God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1694: Vortex at the center of the universe

This thing flew closer and closer, shining colorful luster, it was really beautiful.

"Since it was my thing summoned, it is naturally mine."

Yun easily hummed, finally put the futon away, and jumped directly towards that thing.

"How can you directly belong to whom you have a share of."

Someone screamed surreptitiously, and a surging force rushed out from the crowd from all directions, hitting Yun easily.

Once this power went out, it was like a fuse, and the crowd about to move instantly rushed over.

This thing flew straight, without seeing its owner, will naturally arouse people's reverie.

"Retire all to me."

In the No. 1 room, this overbearing sound was heard, the door of the room opened creakingly, and a figure directly rushed up, rushed up out of the auction, and grabbed the thing.

"Do you also grab things for women?"

Lu Ya was dissatisfied, and the gourd flew out with a touch, and went straight to the figure.

This person was two or three heads taller than ordinary people, his skin was golden, and his palms were thicker than the futon.

Simply a giant.

On his body, the muscles bulged high and tangled together.

Such muscles are actually rarely seen among warriors. The power and speed pursued by warriors go hand in hand, so the general body is extremely well-proportioned, and the body is rarely tempered into this shape.

But in the same way, when he gives up speed, his physical strength will naturally reach a point that ordinary people can't imagine.

He rushed out in such a step, unexpectedly because of the scattered power, the void appeared in the sound of explosion.

It is like dropping a row of bombs in the air.

"It turned out to be their clan."

Ji Fanchen suddenly,

"Unexpectedly, after such a long time, the ancient giants in the biography still have blood remains in the world."

The ancient giant, that is the body in the starry sky that claims to be able to sail with the cow, a higher physique.

But this one is an ethnic group.

It is the ethnic group that almost ruled this land.

Has a very high status, and extremely strong strength.

He raised his palm and blocked Yun Yi's face.


Yun vomited lightly, staring at this person with both eyes, and suddenly two divine lights shot out from his eyes, piercing him.

"I want to hurt me with my soul."

He roared, the muscles in his neck jumped up, and the big clock shrank several times and appeared in front of him. Those two magic lights shot the big clock, causing it to make a sound.

The voice echoed in the big clock, and finally it spread out continuously.

The man stood still, unaffected by what seemed to be the influence, but Yun easily groaned, took a loss, and took a few steps back.

"And you!"

The man turned his head, the big clock flew, and banged against the gourd. The two moved backwards, and Lu Ya's body couldn't stop shaking for a while.

"Although you restrain me, but your strength is too weak, dare to stop and kill you."

The man stomped his feet, even in the void, the void and the ground below collapsed.

Rushed towards that thing.

Ji Fanchen had shown emotions long ago, but was stopped by Wen Cang.

"This race is unparalleled in flesh, and it's no longer weaker just by discussing the realm and soul power cultivation. You have gone up and won't get any benefits."

Wen Cang shook his head and said these two sentences, preventing Ji Fanchen from talking.

"Senior Wen, the value of this thing must be extraordinary, isn't it a pity to give up like this?"

Yin Meng had already returned to Ling Zhi, raised his head, and asked curiously.

Because Ling Zhi hadn't showed any emotion, she didn't feel anything anymore. Quandang looked at this group of people and the dog bit the dog.

Wen Cang shook his head and sighed softly.

"What can I do if I get it?"

"Since I suddenly got Nan Er's futon that day, I have been uneasy. Sure enough, the Interstellar Teleportation Array was turned on. At this moment, this thing was also born.

Reincarnation star, it's going to be messy. "

Reincarnation star, it's going to be messy.

Wen Cang's voice was mysterious and deep, and it passed into the ears of everyone in the cluster, and it remained for a long time.

At this time, the thing that was shining with colorful light in the sky finally revealed its true face.

It turned out to be a key, a palm-length key, the whole body is colorful, very dazzling.


Ling Zhi frowned.

"Is it the key to unlock something?"

For some reason, he thought of the pseudo-world somehow.

On this key, he vaguely felt the breath of that world, although it was not strong, it really existed.

He has been in the pseudo-world for a long time, and he is naturally very familiar.

There are too many secrets in the pseudo-world, too many things that people can't understand. It was a failed product created by many strong men in order to resist the upper realm and closed the six reincarnations.

But this failed product, even if it fails again, it was once a world, and it was built by the standards of a world.

Some of the things in it are probably of astonishing value.

Especially those humans who are close to the living and dead can survive for a long time for the sake of the world, which is more likely to cause other coveting and exploration.

There are not too many accidents. When it comes to close combat, Yun is easily not the man's opponent. Lu Ya's cultivation base is two levels lower than that of the two of them. With the man taking precautions, it is difficult to stop the opponent. .

The key was smoothly received by the man, and the colorful luster instantly dispersed from the key and flew upward.

Between the blows, they actually formed the appearance of fireflies. Once these fireflies appeared, Lexus's eyes changed.

Isn't this just the kind of creature in the pseudo-world? The fireflies flew up and spread towards the entire Supreme City.

It seemed that there was a seal that broke open when these fireflies passed by.

The breath of the entire Supreme City changed too much in an instant.

It's so scary! A feeling of suppression at the end of a long river of time permeated the entire city.

It seems that millions of years have passed.

Like this city, it is located at the end of the long river of time, breaking off a corner of the long river of time. Until this moment, the corner of the long river seems to have a trace of flowing.

No one knows that it is the corner of the long river of time that is oppressing the town.

Is it the future, the present, or the past? What is he suppressing? No one knows.

"The word taishang has so many extraordinary meanings."

Wen Cang sighed, he recognized the key,

"I thought I would never encounter it in my life, but I didn't expect to see this scene in my later years. Should I be fortunate or sigh."

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