God-level Punishment System

Chapter 937: Walk on a shark

The rope is about 30 meters long, even if it is folded in half, it is enough to snug this blackhead shark at such a close distance.

The rope was directly wrapped around the black ridge shark's head, and the loop made by a special technique was tightened instantly. As the black ridge shark struggled, it was tied more tightly.

"My lord, are you trying to catch this sea beast?"

"No, this sea beast is very fierce. If you attack the ship, you can knock the ship out of it all at once."

The crew has never seen anything like this before. Ling Zhi first killed the black shark, and now he has a rope to live.

They used to be extremely jealous, worshiping Buddha, begging grandpa to tell grandma, and also hoped that these sea beasts would stay away from the hull.

As a result, this sea beast, which was extremely horrible in their eyes, was still vulnerable to Lexus.


There was a continuous boom and the sound of breaking waves on the sea.

When the rope was put on the body of the blackhead shark, it jumped out of the sea continuously, struggling constantly, either speeding up, slowing down, turning, or turning over.

Want to get rid of the rope.

"Hey, do you want to escape when you get into my hands? Don't blame me, you are on the side and not leaving, secretly watching me!"

Ling Zhi laughed, draped in moonlight, and pulled the rope directly from a distance. He flew up and stepped on the back of the black shark.

The blackback shark is more than four meters long and has a broad and flat back. Lexus is standing on it. It is not only adequate, but also very comfortable.

Ling Zhimeng pulled the rope like a horse training, tame this blackhead shark.

The black ridge shark started to charge forward, rushing towards the depths of the sea, and then turning around the hull.

The strong sea breeze rushed over.

This taste is much more ferocious than in the cabin.

However, with Lexus' physical fitness, this sea surface is several times fierce, and it won't have any effect on him.

How could the power that can easily break through a mountain be easily defeated by the wind caused by this overspeed.

Half an hour, one hour.

Two hours passed, the blackhead shark suddenly stopped, floating in place, and stopped moving, neither struggling nor stopped.

"Hey, I thought you were going to shine, but I didn't expect you to be a perseverance."

Lexus patted the black shark's back with a big hand and smiled.

The blackback shark jerked, expressing his dissatisfaction.

The strength of this black ridge shark is almost comparable to that of a Ninth-Rank sea beast. It is quite rare. Although its intelligence is not enough to compare with humans, it probably understands what humans mean and it is not a problem.

Ling Zhi looked at it amused, and suddenly stretched out his hand to touch, and took out a few elixir from the ring.

The aura of the boundless sea is sufficient, and the elixir is not less than that on the land, on the contrary, it is more abundant.

Sea beasts and wild beasts are actually the same, but their lifestyles are different, so the power of the elixir on sea beasts is also full.

As a fourth-level alchemy master, Ling Zhi wanted to choose some elixir that was suitable for black ridge sharks and would attract it. It couldn't be simpler.

Ling Zhi reached out and put the elixir in front of the black ridge shark. The black ridge shark was shocked, then rushed up in ecstasy and swallowed the elixir in one bite.

The sea water brought Ling Zhi took a bath again.

After going back and forth several times in this way, the black ridge shark finally settled down, and even faintly had a good impression on Lexus. His body rose slightly, allowing Lexus's body to escape from the water and stay on the sea.

At this point, there is already a rising sun on the beach, revealing some light.

Looking back at the crew members who were still staring at him, Ling Zhi waved his hand.

"Go back, it's too dangerous here, so you don't need to accompany me. Tell Dong Gu about the things here intact. She will understand and won't embarrass you."

"My lord, we are not afraid of danger, this time we are here to send you to the island!"

The crew shouted.

"No, go inside. There are more and more sea beasts. Our ship is too big and the goal is too big. If the ship breaks down, I will be fine, but what do you do, I have it, and it will do."

Ling Zhi smiled, leaned over and patted the black ridge shark lightly.

The black ridge shark raised its head and spit out a column of water, which was very humane.

Crewmen, look at me and I will look at you. The female crew members are full of resentment. I can’t wait for Lexus to stay for a few more days so that they can have a good contact with him. Maybe in this and the vast sea, but also Some exciting things happened.

After a while, the crew just reminded loudly,

"The lord must be careful. We first exit the inland sea and stay near the sea for a few days. If the lord is in danger, we must return. We will wait for you there."

Similar to this type of ship entering the inland sea, Yitang’s wages are several times more than those who walk in the coastal waters. It is very rich, but the danger is also very high.

Therefore, most of these crew members are true temperaments and are forced by life.

Now that they encounter employers like Lexus, they are also full of gratitude and gratitude.

Ling Zhi stunned slightly, never knowing each other. These skirts were on the endless ocean, and the cold water made him feel some warmth.

Gently pat the black ridge shark, the black ridge shark knowingly swims towards the inland sea.

"Go back and tell Master Dong Gu that Ling Zhi owes you a favor so that she can solve your difficulties and settle you down."

Ling Zhi's voice came from far away and entered the ears of the crew.

Lexus, on the other hand, was standing on the back of a blackback shark, enjoying the refreshing feeling of surfing, moving forward in a straight line.

At the speed of a blackhead shark, I am afraid that by noon, you can reach the first island marked on the chart.

Just in front of the Lexus, a uniquely shaped ship, and the former school ship that is also fast on the sea, is completely different from the shape of the Lexus ride, but at the moment the ship is stained with blood and has many damages.

Now he is fleeing forward at the fastest speed, like an escape, it seems that something terrifying has happened.

There are not many people left on the ship, about a dozen people, a few who control the ship, and seven or eight people on the deck standing together, their breath is sluggish, and most of them have minor or severe injuries.

"Master, there is a boat on board, the speed is fast, and the goal is still good, you should take the boat and leave!"

These people gathered around a young man, anxiously said,

"I'm not leaving, I'm leaving, what do you do?"


Their heads are sweating anxiously,

"You have been hurt for us, we are content, you are not worthy, because of us, you lost your life."

"Yes, master, you go quickly.

If you don't leave, it will be too late! "

Some of the wounds on these people are still bleeding, but they are all ignored, and they are all persuading the young man to leave first.

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