is only in the late king stage, do you have no spiritual stone cultivation?"

Yin Meng approached Ling Zhi and asked anxiously.

She didn't change anything because Ling Zhi's cultivation base was lower than her own. Next to Ling Zhi, she was still the innocent girl back then.

And this is why Ling Zhi always smiled. No matter what Yin Meng has experienced, at least their relationship has not changed. This makes Ling Zhi the happiest in his heart.

What he fears most is that things are wrong.


Seeing her approaching, Ling Zhi couldn't help but flick her forehead.

"Don't be so worried, my cultivation base is not as low as you think, and it's not what you think. It has nothing to do with you.

It's just that this injury hasn't healed. A few days ago, I encountered a few difficult enemies, which caused air damage, and the repair base fell down. "


Yin Meng's face suddenly became cold.

"Who hurt you?"

At this moment, she unexpectedly burst into a strong chill, not like a girl Yin Meng, but like Queen Yin Meng.

To lead the demon fox clan to rise from the Ten Thousand Spirit Ancestor Star, what she needs to experience is not something ordinary people can understand and understand.

"Nothing, just a few characters, next time I meet, I will solve it myself.

The decline in cultivation is nothing, but to me, it is a good thing. "

Ling Zhi smiled and explained his general situation to Yin Meng.

The loss of cultivation base, damage to the path, the original realm, and the soul power that has grown as a result, including the situation at Jiuding Peak that just happened.

"That's it."

Yin Meng put away his chill in an instant, and there was a sorrow in his eyes.

"Then what do you do with your wounds? Do you need any elixir? I must find it for you."

"Oh, my Yin Meng is amazing, a strong man at the peak of the second-tier Saint King, his words are extraordinary."

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