God-level Punishment System

Chapter 841: Ironback Crocodile

Ling Zhi's voice was very cold, whether it was the wolf snake group or the snake spirit vine, or even the unknown danger in the swamp in front of him.

At what point, can't you kill Qin Binglan's team? The person you like is injured or poisoned. Even if you want to save the other person, you have to conceal this and let these teams believe in you and die for it? You can ask them to help you, but you are not qualified to let them lose their lives inexplicably for you!

"Why, don't you think about it?"

Ling Zhi sneered.

Joy lowered his head and said nothing.

A person who has been acquainted with Qin Binglan and the others for a few years and lived and died together! Zhang Yi pushed Lexus away and grabbed Joy’s arm, unwilling to believe it.

"Joy, you, what are these things, do you know or don't you know!"

He is straightforward and sincere. He always treats Joy as his sister, but he doesn’t want to.

"younger sister"

But to put them to death.

"Do you remember the first time we met? You and Qu Tian were bullied. It was Sister Bing Lan who took the initiative and was seriously injured and saved you.

Sister Bing Lan gives you spiritual stones for cultivation, gives you the place to live, and takes care of you everywhere, taking you little by little to help you! "

Zhang Yi roared.

He turned his head and pointed at Qu Tian, ​​his eyes flushed.

"Qu Tian, ​​what did you, sister Bing Lan and I do to you!"

Qu Tian opened his mouth, glanced at Jyo, and sighed.

"You Yi, what did Sister Binglan and Zhang Yi treat to us? Have you forgotten? I haven't forgotten that when we followed Jin Xi's livestock, we were in danger at the forefront. It is good to stand at the back. Are we human? But Sister Binglan, if it weren't for giving us the spirit stones, and with her qualifications, would she be unable to enter the seventh level?"

Joy still bowed his head, his body trembling lightly, and said nothing.

"What do you say!"

Zhang Yimeng grabbed her two arms, shaking and shouting,

"Is it because of Nie Kang, is it?"

As soon as Nie Kang's name came out, Yui finally cried out. She raised her head, tears welling up from her eyes, and the pear blossoms brought rain and cried out:

"Yes, yes, Brother Nie is poisoned and has a weak breath. He can't wait, can't wait."

"Then you know the danger in this direction?"

Zhang Yi held back his emotions and continued to ask.

"Know, know, I know all,"

Joy cried and cried,

"But I'm afraid that if I come out, you won't come, no one will save Brother Nie!"


Zhang Yi couldn't control his emotions anymore, his eyes were red, and he slapped Joy's face with a slap.

"Don't save him? Do you know what price Sister Binglan paid to find out that only the Demonization Poison Pill can save him, and to ask the alchemist to take action? We rushed into the misty swamp, why hasn't we already made some sacrifices? , Do you know the entanglement in Sister Binglan's heart?"

He roared and let go of the hand that grabbed Joy. It seemed that he couldn't believe that Qin Binglan was the lead.

Ling Zhi just watched all this coldly. If he hadn't been good for Qin Binglan and Zhang Yi, he would not take the initiative to raise it.

This human heart is really the most dangerous thing in the world, he suddenly thought of it.

Some people, just like unfamiliar snakes and scorpions, will bite you when they are in a hurry.

Zhang Yi's gaffe was not because he was worried about his life, but because Joy, who was treated as a relative, deceived them and didn't believe them.

"Is there any danger in this swamp?"

Qin Binglan's voice was calm, without a trace of anger, she just looked at You Yi quietly and asked.


Joy nodded crying.

"have what?"

"Ironback crocodile."

Qu Tian's breathing suddenly solidified, and his body looked stiffly at Joy.

Can't believe these three words spit out from her mouth.

Iron-backed crocodile, that is a seventh-rank wild beast! A body of copper skin and iron bones and a huge mouth can easily break ordinary high-grade soldiers.

And it is also the rarest and most dangerous kind of wild beast in the misty swamp.

Hidden in the swamp, when you accidentally fall into it, or walk past the edge of the swamp, suddenly burst out of the silt, bite you, and then directly lead you into the swamp. For the particularity of spiritual power, none of the spiritual power can be used. Once deep in the swamp, you can only fight with a seventh-rank barren beast that is like a fish in the swamp.

Although the ironback crocodile does not have the number of wolf snakes, who knows how many of them are in such a large swamp?

"It's no wonder that this swampland is so quiet, not even the breath of the warrior passing by, the warrior who was stared at by the ironback crocodile, dragged into the swamp, even a bubble would not turn over."

Ling Zhi sneered, looked sadly at Joy, and understood why he felt that the swamp always gave him a dangerous feeling before.

"If Lexus didn't stop Zhang Yi just now and let him jump in, do you know what will happen!"

Qin Binglan stepped forward, taking a bite of her teeth, and creaking.

"With him, move faster, maybe it won't be dangerous."

Joy was calmer at this time, pointing to Ling Zhidao.

"Okay, okay, do you really think so?"

Zhang Yi burst into laughter, grabbed the vine wrapped around him, and handed it to Ling Zhi.

"Brother Ling, help me again, and I will get the Qingshenmu out."

After that, he opened his eyes wide, and his original clear eyes were bloodshot in this short period of time, which shows that this incident has hit him hard.

"I always thought that although the strength of our team is not strong enough, the trust between us is the strongest. Everyone can rest assured to give their backs to each other. Although we have been through hardships, we are like a family. Human, warm."

"I'm looking forward, looking forward to Sister Binglan breaking through to the seventh floor, and then we will continue to break through the seventh floor, and then who would dare to mess with us? We can sell a large yard in Leicheng and have fun together life."

Zhang Yi's voice was low and lost,

"I brought the Qingshen Wood for you, we have nothing to do with it!"

Joy trembled violently, with his mouth open, looking at Zhang Yi, not knowing what he thought of, or saying a word.

"Zhang Yi, don't be impulsive."

Qin Binglan patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder and turned to look at You Yi.

"We will help you to get the sacred tree, for Nie Kang, but also for the friendship of Peters over the past few years.

Joy's eyes brightened instantly.

Putting her expression in her eyes, Qin Binglan's expression was sad, and then she became firm.

"When the time comes, you take the Shenmu and go.

Since then, we have no intersection. "

"You go, Joy.

Although I am greedy of life and fear of death, I know what to do and what not to do! "

Qu Tian also followed.

Unexpectedly, hearing them let himself hold the sacred tree, Joy suddenly became excited.

"No, no, I won't go, you can't drive me away."

"Even if I get the Clear God Tree, I can't find an alchemist to refine it!"

She screamed.

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