God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 249: The young emperor's Baiyueguang 45 (recommended ticket break 5000 plus more)

Ningmeng's hand showed unbelievable expressions on the faces of several other people in black.

However, it seemed to be in their expectation.

The three princes have already sent someone to investigate, and Ningmeng seems to have supernatural powers, so this time, they will be allowed to use drugs.

However, he did not expect that the intense drug addiction to her body only made her fall asleep for two cups of tea?

Or is she actually awake earlier?

After Ningmeng killed the man in black, she quickly turned over to the horse, then grabbed the reins and patted the horse under her!

The horse yelled, and then ran quickly.

Ningmeng's movements were completed in one go, as if she had previewed it countless times in her mind, and now she was just repeating it.

"Chasing!" The man in black said.

The five men in black quickly got on their horses and followed closely behind Ningmeng.

This is Ningmeng's first time riding a horse. She is unfamiliar with her skills. Seeing that the five men in black are about to catch up, the iron rods in Ningmeng's hands are taken back and turned into lighters and grenades.

Ningmeng lit a grenade and threw it at the back.

With a "bang", the horse's frightened voice mixed with the screams of the man in black.

The grenade successfully stopped the men in black, but Ningmeng didn't feel much better.

The horse under her was also frightened, and after crowing up to the sky a few times, it suddenly ran into the forest.

Ningmeng didn't have the slightest horse riding skills. After riding a bumpy ride, he was thrown off his horse.

This place happened to be a slope, and Ningmeng yelled "Ah" and rolled directly down the slope.

Fortunately, the **** is not steep and there are no large rocks. Ning Meng's body is fine except for some small scratches and the dislocation of her left foot when she just fell off.

Ningmeng lay down under the slope, panting, intending to rest for a while and get up again.

As a result, I didn't expect that after a while, some quizzical voices were heard not far away.

Several figures ran out from the place Ningmeng had just passed by, standing on the top of the slope, seeming to be discussing something.

Ningmeng slowed her breathing, and when she took a closer look, she found that the five of them were not dead! And he caught up so quickly!

At this moment, Ningmeng lay flat on the spot, even more dared not to move, even breathing carefully, for fear that those few people would have discovered her existence.

The five men in black turned their heads and looked around, and finally ran in the other direction unanimously.

Ningmeng took a deep breath, fearing that they would return the same way. After hearing their voices, she quickly got up from the ground.

She had already dislocated one foot. Ningmeng looked down at her injured left foot, and did not take this injury to heart, but this injury limited her speed of movement.

At this moment, Ning Meng, like a little spy, bent over and walked slowly down against the hillside.

Now that the people in black went to the top, she hurriedly walked in the opposite direction, and stayed farther and farther away from them.

However, before Ningmeng took a few steps, she suddenly felt a coolness rising from her back. That coolness suddenly rose from her cervical spine. As soon as Ningmeng turned her head, she found the five that had already gone. The man in black, standing not far behind her at the moment, was staring at her coldly, as if looking at a prey that should have died.


small theater:

Ningmeng: QAQ I ran too many words, and I couldn't get you out.

Qi Yu (coming forward to give a hug): It's all right, you run slowly, don't fall.

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