God-level Punishment System

Chapter 902: Big brother is dead, you are going to die too

Hurry up, hurry up, Lexus muttered again and again in his heart, and his spiritual power combined with the power of the physical body, turning into a phantom, encountering wood splitting wood, encountering stone and gravel.

Just to rush to the fishing village as fast as possible to ensure the safety of Xia Ning'er and Father Xia.

If they suffer any harm, Hai Xiuzong, I want you to be buried, Yuan Family, I want you to be completely removed from Xuanzhou! Ling Zhi shouted in his heart.

"Brother? That son named Ling?"

Gong Ji raised his eyebrows and looked at Xia Ning'er.

"Yes, Brother Ling, is he dead?"

Xia Ning'er's voice was quick and cold, and the old man Xia wanted to grab her anxiously, but suddenly there was a biting chill, and the palm of his hand couldn't move forward.

Gong Ji looked at her impatiently.

"I'm a baby girl, what do you pretend to be, it's so **** dead, you have to ask a few times?"

Xia Ning'er's body trembled, and her thin body became even thinner.

"Ning'er, are you okay?

Don't scare grandpa, don't listen to him, Lexus is so powerful, he won't die.

Good people have their own rewards. "

Father Xia was full of worry and said anxiously.

"Won't die? This time, our Haixiu Clan took the initiative to deal with him by so many people. That person is not an elite in the Clan. No matter how powerful he is, he won't be able to turn it over!"

Gong Ji sneered.

Elder Xia gave a stunned expression, hesitated for a while, not knowing what to do.

Haixiumen controlled this area. Although they would never pay attention to these fishing villages without the slightest oil and water, no one who lived near the boundless sea didn't know.

If Xinzong is the overlord of the entire westernmost area of ​​Xuanzhou, including Leicheng, then Haixiumen is the overlord of this sea area.

Even Elder Xia couldn't think of any possibility, Lexus could fight the entire Hai Xiumen.

"But I'm very curious, isn't he from Xinzong? How can he have anything to do with you, a bad old man, a girl."

Gong Ji said to himself, suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Could it be that he, like me, fell in love with this girl?"

"I plan to implement the beauty development plan, my good boy, I am worthy of being a disciple of the big sect. I have traveled so far to do this kind of thing!"

In the face of two ordinary people who didn't have the slightest strength to fight back, Gong Ji looked casual and in no rush to tie the two of them back. Finally, his brother Gong Zhu gave him a chance to perform. It was much more natural. Be cool and happy for a while.

"You are not allowed to insult brother."

Xia Ning'er suddenly raised her head, the pupils of both eyes disappeared, and there was nothing but white snow in the area of ​​the eyes.

There was no longer a trace of smile on the cute face, except that when Lexus was mentioned, there was still a trace of struggle.

"Good, good,"

Gong Ji glanced at her in surprise, smiled and nodded.

"I don't want him, I don't want him, I'm just a dead person, what good do I have?"

"Brother will not die. If Brother dies, Ning'er wants all of you to bury him with him!"

"If Brother dies, I want the entire Haixiumen to bury him."

"If Brother dies, I want the entire Xuanzhou to be buried with him!"

After the last sentence, Xia Ning'er's pupils became more and more white, pure white, without a trace of impurities.

However, there was no aura or change in her body.

Xia Ning'er raised her hand and pointed towards Gong Ji who was standing in front of him.


A strange noise suddenly spread, but at this moment, Lexus finally arrived. He almost leaped directly from the open space outside the fishing village in a leap position.

So that the power is overbearing and fierce, even he can't completely control it, and stepped out of a deep pit on the ground.

Looking at it roughly, he only saw Old Man Xia look worried, his face was pale, standing there helplessly, a big man stood in front of Xia Ning'er, but he couldn't see Xia Ning'er.

There was a secret voice in his heart that should have happened. When he was afraid after a while, Xia Ning'er was blocked by Gong Ji at the same time, not seeing him appear.

Perhaps, even if I saw it, I didn't feel it.

Xia Ning'er's finger was still pointing towards Gong Ji, his movements were not fast.

But Gong Ji was like seeing the most terrifying thing, his eyes widened, and he was stunned as if to stare out two eyeballs, standing still, letting Xia Ning'er's fingers point at him.


A slight abnormal noise came, and a blood hole suddenly appeared in Gong Ji's abdomen.

It was exactly where Xia Ning'er pointed.

This finger, looking at the powerful physical body of Gongji's eighth-level realm, including the spiritual power of the whole body, was like nothing, and directly penetrated into his body Zheng and then... Xia Ning'er retracted the finger and clicked again.


Gong Ji groaned, making strange noises in his throat, and his apple was rolling up and down, wanting to struggle, want to move, want to say a word.

However, he can do nothing.

He could only watch, Xia Ning'er, with such expressionless expression, poked blood holes in his abdomen.

He had no doubt that if Xia Ning'er's height were higher, these blood holes would directly poke his heart, neck, or even head.

The so-called hard head, skull, definitely cannot be the burden of the immature, young fingers.


Ling Zhi cautiously rushed over, a flash, appeared in front of them from behind, shouted and stood in front of Xia Ning'er.

The fingers that Xia Ning'er had just retracted paused, and some black appeared in Xue Bai's eyes.


Ling Zhi was angry, he fisted Gong Ji without even looking.

"court death!"

Gong Ji was already able to move at this time, but he only had time to raise his arm and block his chest.

However, how could he resist the attack of Lexus, and he initially walked through the second level of Lexus of Long Lian Dafa. The tyrannical body was comparable to the body of the lower 9th grade barren beast.

The bones of his arm burst into lumps the moment he touched them, and several bones even flew out, hit his chest, penetrated his body, and flew him out.

"I haven't hurt her a little bit, she's all playing with me."

This was the last bit of resentment and unwillingness in Gong Ji's mind before he died, and... fear.

Ling Zhi didn't have any dullness at all, any hesitation, he raised his hand with two punches, smashing the other two people in front of him, and only Xie Song was left.

"Before you do it to me, let's take a look at this girl, she doesn't seem to be in good condition."

Xie Song looked at Xia Ning'er worriedly, but didn't try to avoid Lexus's fist.

"Brother, you are back, then they don't have to die, Haixiumen don't have to die, Xuanzhou doesn't have to die."

Behind him, Xia Ning'er's voice, with some playfulness, made these words.


"If you don't give a reward to the author, my sister Ning'er is not happy!"

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