God-level Punishment System

Chapter 958: Get together

Lexus’s voice was loud and full of air.

Bai Jingyu, Lian Bu and others were shocked by the sudden news, but they couldn't react to the word unbelief.

Because Lexus’s expression didn’t look like a joke at all.

That kind of self-confidence, arrogance, and the domineering of the strong, show everything.

A spit is the solemnity of a nail.

After swallowing hard, he even asked heartily.

"Brother Ling, really go to inform?"

"What? You don't believe me."

Ling Zhi smiled.

"No no no,"

Even cloth waved,

"I'm so excited, if Brother Ling is a master of alchemy, then there will be nothing wrong with our young master?"

Kang Yuan also looked forward to it.

Ling Zhi smiled and glanced at several people, then raised his eyebrows.

"If I and you, I want your young master to eat the soul-recovering pills, all kinds of spiritual pills that heal the souls, and eat them like jelly beans, do you believe it?"


Lian Bu and Kang Yuan yelled in unison, and Lian Bu bowed.

"You are eating here, I will prepare now, and I will make sure that everyone knows that there is an alchemy master here who wants to open the furnace for alchemy!"

"Hey, I can't believe it, those people will never believe it, but they will definitely send someone, that's enough.

Brother Ling, Master, just wait and see. "

Lian Bu danced with excitement. It seemed that he was not only comfortable doing things like this, but he was also happy to see Zheng Bai Jingyu. When Lian Bu left, he explained.

"Lianbu this child has experienced too much at that time, but before he knew it, he became like this."

"Everyone has his own life to go. Since he likes this road, let him go."

"The dragon walks the tiger road, the snake walks the dragon road, the ants enter the den, and the phoenix builds its nest."

Ling Zhi sighed.

"Impermanence, reincarnation, and whoever dares to take the road must be correct.

After all, we are just a drop in the ocean, a group of people. "

Bai Jingyu opened his mouth and said nothing.

"But my Lexus road was chosen by myself, so this road is right."

"When I get to the top, I turn around and look again. Everything is just a passing moment. Only my body will last forever on the earth. It has been reincarnation for a long time and will not change. I enter the cycle and become the supreme, immortal and immortal!"

A dragon-shaped phantom appeared faintly behind Ling Zhi.

Bai Jingyu showed his expression and raised his glass respectfully.

"Well, if Bai Jingyu does not die this time, I will definitely go to see the best gambling style of martial arts with Brother Ling in the future!"

... On the second day, the first morning sun just showed some clues, and there was noisy outside the courtyard.

"You, there will be news that the alchemy master will start the furnace to make alchemy here. Is it true or not?"

"Who knows, but I think it is fake in all likelihood. You don't look at what this yard is. With the identity of an alchemy master, would you make alchemy in such a place?"


One person interrupted him,

"If you don't understand, don't be humiliated. This is Young Master Bai's yard. His character has been seen by everyone over the years and he is absolutely trustworthy."

"Young Master Bai? That young man, Bai Jingyu?"

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, and it was obvious that Lian Bu did not rely on Bai Jingyu's reputation to spread the news.

And in the courtyard, when the morning sun shot in it, a figure was also standing in the courtyard, Zheng Chaoyang shining on Ling Zhi's face, and then slowly moving, illuminating his whole body.

If there is a person with great power, here, you will see that in the sun, there is a stronger golden breath than other places, pouring into Ling Zhi's body.

This is exactly the murderous aura of the real dragon scattered on the ground.

The second level of the Bahuang Liuhelong training Dafa was opened when Lexus inspired the real dragon's killing intent, so the second level of cultivation is also using the real dragon's killing intent to temper the flesh.

And among these murderous auras, it is the most in the sun, especially the Zheng of Chaoyang at this moment in the morning, so if there is no retreat, Ling Zhi will not miss this opportunity to exercise his body.

After being refined into steel, he has never given up on his own physical body.

Ling Zhi's eyes are bright and his movements are swift, no longer more difficult and obscure than when he first played this set of postures, and his movements were like clouds and flowing water in one go.

Just when he was about to end, Kang Yuan rushed in from a distance.

"Brother Ling, a lot of forces have come outside, all waiting for you to start the furnace for alchemy!"

Kang Yuan was worried about Bai Jingyu, for fear that Lexus would not be able to make a pill smoothly, so he was also a little nervous and nervous.

After all, the strength of Lexus was already amazing enough, even better than the young master they regarded as a talent.

If so, you can still become a master of alchemy, it would be too magical and evil.

He rushed towards Lexus, even because he was too excited to stop.

Rushed into Lexus's body within three feet.

Ling Zhi wanted to put away the last posture, but suddenly, it was too late.

Some of the killing intent of the true dragon that Lexus had endured, a small amount of which was gently rubbed on Kang Yuan's body.

Then this eighth-level, powerful Kang Yuan.

He vomited blood and flew out.

If he rushed into contact with the real dragon's killing intent, if it wasn't that Lexus was about to end, he would be dead at the moment.

Ling Zhi didn't care about the first half of the sentence, but gave him a cold look.

"When I practice qigong in the future, don't bother me rashly, be arrogant!"

The Lexus movement returned to its original position and said coldly.

"Brother Ling, don't be angry, it's my fault, it's my fault."

There was panic in Kang Yuan's eyes, and this disparity in strength had dispelled the last trace of doubt in his heart.

For a person like the boy in front of him, what else can he not do? Ling Zhi ignored him, he understood Kang Yuan's psychology very well, changed his clothes, and walked towards the front of the courtyard.

Meet Bai Jingyu, even cloth.

Bai Jingyu glanced at Kang Yuan and snorted suddenly when he saw his eyes dodging.

"Lianbu, open the door."

Bai Jingyu ordered.

The courtyard door opened, and the noise outside the door suddenly rushed in.

A black crowd, various families, various forces, and numerous warriors in Erwei City gathered on this street.

Crowded, shoulder to shoulder, shoulder to shoulder.

"It's Lienbo!"

Someone who knows Lianbu shines,

"Lianbu, if you dare to lie to us, I will see you once and beat you once."

"Yes, yes, it's this one. Yesterday, I bought a hundred thousand spirit stone panacea at our place.

For such a big business, I have to fight with me for a piece of spirit stone! "

Shouted the owner of the elixir.

"I'll even clothe your son, don't sell it, hurry up and invite the master out, so that we can have a long eye!"

The scarcity of alchemists on Yanwei Island makes it easy for the scenes Lexus wants to appear

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