God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1981: Birth and death

Because he might be able to see everyone in the Sky Tower soon, Ling Zhi was in a good mood.

In addition, he and the old woman are mortal enemies, so now he speaks somewhat unscrupulously and uncontrollably.

At the first sight of the old woman, he noticed something was wrong.

In any case, with the old woman's personality, she shouldn't be forced to such a degree by these charms.

But now, even Ling Zhi on Li Bai's side is wondering whether he has found an opportunity to break through, it is impossible for the old woman to be unaware.

But she didn't even take the lead to stop it.

Instead, he sat cross-legged, shutting down his six senses, and ignored the outside world.

Obviously, she didn't even know Li Bai's current state.

She completely isolates herself, does not look at the outside world, does not listen to the outside world, unless someone takes action against her, or she wants to escape, otherwise everything from the outside world will hardly cause her trouble.

Based on her resistance to these things from the outside world and some natural reactions of her body being disturbed by the power of charm, it is not difficult to guess that she should have never been exposed to these things.

But thinking that she had appeared in the state of an old woman for a long time before, even if she changed her body now, she would make her voice become that of an old woman.

It shows that she has long been used to the state of the old woman.

If she maintains that state all year round, then she has never experienced that kind of thing, naturally it is not difficult to explain.

It's just a matter of sex, it's the ethics of human beings. Gangchang, put on a woman who has lived for thousands of years, makes people laugh and can't understand.

As time passed by, the tail of the nine-tailed demon fox floating in the sky also slowly fell and fell into Yin Meng's hands.

Ling Zhi tilted his head to look at Lu Ya's side, and sighed secretly.

If he could sustain it longer, maybe he could take this opportunity to kill Lu Ya.

But he did not regret it, after all, bringing the Sky Tower back was a big deal.

Xu Shi Lu Ya should not die. He possessed five-bird fan and sapphire gourd, and lost his body. However, he survived this accident and did not become the prey of others.

The main reason was that the sapphire gourd had been hanging high beside him, and the power of the flying sword had already declared everyone in the battle against Lexus.

At this moment, the power of charm has just weakened, and he has regained consciousness.

A chill spread from his soul, he knew very well that he was only a minute away from death.

"Without physical protection, it is too unsafe after all." For the sake of safety, Lu Ya chose to stay away at this time.

The green jade gourd guarded him, and the five birds in his hand fanned, and a wind that could lift everyone's soul blew up, wrapped himself up, and disappeared into the sky.

The old woman opened her eyes at the same time, staring at the direction where Lu Ya disappeared, a flash of color in her eyes.

The five-bird fan and the sapphire gourd are both very powerful and extremely rare treasures. Even if you don't know their origin, the old woman's knowledge is enough to infer their preciousness.

It's just that Lu Ya ran fast, but he didn't give her a chance to start.

The power of charm dissipated, and the scene regained clarity, but the warriors who were completely controlled by the power of charm were shocked after awakening.

There was that woman who was riding on or screaming at others a moment ago, but now she suddenly wakes up and can't believe what she has done.

This scene is too ridiculous, ridiculous enough to be recorded in the annals of history, and let posterity talk about it.

"Fortunately, they are all our enemies. Looking at them like this, there is no regret or self-blame." Ling Zhi said inadvertently and passed it into Yin Meng's ears.

Yin Meng raised her head and glanced at him, and there was some warmth in her heart. She naturally knew that Ling Zhi was talking to her. After all, it is a woman who is the initiator of this matter. It is inevitable to blame herself.

But what Ling Zhi said was the most direct. Since he is a life and death enemy, why bother to think about it so much?

If it weren't for Yin Meng's sudden hand, it is still unclear who will kill him.

Perhaps when the time comes, it will be Li Bai's death, Ling Zhifei, Chu Da and Bai Qi's serious injuries.


Yun Yi just came to the old woman's side. The old woman looked at her desperate look and couldn't help but cursed, "With your spiritual power, in this case, you can still be confused. I thought you would take advantage of this. Chance, kill all these people for me. I'm so disappointed!"

"Oh, I almost forgot. You are not a virgin. I am afraid that you have long been addicted to this nasty thing. No wonder the spirit is so strong and you can be so thoroughly confused."

Yun was easily cursed by her nose and didn't dare to resist. He could only stand there until the old woman scolded her for being stray and exposed that she was not a virgin, and then her body trembled, and her face paled and took a big step back. I can't be in panic all day long, my eyes are broken.

Ling Zhi opened his mouth, his heart also extremely complicated.

Between him and Yun Zai, there were only a few conflicts between them, and after all they were on opposite sides. He knew this very well.

Just being so entangled with an enemy back and forth, his heart is also not feeling, very entangled and depressed.

"Forget it, let's not mention these for now." The old woman snorted and turned to Li Bai's side, "Now, I have very important things to do."

After saying this, the old woman actually stuck out her tongue and clicked her lips. The color in her eyes was countless times stronger than before.

It was even worse than when I saw Lexus's spatial rules, Yin-Yang rules, Gulu, easy clouds, and Lu Ya's blue jade gourd and five-bird fan. The mood swings were even more intense.

"Unexpectedly, such a rich aspiration of sentient beings can be condensed. If I deprive him of the power in his body and integrate it into my own body, wouldn't I be able to steal so much of the aspiration of sentient beings directly? There is such a strong aspiration of sentient beings. Li Jiazhi, what else should I worry about in the future ancestral holy realm?"

The old woman screamed in surprise, and the whole person followed. All the power burst out from all over her body, like a huge wave, covering all the space in front of him, and shot towards Li Bai.

"You dare to break through in front of me, think beautifully, die for me, and become my stepping stone!"

The old woman laughed wildly, but there was another blow in the backhand. All the red clothes all over her body were separated from her body, and she moved towards the back of her body, colliding with Ling Zhihong who came to rescue her.

Lexus coughed up blood, although he was stubborn and stubborn, he didn't back down, but how easy was it to break the red dress of the old woman in an instant?

At this moment, Li Bai's life and death are between the old woman's thoughts.

The danger is extreme.

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