God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1968: Unworthy of an enemy

Chu Da walked to the gate of Supreme City, without stopping.

At this moment, he raised his head directly and let Lexus open the door quickly.

This is somewhat strange and inexplicable.

Especially when Lu Ya, who came with him, walked to the opposite side, why did he think that Ling Zhi would open the door for him?

"What does he mean?" Yin Meng glanced at Chu Da, frowning his beautiful brows, showing a puzzled look.

In response to this, Ling Zhi left directly, walked down the city wall, walked towards the city gate, and even opened the city gate directly.

Looking at Yin Meng, Shu Feiyao and their puzzled expressions, Bai Qi said slowly,

"In the face of interest and justice, he chose us."



The city gate opened and Lexus appeared.

He stood at the city gate and looked at Chu Da with complicated eyes.

"Why look at me like that?" Chu Da snorted disdainfully, "If it wasn't for me to come late, it's too late, how could it belong to you?"

"Also, your monument, I should or should grab it. When the matter is over, we are still enemies."

Chu Da snorted again, without looking at Lexus, he walked towards the gate, towards the inside of Supreme City.

Ling Zhi leaned back, not only did not stop him, but instead let him go in.

He turned his head and looked at Lu Ya who was standing in front of the crowd, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, shook his head, and whispered to himself, "From this moment on, you no longer deserve to be my opponent."

His voice is not loud, but he has a kind of disdain. On this **** battlefield, people like him speak with their own attitude.

Lu Ya had just adjusted his aura, and his face changed drastically when he was hedged with this sentence, making it extremely difficult to look.

At the beginning, Lu Ya descended on Reincarnation Star from other planets and followed the breath of the Heavenly Path Monument to find Lexus. Later, after confirming that the Heavenly Path Monument was on Lingzhi, he directly pursued and killed him.

After being led by Lexus to the Jiuding Peak, he was injured and retreated without success.

At that time, Lexus was under his hands and could only be forced to flee, like a dog at home.

But today, he doesn't even have the qualifications to face Lexus head-on.

This is unbearable to him who is proud!

Ling Zhi followed Chu Da and walked into Taishang City.

"Lu Ya, Yun and I waited for people easily, and we lived together in the blue and yellow springs. There were too many dangerous places in it. Those who came down with us didn't even have some protection, and they couldn't hold it for a moment or three. , She died. The little woman Yun Yi had very strong spirit power, and she was the first to find the gap and rushed out. It is until today that Lu Ya and I suddenly found the opportunity and rushed out."

Chu Da stood still and explained.

This is a show of sincerity.

It shows that he is focusing on the overall situation, and he knows the importance of Taishangcheng.

Chu Da is the blood of the ancient giants, and it is normal to know these things.

But being able to choose to step out and stand on the side of Taishangcheng under the circumstances that the upper realm sent someone to come in the first time under this situation, he is already enough to be respected.

"It should be that Biluohuangquan suddenly flowed rapidly, and then quickly slowed down. Under this circumstance, you found a contract to escape." Ling Zhi glanced sadly in the distance, and couldn't help but think of Shui Wuxun again.

Chu Da looked at him in surprise and followed Ling Zhi's gaze. When he saw the magma and felt the breath of Shui Wuxun, he instantly understood and knew what was happening here.

Some wonderful emotions echoed in his heart, and Chu Da, a rough man, was silent at this moment.

"The strength of the upper and lower realms was so great that the lower realm would still be afraid of the upper realm. Had it not been for so many traitors and lackeys in the end, how could the lower realm be defeated so badly?"

After a long time, Chu Da raised his head and roared, "So how many of us can be defeated by these brutes?"

I don't know right or wrong, I don't know the truth, he looks like a dog in front of the old woman, but in front of his own people, he is domineering, only knowing that he will blindly attack the city without considering the consequences.

These people, as Chu Da said, beasts are not as good as they are.

"Bai Qi, you asked your people to find an opportunity to bring in all the people who stood up before and expressed hostility to the old woman. The rest of them, since then, have been our enemies of life and death."

Ling Zhi thought of Bai Qi, and said, "Too Shangcheng cannot withstand their unscrupulous attack all the time. This group of people is just a mob, a mob, kill the king first, and when the king is gone, it will be a bird and beast."

After speaking, Ling Zhi directly sat down and began to absorb the spiritual power between the world.

This is their advantage.

The spiritual power in the Supreme City is extremely rich, but in other parts of the pseudo-world, the spiritual power is extremely thin. The warriors from the outside can only supplement their consumption with the Lingshi Lingzhi they carry, far less than Lexus and the others.

A lot of spiritual power is between Lexus, and Lexus's body quickly replenishes his loss.

It's just that the spiritual power in his body needs to be compressed into fairy spiritual power, which seems to be numerous, but inside Lexus's body, it feels like a drop in the bucket.

Lexus previously used hairpins and went out to kill the enemy with gravity. In the end, it detonated the spirit-devouring fire, and the power accumulated in his body was already exhausted and completely wiped out.

"When are you going to recover?" Chu Da glanced at Ling Zhi impatiently, and suddenly raised his hand and threw a jade bottle over. compared to."

Ling Zhi raised his hand and received the jade bottle in his hand. Before he could open it, he instantly understood and felt what was in it.

It was at the beginning that during his innate Taoism period, he felt that it was of little use, and he sold the milk of the earth.

It's just that the quality of the bottle Chu Da gave him, Milk of the Earth, is several times better, and much more.

In this little jade bottle, there is at least one cubic meter of milk of the earth.

Ling Zhi took it out and gruntly sent as much as one third of it to his mouth before stopping.

A large amount of milk of the earth rushed into the abdomen, and instantly spread out, in the pubic area, among the limbs.

In Lexus's body, it was like a dry and cracked earth that instantly received a continuous, non-stop, majestic rain.

The meridians that had dried up instantly filled up.

In the end, it was even more face, with a sense of soaring spiritual power in the body that it could not be suppressed.

"Haha." Ling Zhihao smiled loudly, "It just so happens that this extra power can be a bit first."

In the sound of his laughter, the hairpin flew high and headed straight out of the city, with a bright light.

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