God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2209: Endless Turbulence (9)

With the passage of time, no one from the outside world has come in, and Lexus has more or less noticed something.

He probably understood that it was possible that the beast ancestor had moved some hands and feet, and it was very likely that people from outside could not enter.

And the beast ancestor’s caution, from beginning to end, let Ling Zhi understand that the beast ancestor’s ontology could not enter, especially at this moment, even if the spirit ancestor and the corpse ancestor did not follow Ling Zhi’s guess to contain the beast ancestor, the beast ancestor’s ontology You can't get in here either.

And there is only one reason for the beast ancestor to block the entrance here. One situation is that his body has encountered some people's restraint and cannot go here, so he will take this measure.

At least, in the eyes of the Beast Ancestor, in this case, this game will not be disturbed by outsiders.

And without the interruption of outsiders, the beast ancestor has absolute confidence to let this round go on smoothly according to his own plan.

The only difference is that Beast Ancestor didn't realize that after meeting Lexus in his foolproof game, a lot of things went wrong.

With the exposure of his identity, Lexus not only moved He An Bai, but also overfulfilled his plan, killed He An Bai, and spread the news smoothly.

With the help of the blood connection between Tianji Jade and Ye Qingcheng and his two children, Ling Zhi leaked the terrifying conspiracy of the Beast Ancestor.

This had already caused his plan to undergo changes, and something he hadn't expected appeared.

Therefore, when the Beast Ancestor possesses extremely strong self-confidence and can still succeed, Ling Zhi also has his own confidence and can destroy the Beast Ancestor's plan.

Even if he couldn't get the Wuya Fruit, Lexus would definitely not allow the Beast Ancestor to successfully obtain three Wuya Fruits.

Although doing this can't really do anything to the Beast Ancestor's body, wouldn't it be very happy to destroy the conspiracy that the other party has laid out after countless years of hard work?

In particular, the cultivation base of the Beast Ancestor clone has fallen. Even if its body has an incomparable realm, the power of the clone now is only in the semi-ancestral realm.

Since it is in the semi-ancestral realm, Lexus firmly believes that he is invincible!

Therefore, not only did Ling Zhi not panic about the killing intent of the beast ancestor and the prying of the beast ancestor, he did not show the slightest panic. He just sneered and gave the beast ancestor in response.

If you want to fight or fight, he will stay with him to the end, he is not afraid!

His response and self-confidence naturally made the beast ancestor angry and also annoyed the beast ancestor. Especially when Ling Zhi is so direct, Ling Zhi is in the light, he is in the dark.

Those who stand in the dark and hurt people are generally those with a low cultivation base, not as good as those of the enemy.

I’ve never heard that the strong kills the enemy, but also hides in the dark for sneak attacks. Isn’t it superfluous and superfluous?

This made the beast ancestor invisible, yet again in a weak momentum.

In the two confrontations between him and Ling Zhi, he was in a weak position, which made the Beast Ancestor feel unhappy, embarrassed, and angry from the bottom of his heart.

But Wu Yaguo hasn't appeared yet, but it is inconvenient for him to appear at this time, which really hurt him.

"Wait, I will let you know what the difference is between you and me." Beast Ancestor said cruelly in his heart.


After the Wuya flowers were in full bloom, not only the appearance of those flowers were reflected in the sky of Wuyahai, but also the petals, which cracked outwards one by one.

Later, the petals broke away from the body of the Wuya Flower, turned into a blue powder, and sprinkled on the stamens.

As the petals fall off, and the blue powder is swayed, a fist-sized, oval-shaped blue fruit gradually changes from the position of the endless flower stamen to solidification. stand up.

The cohesion of this fruitless fruit is Ling Zhi and Shi Huang, who have always been calm, their breathing has become a little depressed, and their eyes will inevitably go up and down, with curiosity and a trace of yearning and visiting psychology.

After all, this is the fruit of the third step of the realm above the ancestors in the rumors. It will inevitably lead to reveries.

Even the two of them are like this, let alone, the one who is closer to Wuyaguo at this moment is more than ten ancestors.

These more than ten people originally entered the endless sea for the sake of Wuyaguo.

The ups and downs in the meantime are no longer worth mentioning, and they can survive the fight just now, of course they have their own truths, their own abilities and the ability to save lives.

As for the hatred of Wu Yaguo, the yearning for Wu Yaguo, the obsession with Wu Yaguo, and the complexity of their emotions towards Wu Yaguo, I am afraid that if they are the first, no one dares to say. Second.

The monk seemed to have opened up everything and freed everything. It seemed that he no longer cared about Wuyaguo, but he waited until Wuyahai's abnormal changes before awakening his soul and snatching the Longquan Bi Tin insect that was conquered by the First Emperor. By taking this to leave, does he have the idea of ​​wanting to take Wuyaguo first and then leave? Who can say it clearly?

The only difference was that when the Wuya Flower was in full bloom, the Beast Ancestor thought all the changes were under his control.

Because of this kind of thing, he has experienced it twice.

Because of this kind of thing, he has already practiced twice.

How can a character like him go wrong after rehearsing things twice?

But he forgot that the rumors involved in Wu Yaguo was the real third stage of cultivation.

The third stage of cultivation, what exactly is it, and what kind of realm is it?

Even if he is the ancestor of the beast, he understands, does he know?

he does not know.

Just like this third Wuya Fruit, which is the aggregation of the last Wuya Fruit, he didn't know what changes would happen.

When the petals of the Wuya flower fell off, and when the embryonic form of the Wuya fruit appeared, all this was reflected, in addition to the sky of Wuyahai, there were many different skies.

Such scenes have appeared successively in some important places in the upper and lower bounds.

The lower realm, the reincarnation star, and the ancestor star of all spirits appeared one after another, that is, the pseudo-world where the Supreme City was seated, and such images appeared, imprinted in the sky, showing everything.

And on the earth that has been blocked by the formation for countless years of spiritual power, since Ling Zhi returned back that year and destroyed the formation, the spiritual power has also begun to gradually recover.

This time, in some unknown areas of the earth, such images were also reflected.

Perhaps this is the family of Guru and the Kunlun realm where some of the ancestors on earth lived.

In the upper world, there are many more places for such pictures.

The history of the upper realm is longer than that of the lower realm, and the territory of the upper realm is larger than that of the lower realm. Naturally, there are countless mysterious places.

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