God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2032: Only murder

"Senior Xuanyuan, really decisive." Li Bai exclaimed and said.

They have many questions of their own and want to ask the Huang Di one by one, but these are obviously trivial compared with the Huang Di's recovery and what the Huang Di is going to do.

Since the upper and lower realms had already opened this mouth, and the Yellow Emperor had also directly mentioned the word declaring war, then this battle was destined to come.

Just a matter of time.

Xu is tomorrow, Xu is next year, and Xu is thousands of years. No one can tell.

This is a great battle and a general trend. Such a top general trend cannot be caused and induced by any one person alone.

He must need countless collisions.

"I must get stronger quickly. I don't want to be so weak as it is now at that time." Niu Yuanhang clenched his fist and said boldly.

However, Ling Zhi squinted at the position of his heart. Under the strong killing intent, he also carried a strong care and worry.


Suddenly, a white light with strong power appeared below.

Ling Zhi's eyelids throbbed violently, and he swooped down without thinking.

But what he saw in his eyes was beyond his control.

The fire-controlling person did not know when he had already come down. At this moment, his palm passed between Chu Da's neck, Chu Da's eyes were staring, and his head flew out.

This is a panic.

And this white light was Bai Qi's shot.

Bai Qi held the ribs of the ancestor that Niu Yuanhang had previously given him, and urged with all his strength to fight the fire-controlling man.


The fire-controller grabbed the big clock next to Niu Yuanhang with one hand, and hit Bai Qi with the other.

In the previous battles, he had always been very clear about his goal.

The first is Lexus’s monument to Heaven, but as the situation develops, he already knows that nothing can be done.

So he had already focused his attention on Chu Da.

His eyes were much more venomous than the old woman and the others. He knew very well that in the presence of the Lexus monument, the most valuable thing was the big clock on Chu Da.

Although this big clock seems to be nothing, he can deeply perceive the deep power in this big clock, which is associated with Chu Da previously protecting his body and soul with this clock, under the attack of the half ancestor After surviving, the same item in the memory gradually merged with this big clock.

He is almost certain that this big clock is that one thing.

So when he sensed that Huang Di was really gone, he made a decisive move.

Chu Da's eyes were still staring, but his head had already flown out.

The power of the half ancestor, without any defense, directly rushed into his mind, destroyed his Shenting acupoint, and even completely dissipated his soul.

At this moment, Chu Da has no chance of being alive.

This is the difference between a half ancestor and a holy king. If there are no high-level item blessings, body guards, and warriors in the holy king stage, they are not qualified to fight the half ancestor, and the half ancestor can easily kill in seconds.

The fire-controlling person first shook Bai Qi back with a palm, and then grabbed the big clock and slammed to the rear, blocking the strength of the Ancestor Saint's ribs.

With the help of this force, he rolled over with fiery snakes, and was about to flee towards the distance.

"Today, the half ancestors who appear here must die!"

Ling Zhi watched this scene happen. He was a half ancestor, how could he stop each other at such a distance at the same time.

What's more, the person who controls the fire is originally the fire spirit body into the half ancestor, and the strength is more powerful than the old woman and others.

He let out such a roar, and his figure had disappeared.

With the air exploding, Ling Zhi went straight to the fire-controlling man.

Regardless of what he had consumed, he directly used the essence and blood in his body, and his weak body just because of dealing with the ancestor sage burst into an astonishing power of qi and blood in an instant, and went straight to the Xiao Han.

"Neurosis can't be achieved!" The fire-controller shook his face and quickly glanced back at Lexus incredulously.

In his opinion, Chu Da is just a Saint King Realm, and he has never had any communication with Lexus. He just killed such a person and ran away after stealing something. I can't let myself come here for nothing, I'm going to retreat.

In addition to him, there were six half ancestors there. Ling Zhi added a seriously injured Niu Yuanhang, but only three half ancestors and a star body. Now he left the battlefield first, Ling Zhi should be lucky.

But the lunatic Ling Zhi actually urged the blood in his body and chased him!

He didn't know that from the moment Chu Da chose to part ways with Lu Ya in front of the gate of the Supreme City, Ling Zhi had already regarded him as his friend the moment he entered the Supreme City.

In the eyes of Ling Zhi, no matter how high or low his cultivation is, his friends are the same.

If he left directly, even if he robbed the big bell and left, Ling Zhi would not be so irritable and have such a killing intent.

But he shouldn't be absolutely wrong, trying to save trouble, and killed Chu Da, so as to facilitate himself to refine the clock.

So don't say he is fleeing now, even if he escaped from the pseudo-world and fled to the ends of the world, Lexus will undoubtedly chase him.

When Lexus really and insisted on chasing someone, he was also doomed. This fire-controlling person cannot escape.

When he was still young, Lu Ya relied on the power of Bao Hulu to chase him. Like an unknown prophet, he was barely able to suppress Lexus.

Now Ling Zhi travels through the void with the power of space, chasing a person of the same realm, if he can't catch up, wouldn't it be a joke.

"Don't force me." The fire-controller yelled. Lexus was already very close to him. He raised his hand and wanted to urge the power of the big clock to hit Lingzhi.

Ling Zhi's eyes narrowed slightly, suppressing the desire to use the Heavenly Path monument, instead he directly reached out his palm and patted the clock.

"Looking for death?" The fire-controller's eyes lit up. Lexus's previous methods against the ancestors made him very jealous, but now the other party despised him so much, despised the clock, his heart suddenly became hot.

If you can use the power of the big bell to directly kill Ling Zhi, the Taoist monument will naturally belong to him that day, and the long sword that can cut off the palm of the ancestor will belong to him.

If he could get these opportunities, what would happen to him? Just thinking about it, he felt that his whole body was getting hot.

However, he didn't know the level of Chu Da's big clock. Perhaps Lexus knew better than him.

At the beginning, this big clock was second only to the Tiandao monument, although the Tiandao monument had not yet merged, nor was it restored to its original appearance.

I made this move because I was clear in my heart and wanted to try it out.

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