God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2193: Open, the door of potential!

The power in Lexus's body began to increase crazily.

This increase is as fast as overdrawing his life.

But Ling Zhi did not overdraw his life, or even his body.

"Widely open, the door of potential?" He An Bai was keenly aware of this, and his face finally changed his previous disdain and contempt, and there was a look of surprise and a trace of fear.

The mystery of the human body is endless.

The potential of the human body is endless.

Whether it is an ordinary elder who has lived a hundred and ten years old, or a warrior who moves mountains and smashes mountains in a physical state, or a person whose artistic conception perceives a radius of one hundred meters with his soul, the power of the rule of the king can condense wind, fire, thunder and lightning, and woodland is cold The magical powerhouse can be the Holy King Realm, the Half Ancestral Realm, or even the ancestral realm called the ancestor.

In fact, the only constant is always the word, people.

If people do not change, everything is reasonable.

It just lies in how much of the potential of one's life and one's body has been opened up, and how much.

The way of a martial artist is to constantly explore and open up the potential of his body.

Just like a kind of ability that Ling Zhi once acquired, the Sky Eye is the ability to break through falsehood and see through the fog and formation.

With the increase in strength, the enemies encountered became more powerful and terrifying. This ability was gradually given up by Lexus and replaced by the Eye of Demon. However, in history, the horrible repair of the Eye of the Sky, but There are many people.

This is a kind of potential door.

Those who open it can get this magical power.

From the beginning of his cultivation, Ling Zhi began to cultivate his body.

Like an ancient warrior, he has never stopped in physical exercise and tempering.

This is also due to the fact that he obtained the Eight Desolate Six Helong Dragons to practice Dafa, which was originally created by the ancient powerhouse.

He uses dragon blood, dragon soul, dragon energy, and true dragon inheritance to temper his body.

Later, he re-tempered with the Huntian Furnace to gain the innate and the innate Taoism.

But he was destroyed by himself, returned to the starting point, and restored to his normal body.

Unexpectedly opened up the world in the body, obtained the black and yellow energy, quenched the body with the black and yellow energy, but cultivated the black and yellow immortal body, although it is only a small-level black and yellow body, it is not truly immortal, but it has already exceeded too much Warrior.

It is a battle across the border, and with this physical body, one can already fight.

The Xuanhuang body was tempered by him, but the physical body was still that physical body, which was not the same as the special physique of the innate Dao body.

It can be said that Lexus has actually been walking for a long time, a long time, a long distance, and a long distance.

Even many ancestors, the steps taken on the body together, I am afraid that they are far less profound than that of Lexus.

However, Lexus has never been on the body, getting something that belongs to him, getting his own attainments.

This is very strange and even shocking.

It's just that Lexus has never been the kind of person who is suffering from gains and losses, so he just keeps moving forward according to his own character and understanding, and has never doubted, doubted, stopped.

But today, this may be in the ancestral sacred realm, perhaps not in the ancestral sacred realm, the door of potential opened at this moment.

Under the pressure of He Anbai, the life and death pressure of Luo Yezong and others, the extreme worry about Ye Qingcheng, and the extreme self-blame for Ye Qingcheng and the fetus in Ye Qingcheng's belly.

Lexus shock opened the door to this level of potential.

From his body, there are endless doors of mystery, and the power of mystery is bursting out.


With a shocking sound, He An Bai was slapped on the chest by Ling Zhi when the Weeping Blood Sword and the Javelin were fighting each other.

If it had been before, He An Bai would have a chest, at most slightly injured.

But this time, not to mention that He An Bai straightened his chest, he didn't even have the qualifications, the time, and even the ability to stand.

No, to be precise, with Lexus’s blow, He An Bai apparently lost his chest.

When Ling Zhi took this palm, he directly misplaced the sternum on his chest.

Ling Zhi's palm was slapped directly into He An Bai's chest, reaching the thickness of a palm.

And the bone in He An Bai's chest was directly photographed as a depression in the palm of his hand.

The place where the bones protruded naturally cracked, and one after another pricked into He An Bai's five internal organs.

Since He An Bai started the war, he spouted his first mouthful of blood, and the unstoppable blood flowed out of his mouth in a large amount, causing He An Bai's face to instantly turn pale.

But when He An Bai wanted to fight back against Ling Zhi, Ling Zhi moved his feet and was already out of his attack range.

Its speed is so fast that even He An Bai can't have time to pursue it.

The door to the body's potential was wide open. The vitality of Lexus's body was tumbling, at least several times in a short period of time. The power of vitality, flowing from a small stream, suddenly turned into a surging river.

And the vitality of Lexus turned from a thin snake into a dragon, and then went straight to the big dragon.

Qi and blood are like rivers and seas surging, and vitality is like a dragon flying in the air.

The physical energy of Lexus has exploded several times.

In this rapid progress, Lexus's physical functions, speed, strength, reflexes, and so on, have moved extremely fast.

From the soles of Lexus' feet, steps, and other acupuncture points, there are acupuncture points one after another, as if they have been re-tempered and transformed. When Lexus lifts his feet, it is like a godly help.

Its speed has been greatly improved.

Regardless of the twelve steps of the dragon and the power of space, this is the first time that Lexus has had an absolute advantage in speed since his practice.

Even this speed has strengthened his strength, causing him to be driven by every attack.

And such changes are not only reflected in his feet, in the position of his heart, in the position of his arms, thighs, in his neck, shoulders, and even the position of his brain.

The most intuitive manifestation of this change is that his body's ability to absorb and absorb Xuanhuang Qi has suddenly increased several times, dozens of times.

The Xuanhuang body, which originally took a year to make some obvious progress, now only needs more than a month.

This kind of feeling, as the black and yellow aura continuously radiated and merged into the body, it became something that could be noticed every moment and became stronger.

This feeling makes people obsessed, fascinated and attached.

This is an explosion of human potential.

It's just that this time Lexus broke out. It was a bit late, it was a bit late, and it was a little harder to come, but it was a blowout outbreak.

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