God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1996: Defensive battle!

The spirit power that Shi Hao placed on his spiritual power wanted to pull the spiritual power back to avoid the sharp edge of the sky tower.

However, at the cost of his tiny soul power, Ling Zhi weaves a large net near him, making his evacuation hesitate for a moment.

Such a moment was enough to delay his avoidance.

The light beam of spiritual power slammed into the sky tower.

Shu Feiyao's cultivation base was still a little lower, and the Sky Tower actually moved back by a mile after this blow.

However, the chaotic air surging from the sky tower, along with the power of the sky tower swooping down, flooded into this spiritual power.

The spiritual power was instantly swallowed by the chaos, and the remaining sky tower power followed Shi Hao's body.

Shi Hao made a few more attacks while waving his hand, colliding with the power of the sky tower, both of them were annihilated in the void, and then he let out a muffled hum, bright blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"It's the Three Souls and Six Souls!" Yun Qingyang stared at the place where Lexus shot, suddenly shouted, turned to look at the old woman, "You actually handed the Three Souls and Six Souls to him?"

At the exit of this sentence, the momentum on his body instantly rose, mixed with boundless anger.

The determination of three souls and six souls is the foundation of the Heavenly Dao League, and with Yun Yi's help in this exercise, it took a long time to fully understand it.

At the beginning, he knew that the old woman had obtained the Three Souls and Six Souls from Yun Easy, but he didn't care because he didn't think that the old woman could successfully cultivate in a short period of time, and he believed that he could kill the old woman in one fell swoop.

After failing to kill the old woman, he already had many other plans in his mind, and urging the old woman, Shi Hao and him, came to attack Taishangcheng, which was also the reason why he didn't want the old woman to have time to understand the Three Souls and Six Souls.

But now, Ling Zhi actually used the exercises of the Three Souls and Six Souls.

This kind of precise use of soul power and subtle attacks are clearly the things recorded in the Three Souls and Six Souls.

As soon as Yun Qingyang said these words, Shi Hao stepped aside quietly, and suddenly distrusted the old woman.

"I am a person from the upper realm, the person who is the least likely to cooperate with him. What do you mean by looking at me like this?" The old woman's small face showed a bit of hostility, "He can be cultivated. Shouldn't you be blamed for this exercise?"

"If it wasn't for you to attack me, tear up my physical body, and remove the jade pendant from my control, how could it cause it to fall into the void and be acquired by him."

The old woman's face was gloomy and watery, she finally got the Three Souls and Six Souls from Yunyi's hands, but she lost this exercise before she had time to understand it carefully.

In terms of anger, he is worse than Yun Qingyang.

"As for why he was able to comprehend this masterful exercise so quickly, if you have time to ask me, it is better to ask the people behind you. In my opinion, the relationship between her and this kid is not ordinary. "The old woman's eyes rolled, and Xinshou turned his spear to Yun easily.

She had too much dissatisfaction with Yun Qingyang, and being able to let the other party kill Yun easily first could be regarded as her charging some interest first.

"She?" Yun Qingyang turned his head and glanced at Yun easily. A vague suspicion flashed in his eyes, but he didn't show it. Instead, he smiled and said, "Just kidding, it's easy to be my official Taoist companion. You slander."

Yun stood behind him easily, took a deep look at him, then lowered his head and said nothing.

"Since it is a misunderstanding, it is better to attack and take down the city first, and divide the opportunities and personal grievances, and then discuss it later." Shi Hao saw that the atmosphere between Yun Qingyang and the old woman eased, and hurried up. Front way.

Naturally, Yun Qingyang and the old woman would not really fight at this time. Following the steps given by Shi Hao, according to the previous plan, they started to act quickly.

On the contrary, Shi Hao stood in place, glanced at the sky tower in the sky with complicated eyes, and a spirit power broke away from his body and quietly went out to the rear.

"He still has a back hand."

While he was doing this, he didn't even think that Yun could easily detect the actions he deliberately concealed.

"Who doesn't have a back hand yet?" Yun Qingyang sneered disdainfully, and walked straight ahead.

"Senior Li Bai and the old woman have fought, and the old woman has been handed over to Senior." Ling Zhi said, "Yun Qingyang and Yun are easy to be together and inseparable. Yun's easy spirit attack can not be ignored even by the half ancestor, although I have not completed the cultivation. Three souls and six souls are determined, but they have sentiments, and they hand it to me.

"Brother Niu, you take Chu Dabai to pick them up and block Na Shi Hao." Ling Zhi took out the ribs of the Ancestor Saint, handed them to Niu Yuanhang, and said solemnly, "With your strength, with their help, you should be able to force the Ancestor. Pay more attention to the power of the Holy Ribs. First entangle him, don't ask to hurt him, but ask for your own safety."

"I'm not afraid." Niu Yuanhang patted his chest, "You give me this stuff, I will do it alone, let Chu Dabai ask them to help you."

"Haha, it's about this time, don't refuse to say goodbye to me. Just come, I'm worried that they still have a back hand, and others will stay too in the city as a precaution."

Ling Zhi laughed and jumped off the city wall.

He now knows very well that the formation of Supreme City cannot withstand the unbridled attacks of three half-ancestors at the same time.

Because after the arrival of the Sky Tower, among them, there was finally one who had a deep research on the formation method.


At this moment, Tantai Jing is still in the city of Taishangcheng. Since arriving, she has been studying there carefully.

Ling Zhi jumped down, and everyone who was named by him also jumped down.

Divided into three directions, each heading towards its own enemy.

"You, want to deal with me alone?" Yun Qingyang pointed at himself, looked at Ling Zhi incredulously, "Don't you think that you have realized a little bit of the three souls and six souls, and you will have peace Am I eligible for the battle?"

"That's not the case." Not thinking, but Ling Zhi shook his head.

"It's not because I realized the fur of Three Souls and Six Souls, but also the qualifications and confidence to fight you, but even if I didn't realize anything, I also have the qualifications to fight you."

Lexus's voice was cold, full of disdain.

Full of disdain that Yun Qingyang can't understand.

"What qualifications do you have to show such a gesture to me?" Yun Qingyang breathed fire in his eyes, sneered, "Do you know who I am?"

"Who are you?" Ling Zhi raised his forehead and sarcastically said, "I am the **** who cares about you. Is it a dog? I want to know what his name is?"


Ling Zhi screamed, the skyrocketing cultivation level appeared 100%, and he rushed towards Yun Qingyang.

Ling Zhi was at the pinnacle of the Saint King's third-level realm, and had never set foot in the half-ancestral realm.

However, are there few examples of Lexus fighting across tiers? Recommend a little lover's book, female essays, light up "The most adorable face value difference",-what do you want to do? ——Except you, I don't want to do it. The girl is driving cute.

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