God-level Punishment System

Chapter 933: Into the sea

"Killing the Yuan family's direct line is like killing two dogs. I'm afraid you will be the only one in Xuanzhou."

Dong Lianhan said helplessly.

Ling Zhi was holding a rib-like bone in his hand at this moment, and he repeatedly observed and fumbled in his hand.

"They provoke me first, then provoke me again and again, provoke me, if I don't make a move, it would be too useless."

Lexus casually said,

"Finally, I killed them, knowing this, you know what I know, what Yuan family is afraid of."

Dong Lianhan gave him a blank look.

"It’s hard for the Bieyuan family to know that you killed people. Even if you do, I’m afraid you would not be afraid. If it weren’t for the group of friends in Leicheng, you would have done it in Leicheng a long time ago, and you will wait for them to get out of thunder. City, do it again?"

"Hey, whoever knows me, too, senior sister."

Ling Zhi touched his nose, turned his hands and put the bones away.

"But you just cared so much to find, what is the use of this bone? Didn't it mean the Yuan family sister and brother, but really fell in love with this stuff?"

Dong Lianhan curiously said.

Ling Zhi nodded pretendingly,

"Don't tell me the machine, Senior Sister.

Okay, give me the things I asked you to help prepare. "

Lexus stretched his hands, boundless sea, no better than the mainland, naturally he had to prepare well.

Dong Lianhan snorted and threw him a ring.

"From now on, let the one in your yard do this kind of thing, don't let me do it!"


Ling Zhi gave a horror, checked the contents of the ring, and sighed after a while.

"Women and men are different, Sister, I didn't expect you to have such a place for women."

"Isn't you letting your hands do it?"

"Go away, it's the first time I picked these things for a man. No matter how arrogant you are, I will kill you now."

Dong Lianhan became angry from embarrassment.

In the ring, there are neatly stacked clothes. Although the martial artist has a strong physical body and is not afraid of the cold and heat, there are still clothes for all seasons, otherwise it is not very strange.

And there are more trivial, thoughtful and practical things, and there are a lot of them. The elixir needed by Lexus, etc., are properly organized, and they are carefully placed on the ring. Zheng Lingzhi transferred the things in the ring to In his ring, one side opened his hand,

"Senior Sister Shi, I'm leaving soon, how about it? Come to a caring, kind, hug."


Dong Lianhan cursed badly.

However, Ling Zhi still opened his arms, smiling at the corners of his mouth, looking at her.

After a while, Dong Lianhan stepped forward and gave Ling Zhi a hug, but his hand quietly climbed to Ling Zhi's waist and stood up.

While Ling Zhi grinned, Dong Lianhan leaned close to his ear and said softly,

"The Boundary Sea and his party must pay more attention and return safely."

...Half a day later, in the boundless sea, on the seashore, a huge and somewhat luxurious ship slowly set sail from Haikou.

Follow the chart in Ling Zhi's hand and head towards the island closest to here.

Ling Zhi stood on the ship board, looking at the endless ocean,

"My senior sister... is really... domineering."

Ling Zhi couldn't laugh or cry. For such a large ship, there were dozens of manpowers alone, not counting those who served him.

The whole ship has only one purpose, and that is to send him to his destination safely.

Dong Lianhan's handwriting and the speed of mobilizing ships and arranging sailing are not unpleasant.

Seeing the ship gradually sailing into the boundless sea, the shore is getting farther and farther, Leicheng is no longer accessible, Ling Zhi suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

I haven't even encountered it by the ship for more than ten years on Earth.

This is his first time in a boat! The boat sailed steadily, while Lexus was buried in Zheng Ruo’s large cabin. He was alone, with good wines and food, luxurious decorations, and quite a bit of taste, flatly lowering the boundless sea. Insecurity and blessings, in the midst of these extravagances, Ling Zhi had a serious face, staring at the pill furnace in front of him intently.

The pill furnace had already been replaced, and there was a banquet season, so he didn't need to worry about it. The quality of the pill furnace was much better than his.

It can be called a high-grade pill furnace, and the cost of spirit stones alone exceeds 300,000.

And there is only this kind of pill furnace that can withstand the riots when the Fourth Stage Spirit Pill is formed.

However, Ling Zhi now has the unexpected joy of Hai Xiumen and others, and his harvest is quite rich. Even if he secretly left Qin Binglan and the others about half of the spirit stones, there are still more than two million spirit stones left.

With a mere three hundred thousand, you don't need to care too much. As for the better pill furnace, it depends on luck and whether you can meet it.

Lexus slapped the pill furnace with his hands, took out the pill, and put it into the jade bottle of Zheng 1st to the third grade pill. It was enough to put it in a porcelain bottle. In the high-level pill, only put it in the jade bottle, will not lose spirituality.

Ling Zhima kept taking out some elixir from the ring, frowned and thought for a while, and continued to throw it into the ring of Zheng Lilu at the moment, piled up piles of elixir, almost all of them were level four elixir, in a jade bottle. , It is the four-rank spirit pill, Huiling Pill, Shengji Pill, Huihun Pill, and so on that he personally refined.

The fourth-rank spirit pill is not easy to encounter in the market, and with the strength of Lexus, the third-rank spirit pill is not very useful, so he might as well choose to refine it himself, do it himself, and have enough food and clothing.

In the desperate alchemy, Lexus's realm became more stable, and some of the realms that he could see through the alchemy made his character more pure and his cultivation more unimpeded.

In these days, Lexus’s rapid growth has been consolidated and strengthened.

All the strengths began to merge and blend, forming something that truly belonged to Lexus itself.

From one's own basic exercises, the six daos, to the Xuan-level high-grade martial arts, eight steps to evolve, the body exercise exercises, dragon exercises, and the inheritance of ancient powers in the king realm, three fingers are cut off.

Sometimes he refines alchemy, sometimes he refines his body, sometimes sits cross-legged, and sometimes ponders.

In this rare, calm, and long voyage, the strength and spirit of Lexus's whole body have been completely upgraded.

Although it has reached the ninth level of the physical realm, the next step should be to break through the artistic realm, but the strength of Lexus is increasing rapidly, but not breaking through.

"With the solidity of my soul body, with my current realm, it should be easy to break through the artistic conception, but why, I always feel that something is missing, if the current artistic conception, I will definitely miss something!"

This, Ling Zhi was uneasy, opened his eyes and frowned.

He can break into the artistic realm anytime and anywhere as long as he thinks about it, but he always feels that he still can't break through, and the cultivation of the physical realm seems to be a little worse, and he hasn't finished his cultivation.

This feeling made him even a little irritable.

After thinking for a while, Lexus shook his head, just got up and walked out of the cabin.

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