God-level Punishment System

Chapter 986: Three Alchemy Comparisons (1)

In this way, Lian Bu used his ability to do everything that Lexus gave him, and tried to do his best.

This behavior of maneuvering between the entire Weicheng made him feel at ease.

Ling Zhi paused for a while, quietly listening to the report, nodded in satisfaction.

"Good job, very good."

Ling Zhi understood very well that the reason why he could think of these points was not because of how smart he was and how well-planned.

His refreshment machine, in the eyes of many of those eyelashes, is not enough to see.

But the height he stands determines what he does.

From the beginning, he put himself in a proper position, neither arrogant nor self-deprecating.

Moreover, his true strength, compared with the opponent's strength, and other factors, he knew clearly in his heart.

Therefore, he can see farther and more clearly than even the cloth, and when he does things, he will naturally do more directly and effectively.

But in the same way, if there were no people like Lianbu to help him do these things, it would be difficult to do this based on his understanding of the various forces in the city.

This is the reason why surgery has specialization.

A truly powerful leader is nothing but hands-on.

Rather, he can spare the people below, point out a clear direction and guide them on the most correct path.

And Lexus is undoubtedly such a person.

So no matter where he is, he will quickly become the center of a team, a force, and a group.

This is the ability, but also his charisma, the charisma that many people dream of.

Ling Zhi patted the lid of the pill furnace, took out the last pill, and handed it to Lianbu.

"Now the matter of Ocean Crystal can come to an end for the time being. If we want to collect it next, we can only wait until the matter between Ren Hai and I is resolved."

Lexus clapped his hands and began to collect the Spirit Devouring Fire from the furnace.

In the tower, Lexus learned from the expert of the Guru clan, the snow-white beast, that if the spirit devouring fire evolves, it must consume a large amount of spiritual power.

And the best way is naturally to feed it with spirit stones. Lexus does not have that ability yet, and he dare not openly, allowing the fire of spirit devouring to devour the spiritual power of the earth.

Once the Spirit Devouring Fire rages up and grows to a situation beyond his control, let him ignore his own safety. If it grows to the point where it swept across Xuanzhou for thousands of miles and caused all things with spiritual power to be wiped out, how could he? It’s not like becoming a sinner.

Although he is not a virtuous person, he does not do anything wicked! Devouring the spirit of the nine transformations, after the nine transformations, transforming into a holy.

This is the words of the Snow White Big Beast, which means that the Spirit Devouring Fire can evolve at least nine times.

Ling Zhi put a ray of spirit-devouring fire on his palm, and a strange feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

Inexplicably, he felt that the first change of Spirit Devouring Fire was coming.

Although there was no intentional urging of the Spirit Devouring Fire to absorb spiritual power, but for such a long period of alchemy, there were already a lot of spirit stones swallowed, and Ling Zhi could feel that his Spirit Devouring Fire was at a critical point.

It's just a short shot and it's time to reach the second stage! He is looking forward to how much an evolution will increase the power of the Spirit Devouring Fire.

This has helped him a lot from the beginning, but as he grows up, except for the powerful effect of helping him temper his spiritual power in his body, there is no magical flame that has any effect. Will it become his enemy again? the wrist of?


Lianbu looked confused,

"Brother Ling, this matter can't be rushed. If you want to resolve the matter between you and Ren Hai, I'm afraid it will take a long time."

"The news has just spread out. No matter how fast it is, it will take some time for the people of those forces to digest it, especially if you are willing to help them take the first place in the city.

Everyone knows in their hearts that the reason why Erwei City was blindly crushed by Yiwei City in previous years was because of Ren Hai's secret support behind them! "

"But even so, I am afraid it will take some time for the news to spread among all the warriors, let the news heat up, and play a role."

Lian Bu is very clear about Lexus's personality. Lexus is definitely not the kind of person who is arbitrary and does not listen to any opinions, although Lexus has always been decisive and decisive.

So when he felt that Lexus was a little impatient, he bluntly raised his own questions.

Ling Zhi smiled and shook his head.

"You are not an alchemist, so you don't understand, this is not to blame you."

Ling Zhi's eyes fell on the pill furnace,

"You don't know, when two alchemists are at the same level, once there are conflicts or differences, they will naturally not fight like a warrior, so there is a solution to this problem since ancient times, or unspoken rules. ."

Even scratching his head,

"Unspoken rules?"

"Well, we alchemists call this method "three comparisons" for alchemy, one for knowledge, two for Dao, and three for alchemy.

In short, it is the first comparison of common sense between the elixir and the alchemy.

The second comparison is to explain to each other some understanding of alchemy, and to compete with each other.

The third comparison, that is the actual combat of real swords and guns, take the spirit pill! "

Ling Zhi opened his mouth to explain for him.

It can be seen that Lexus really has the idea of ​​cultivating even cloth.

"That is, three matches, the one who wins two games wins?"

Lianbu asked.

"No, there are many ways in this. I will tell you when the time comes."

Ling Zhi shook his head again.

Not stupid, not stupid.

This is like if Lexus were to refine weapons now, even though he was playing with fire, he might not even be able to create an ordinary weapon used by mortals.

Even cloth rubs his hands and stands in place.

"So, now do you know why I suddenly want to compete with you three times?"

"If Brother Ling wins, then Ren Hai will naturally have nothing to say, he won't have the slightest face."

Bubu nodded.

"This is only the second thing. The main thing is that as long as I win, this result will become a catalyst for the news that I let you spread, to promote those people, re-examine and value these news."

"You think that it takes a while for the news to spread, to settle, to allow time to spread the news more widely, but you don’t know that after the news is spread, you can continue to control it, but guide its direction, even through Various methods, to catalyze, to accelerate the penetration of the news."

Lexus guides even cloth.

This is the insight and height that Lexus from the era of information explosion has unmatched.

At the next moment when Ling Zhi and Lian Bu were discussing the matter, a special letter with the seal of the Pill Furnace was sent to Ling Zhi.

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